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Trump targets book, threatens ex-ally Bannon with legal action


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Trump targets book, threatens ex-ally Bannon with legal action

By Steve Holland and Doina Chiacu



FILE PHOTO: White House Chief Strategist Stephen Bannon (L) attends a meeting between U.S. President Donald Trump and congressional leaders to discuss trade deals at the at the Roosevelt room of the White House in Washington U.S., February 2, 2017. REUTERS/Carlos Barria/File Photo


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump's lawyer said on Thursday he would try to stop publication of a book that portrays an inept president in a fumbling White House and threatened legal action against former top aide Steve Bannon over "defamatory" comments in the book.


"Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House" by author Michael Wolff set off a political firestorm with its portrayal of Trump as not particularly wanting to win the U.S. presidency in 2016 and unprepared for the job.


Some of the harshest commentary came from Bannon, the right-wing firebrand who headed the final stage of Trump's campaign and became chief strategist at the White House before being fired in August.


Charles Harder, Trump's personal lawyer, in a legal notice provided to Reuters, warned of possible claims including libel against Wolff and publisher Henry Holt & Co and threatened to try to block publication of the book. Harder also told Reuters that "legal action is imminent" against Bannon.


The publishing house announced that "due to unprecedented demand," it would release the book on Friday morning, rushing it to print after previously planning to put it out next Tuesday.


Wolff and Holt did not respond to requests for comment.


Trump cut ties with Bannon on Wednesday, saying his former adviser had "lost his mind," in a blistering statement issued after comments attributed to Bannon in the book were made public.


White House spokeswoman Sarah Sanders heaped scorn on Bannon and the book at her briefing on Thursday. She said Breitbart News should consider firing Bannon and attempted to cast doubt on Wolff's accuracy.


She called the book "some trash" that came from "an author that no one had ever heard of until today."


"This book is mistake after mistake after mistake," she said.


Trump lawyers sent a cease-and-desist letter to Bannon on Wednesday asking him not to disclose any confidential information. They said Bannon had breached an agreement by communicating with Wolff about Trump, his family and the campaign and made "disparaging statements and in some cases outright defamatory statements" about them.


In the book, Bannon was quoted as describing a June 2016 meeting with a group of Russians at Trump Tower in New York as "treasonous" and "unpatriotic." The meeting, held after the Russians promised damaging information on Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, was attended by Donald Trump Jr., Trump's son-in-law, Jared Kushner, and Paul Manafort, Trump's campaign manager at the time.


Trump's statement also diminished Bannon's role in the election victory and accused him of leaking to the media. Before joining the campaign, Bannon headed the conservative Breitbart News website and proved to be a divisive figure in the White House. He returned to Breitbart after being fired, although he is reported to have continued to talk with Trump.




Bannon's reaction to the book controversy has been muted. In interviews with Breitbart News after the news broke, he called Trump a "great man" and pledged continued support for the president's agenda.


The president took note. "He called me a great man last night so he obviously changed his tune pretty quick," Trump told reporters on Thursday. "I don't talk to him. That's a misnomer."


Bradley Moss, a Washington lawyer specializing in national security law, said any non-disclosure agreement would not apply to Bannon once he became a government employee. The government has far less power to limit speech by employees than private companies, Moss said.


A lawsuit could hurt Trump because Bannon's lawyers would be entitled to interview White House officials and collect potentially damaging documents from them in his defence, Moss said.


"I assume the cease-and-desist letter is aimed primarily at the public," added Michael Dorf, a professor at Cornell Law School. "The idea that he could block publication is absurd."


On Thursday, the White House also said no personal devices, including cellphones, would be allowed in the White House West Wing beginning next week for security purposes. The moves followed the Bannon split but had been considered for some time, White House officials said.


Bannon helped Trump shape a populist, anti-establishment message and had been the president's link to his hard-line conservative base of support, which is often at odds with the Republican Party establishment.


The story that triggered the Trump-Bannon split was an offshoot of the investigation into whether Trump campaign aides colluded with Russia to sway the election to Trump, allegations Trump and Moscow deny.


Manafort and business associate Rick Gates, another campaign aide, pleaded not guilty in November to federal charges brought by Special Counsel Robert Mueller including conspiracy to launder money. Manafort sued Mueller on Wednesday, alleging that his investigation exceeded its legal authority.


