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Phuket schoolgirl, 11, dies after struck by Mercedes


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Phuket schoolgirl, 11, dies after struck by Mercedes 

Eakkapop Thongtub



Rescue workers rush young Rattana, 11, to Thalang Hospital after the accident. Photo: Eakkapop Thongtub

PHUKET: An 11-year-old girl has died after being struck by a car while crossing the road in Pa Khlok, becoming the island’s second death during the Seven Days of Danger New Year road-safety campaign.


Rattana Boonchoop, a 5th grade student, was struck by a Mercedes-Benz C350e in front of Ban Paklok School at about 2:30pm yesterday (Dec 30).


Rattana was crossing the road from her home to see a teacher at the school, her grief-stricken mother, Wanlapa Boonchoop, told police.

Full story: https://www.thephuketnews.com/phuket-schoolgirl-11-dies-after-struck-by-mercedes-65361.php#0e2H5DrHrLzFMJI1.97


-- © Copyright Phuket News 2017-12-31



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"The Mercedes, sporting limited-edition licence plates, did not stop at the scene after running down the young schoolgirl, though Jurairat Junphum, 41, called 191 at about 3pm to report herself as the driver in the incident.

Ms Jurairat presented herself and the car at Thalang Police Station, where Lt Suriyon Muang noted that the vehicle had sustained damage to the front commensurate with the impact.

Ms Jurairat told officers that she left the scene of the accident for fear of her safety."




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4 hours ago, JHolmesJr said:

whats the going rate for a thai to get out of a pickle like this one?


Pay some witnesses to say the child ran across the road.  Case closed. No consequences for the driver.


How much for some paid witnesses, maybe 10k, 15k or 20k each. 


Life is cheap here, especially when they are not working and supporting a family.

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2 hours ago, NamKangMan said:


Pay some witnesses to say the child ran across the road.  Case closed. No consequences for the driver.


How much for some paid witnesses, maybe 10k, 15k or 20k each. 


Life is cheap here, especially when they are not working and supporting a family.

Of course, as usual, you are suggestion about your personal experience as you would never write anything that is not true

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.... and the usual bone comments appear. I am surprised 'Boy' hasn't been mentioned yet (oops!).


What hasn't been mentioned here yet is the sterling work of the ambulance guys who actually got her heart started again, before she sadly died.


At least you have had your say though.


As for NKM- I suppose baht buses would be the answer.- you really need to change your record.

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7 hours ago, BuaBS said:

"The Mercedes, sporting limited-edition licence plates, did not stop at the scene after running down the young schoolgirl, though Jurairat Junphum, 41, called 191 at about 3pm to report herself as the driver in the incident.

Ms Jurairat presented herself and the car at Thalang Police Station, where Lt Suriyon Muang noted that the vehicle had sustained damage to the front commensurate with the impact.

Ms Jurairat told officers that she left the scene of the accident for fear of her safety."




Yep, because a description of the car is SOOOOOOOOOOOO important. Would it read different f it were 'Somchai's pickup'?

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The driver's reason for not stopping is a valid one considering the possibility of being beaten up by locals. She did the responsible thing of calling 191 & then turning up at the police station to take responsibility for what happened. Talk about pay offs is pure conjecture although quite likely to happen. Making payments to family can avoid a civil case but criminal charges can still be laid.

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1 hour ago, Valentine said:

The driver's reason for not stopping is a valid one considering the possibility of being beaten up by locals. She did the responsible thing of calling 191 & then turning up at the police station to take responsibility for what happened. Talk about pay offs is pure conjecture although quite likely to happen. Making payments to family can avoid a civil case but criminal charges can still be laid.

Yes, most likely insurance will make a considerable payment.

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8 hours ago, Rhys said:

Senseless,  RIP...Be strong family mom dad, sisters, brother... just sad... even the driver too.. she will have to live with the fact she killed the little girl..sad.

Thinking like a Westerner.

The driver won't have to live with it. As far as she is concerned, karma came to pass and she was just it's instrument.

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As much as I disagree with leaving the scene of an accident there is and it has been reported many times here, mod mentality where the driver has been beaten by angry on lookers, family members etc. At least she presented herself to the Police.  Interesting that this publication uses the BRAND of car in their headlines. As if its a crime that someone with money should get into an accident. The reporting is 'poverty mentality'

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The key to the article for me was mentioning a Mercedes in the title and describing what type (350e = $50K+ in the West) and the personalized license plate in the article's body.


This equals $$$


$$$ talks and ? walks


It's a sad fact of life the world over but more-so in SE Asia.


Sad for the little girl's family. Happy New Year eh.

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7 hours ago, Valentine said:

The driver's reason for not stopping is a valid one considering the possibility of being beaten up by locals. She did the responsible thing of calling 191 & then turning up at the police station to take responsibility for what happened. Talk about pay offs is pure conjecture although quite likely to happen. Making payments to family can avoid a civil case but criminal charges can still be laid.

Criminal charges laid against the driver of a limited edition Mercedes?
Unlikely to stick.
Perhaps filed against the parents for not teaching their child the importance of stopping when Hi-So luxury cars approach and give a respectful wai, or perhaps glap, which had she done so would have saved her life.  The ignorance of the little people can't be blamed on the wealthy. 
A little bit of money will be spread around - not too much. Don't want the poor throwing themselves in front of luxury cars. This will disappear in less than 24 hour of a news cycle.

Edited by connda
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very sad for the little girl. hate to say it but people and children do indeed walk into the road indiscriminately and sometimes from a point such as between 2 parked cars.


also have seen cars not slowing at schools despite traffic signs to do so.

Edited by atyclb
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14 hours ago, KarenBravo said:

And whilst she was getting dragged out of her car and beaten, exactly what could she do for the girl?


How many occasions has that happened where the driver was female and car a benz with personalized plates?


Usually it's the ones trying to flee who get caught and beaten.

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6 hours ago, Baerboxer said:


How many occasions has that happened where the driver was female and car a benz with personalized plates?


Usually it's the ones trying to flee who get caught and beaten.

Somehow, I don't think she would be thinking about playing the odds. What if she was wrong?

Her actions are quite acceptable in Thailand.

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18 minutes ago, KarenBravo said:

Somehow, I don't think she would be thinking about playing the odds. What if she was wrong?

Her actions are quite acceptable in Thailand.


Yes Thais have a tendency to run away after an accident even if the victim is dead and there is no one around to beat them up.  Does it make it acceptable in Thailand?  it is certainly not the behaviour I condone but we all have different levels of Thainess

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I can understand why she ran away - mob justice can rear its ugly head very quickly.  She should have driven straight to the nearest police station.  In two countries where I have worked  the police and employers both advocated doing just that if your vehicle was still mobile.  

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1 hour ago, isaanbanhou said:


Yes Thais have a tendency to run away after an accident even if the victim is dead and there is no one around to beat them up.  Does it make it acceptable in Thailand?  it is certainly not the behaviour I condone but we all have different levels of Thainess

Hold on a sec. There are the people that don't stop, run away and never report, hoping to get away with it. These are the majority. Then there are the people that don't stop but, head straight to a police station to report the incident.

The first are immoral. The second are dutiful citizens that don't want to take the risk of becoming a victim themselves.

The two types are entirely different and should not be conflated.


Nothing to do with "Thainess". If in your own country, it was common for mobs to assault drivers after an accident, then, you too would do the same.

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It's also the same 'road rule' in Indonesia. I took the driving test 31 years ago. Much the same as Phuket 20 years ago. The written paper asked that very question about what to do in the event of a serious accident. One possible answer was drive away and report to a police station within 24 hours. I guess I must have checked that box as I passed the test. But I was astonished  at  that sort of attitude. I did some research (harder before the internet) and found a few true stories about drivers being killed for running over a child in a remote village. 

Edited by LivinginKata
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