(Reporting by Steve Holland; Additional reporting by Doina Chiacu in Washington and Jan Wolfe and Catherine Koppel in New York; Writing by Doina Chiacu; Editing by Bill Trott and Peter Cooney)

-- © Copyright Reuters 2018-01-05
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1 hour ago, webfact said:

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump's lawyer said on Thursday he would try to stop publication of a book that portrays an inept president in a fumbling White House and threatened legal action against former top aide Steve Bannon over "defamatory" comments in the book.

Good luck, Donny Boy!


There isn't a snowball's chance in hell that he can stop the book from being released; all he is doing is ensuring that even more people will read it. The threat of a lawsuit, while often made by Trump, is the stupidest political move in history. 


Besides, there would have to proof of malice. The book "...portrays an inept president in a fumbling White House..." The idea that you could prove that statement wrong is funny, the idea that you could prove that statement is libelous under the First amendment is ludicrous. Hey Donny Boy, perhaps you should actually read the constitution to see what it says...


I have said it before and (sadly) will say it again;


Donald Trump is an ever-expanding cloud of toxic waste that defiles everything it touches.


God help us all.


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3 hours ago, webfact said:

Charles Harder, Trump's personal lawyer, in a legal notice provided to Reuters, warned of possible claims including libel against Wolff and publisher Henry Holt & Co and threatened to try to block publication of the book. Harder also told Reuters that "legal action is imminent" against Bannon.


The publishing house announced that "due to unprecedented demand," it would release the book on Friday morning, rushing it to print after previously planning to put it out next Tuesday.

Love it!


So in response to Trumps legal threats, the publishers have found that demand for the book is so 'unprecedented' that they will start sales today! What a funny weekend it is going to be. Can't wait to read all the excerpts that are no doubt in the book about Trumps infidelity and sexual harassment of women.  Seems like Wolff will do what all the Republican politicians didn't have the moral courage to do - he will bring Trump down.


I don't fancy Trumps blood pressure reading will be all to good at his medical next week.  :cheesy:

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Coming from someone who's publicly accusing people of being illegal immigrants (his wife was one) Obama not being born in the US, calling people crooked, corrupt, crazy, criminal etc., I am no fan of Bannon, but he was in bed with the megalomaniac calling himself 'President' eventhough that monkey is trying to distance himself from Bannon now, and I suspect that most, if not all, is true. Can't wait to read it. 

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1 hour ago, Andaman Al said:

Love it!


So in response to Trumps legal threats, the publishers have found that demand for the book is so 'unprecedented' that they will start sales today! What a funny weekend it is going to be. Can't wait to read all the excerpts that are no doubt in the book about Trumps infidelity and sexual harassment of women.  Seems like Wolff will do what all the Republican politicians didn't have the moral courage to do - he will bring Trump down.


I don't fancy Trumps blood pressure reading will be all to good at his medical next week.  :cheesy:

11 astonishing claims from the new book about Donald Trump


Donald Trump allowed journalist Michael Wolff access to his administration for research due to his favorable opinion of an article Wolff had written about him in June 2016, but he might be regretting that decision now.:cheesy:



 "Sarah Sanders said the book was filled with "false and misleading accounts",


How would she know? The sales of the book starts on Jan. 9

Edited by Skywalker69
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I believe the revelations in this book are simply going to corroborate most of what the press has been reporting daily about Trump.  He is abrasive; prejudiced; uninformed; doesn't listen; reacts but doesn't plan; angers easily; mentally unstable and much more.


The real issue is the fact that members of the Trump team -to include his son- met with representatives of a foreign government- Russia- and expected to be given information that was damaging to Hillary Clinton.  I just can't imagine Trump did not know about this meeting and even if he didn't he covered it up. It all should have been reported to the FBI. Even Bannon, who I have no respect for, labelled the meeting potentially treasonous and certainly unpatriotic.

The question remains- did the Russian meddling cause enough of an issue to affect the election and the vote. If so,  Trump may not have legitimately won the election. At the very least, some of the participants in this meeting are going to be indicted and Trump has left himself open to an obstruction of justice charge. That would be enough to potentially impeach him. 

At this very moment- Trump could beat the Impeachment due to numbers of Republicans in Congress but after the 2018 Congressional elections- should Democrats gain control of the Congress- they are going after Trump with everything they can.  Time is not on his side and that is why he is trying to derail the investigation.

To me, Trump could actually change some of the narrative by simply come out in favor of the investigation; stop criticising the press; stop tweeting his displeasure with everything and everyone and actually act like a real human being. This won't happen because Trump is a  narcissist who can't ever accept criticism or admit wrong-  He will continue to seal his own fate and unfortunately the fate of America and the World rides on this mentally unstable man.


I keep hoping it can't get worse- but it does and it can. God help us!!!

Edited by Thaidream
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Trump’s ‘Fear Of Being Poisoned’ Reportedly Fuels His McDonald’s Habit


For President Donald Trump, McDonald’s is to food as Fox News is to TV channels ― just the best in the field. Trump has praised the fast food giant’s “great” products and general “cleanliness.” Now a new book suggests there’s another, darker factor fueling his McDonald’s habit.



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The White House must be one of the most secure places on Earth with it's massive security detail and food preparation teams beyond reproach and Trump orders from McDonalds who has the most unhealthy food imaginable and could easily be infiltrated by a potential assassin.

What does he do- have one of his security staff taste the french fries before he eats one ?  Maybe he has a mini McDonalds on his personal plane and also Air Force One. Talk about paranoid.  Good Lord!!

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6 hours ago, the guest said:

I think Americans know already how inept Trump is. You only have to hear him on the podium, struggling to string two coherent words together. My five-year-old can give better speeches than this idiot !

Really! Those who voted for change didn't vote for a orator or a well spoken politician ! We voted for change! The problem is many people refuse to accept that lol 

Edited by riclag
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2 hours ago, Skywalker69 said:

 "Sarah Sanders said the book was filled with "false and misleading accounts",


How would she know? The sales of the book starts on Jan. 9

She or her staff read excerpts just like your source did.

Edited by riclag
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"If ever there were a man who deserved to get Wolffed, it’s Donald Trump.

Wolff’s penetration of the White House presents two equally damning conclusions about Trump—that’s he’s too much of an egoist to care who might be loitering around the White House, gathering string on him, and that he’s too incurious about the world to spot a potential danger to his presidency."




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I think this is the most important thing about Wolff's book. It says in excruciating detail what people in contact with Trump have known all along.



It's Been an Open Secret All Along

The scandal of Michael Wolff’s new book isn’t its salacious details—it’s that everyone in Washington has known its key themes, and refused to act.


"The details in Michael Wolff’s new book Fire and Fury make it unforgettable, and potentially historic. We’ll see how many of them fully stand up, and in what particulars, but even at a heavy discount, it’s a remarkable tale.


But what Wolff is describing is an open secret."



Here is an excerpt written by Wolff on his book. Well worth a read.





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Yes, America wanted a change and many voted for Trump in the hope there would be a change and they got one, but not the change they hoped for or wanted.


His supporters were suckered and promised things by Trump that had little real relevance to what America needs and his actions so far have proved the fact that not only is Trump incompetent- he has no real idea how to govern or to take responsibility for his actions.


America wanted real Healthcare- universal healthcare and Trump tried to give them a healthcare system worse than Obamacare and it was luckily defeated- because Senator John Mccain refused to vote  in favor of such nonsense.. Instead, Americans got the same healthcare system without the mandate or funding which will force millions more into having no healthcare. Trump can't seem to understand that every industrialized nation has universal healthcare exceot the US.


Americans wanted a tax cut but instead they got a poultry extra $2.50 per day while the wealthy will get six figure tax relief and business will get a massive repatriation of funds from abroad which they will pocket and not hire anyone. Instead America and Americans got a $trillion added to its deficit which our grandchildren will someday be forced to pay. This not a tax cut but a tax scam for the rich.


Americans wanted to have a real Immigration bill which would ease the problems of illegals coming into the country. Instead- there is no immigration bill- which is needed to legalise much needed foreign labor- it got an Executive order which bans Muslims from countries that hardly ever emigrate to America and is considered discriminatory and also an Immigration Department that was supposed to pick up criminal illegals and instead deports people with no criminal history who have jobs  and are contributing or children brought to America while they were young and had no choice .

Then throw in a border wall which will cost $20 Billion and do nothing to stop people who really want to enter the US to do damage to the American Nation. Instead, the damage will be done to needed foreign labor and worsen relations with our neighbor Mexico who Trump insists will pay for this useless wall. Guess what- Mexico will never pay for it but they may take their  normal imports of American agricultural products which number in the billions and instead import from other South American countries. A loss of business for American farmers- simply because Trump doesn't like Mexico or Hispanics.


Americans want a foreign policy that protects American interest around the World. Instead Trump has angered longstanding American Allies and threatened war with countries such as Iran and N Korea - raising the stakes for nuclear war instead of seeking quiet and effective diplomacy. His blustering and lack of any type of mature profile has caused the World to fear for its safety and exposed America to  disdain around the World.


Americans want a President that not only acts and speaks in their interest and is respected around the World for being fair and caring. They do not want a foul mouthed; narcissistic; unstable leader who cars more about how he looks rather than caring about the downtrodden; poor and disenfranchised.


I didn't vote for Trump becuase I recognized all the things he said in the campaign were lies and his style was not only crude but disgusting. Yet, I accepted him as President and hoped he would grow into the office and become 'Presidential'   I wanted him to succeed because anyone who is an American wants the country to be a success.


Unfortunately, after one year in office- I am convinced he will never succeed because he simply cares only for himself.  The only swamp that exists is the putrid swamp he has created in the White House and it is engulfing his Presidency.  He is truly incompetent and I believe he is mentally unstable. His narcissism exhibited is that of a personality disorder which makes him dangerous to our republic. He has already done terrific damage to America's image and he must be removed from office- either by impeachment or invoking the 25th Amendment.


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2 hours ago, riclag said:

Really! Those who voted for change didn't vote for a orator or a well spoken politician ! We voted for change! The problem is many people refuse to accept that lol 

To want change is totally understandable but if you haven't figured out by now that you were conned there really is no hope for you.

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6 hours ago, zaphod reborn said:

Prior restraint is almost always forbidden under U.S. constitutional law.  Interestingly, probably the only exception which could be argued would be that publication of the book will taint the jury pool . . .  for Trump's criminal trial!

Now that is a very interesting point. Maybe Trump has got Wolff to put in a book all the things everyone was talking about anyway, so that he (Trump) and his family can wriggle out saying they can't get a fair trial. :biggrin: Straight out of a reality TV script............Doh!

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4 hours ago, riclag said:

Really! Those who voted for change didn't vote for a orator or a well spoken politician ! We voted for change! The problem is many people refuse to accept that lol 

I think you deserve some kudos for still trying to defend Trump,  most other Trumpsters have given up.  Change was needed but not the change that Trump has in mind. I am not expecting to get you to change your mind about Donald, if you can't see it now you probably never will.

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I have been reading extracts from the book in The Times for the last couple of days and I am now pleased to be able to buy it.  I am not expecting it to be accurate on all counts but from what I have read so far the gist appears to be spot on.  As for Bannon, well nothing is more vicious than a scorned lover!

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"Trump has made sure that every person in America who pays attention to politics is going to know the details of the book."


Wolff on book's early release date: 'Thank you, Mr. President'



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6 hours ago, riclag said:

Really! Those who voted for change didn't vote for a orator or a well spoken politician ! We voted for change! The problem is many people refuse to accept that lol 

Well the big problem with your idea, as anybody that has ever been the boss of a big company knows is that change should only ever be implemented if it is going to improve things, otherwise the situation you are in will be much much worse.


What you are failing to grasp is this - The change that was promised was false, it was a lie and now the situation for the USA is far far worse than it ever has been both on an individual basis (unless you are one of the few chosen swamp monsters) and national basis. The security situation internationally is also far far worse.


Faced with that blatant reality, any sane person would no longer give loyalty to the liar that has cheated them of the opportunity for positive change, which I understand, people wanted. You have been duped by a known, catalogued serial con man. Coming to the harsh reality of accepting that will be difficult, but far less difficult in the long term than running this man out of town now. Trump has deserved to be in jail many times in his life for a variety of crimes, why is anyone in the least bit bothered if a Russia investigation (even if there is no collusion) will be the vehicle to put him in jail and ruin him. A crime is a crime and his life is full of them. - Oh and yes, if HRC has committed crimes that are PROVEN that should result in jail time, then I will be the first to donate to an orange boiler suit.


Trump is toxic and toxic waste needs moving quick to a secure and safe location. We all knew the truth about Trump and now one man will become a multi millionaire many times over for putting that truth in a book. A strange world we live in. Maybe now the minority of Trump supporters that can read will get off the snake oil band waggon and get back to their senses.

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