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Overstaying Brit arrested after death of Pattaya bar girl is convicted rapist on the run from UK police

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32 minutes ago, ALFREDO said:

So - who forced the action to the balcony and on to the handrail? The woman?


If that is what happened - a dangerous (balancing) act - trying to avoid the plunge and cheating death

against or on, the handrail. 


Just sex on the balcony floor in missionary or other position on the floor will not have that crazy sorry outcome! 

The responsibility is in any way on the guys side! :post-4641-1156693976:


Who said anyone forced anything?

they were both guilty of stupidity.


(dear senior player... this is a response to a post including a previous of mine... vs nit picking)

54 minutes ago, farcanell said:

The general consensus is that Vella is scum, who should be shot or imprisoned ( with key tossed) and that he gets some unwanted loving whilst incarcerated.


i really don’t need to make stuff up.... the post about hanging drawing and quartering was styled “ braveheart” treatment... which is very specifically being hung drawn and quartered ( for high treason)


and going by whats reported, vs speculation, it seems like an accident, with police saying “ we think this kinky sex on the balcony caused her to fall

Ok, I’ve just checked the latest update on this particularly unsavoury topic and it appears, according to The Sun, that “an outstanding warrant was issued against him on October 12 when he FAILED to attend Worcester Crown Court.” Unquote. Therefore, can one not surmise that Mr Villa knew he had a date to appear in court before October 12 but decided to not attend and instead “abscond” and slip out of the country so that he could start this new life and “fresh start” in Pattaya and avoid punishment? Again, I’m only quoting media sources, but his brother has gone on record as saying, “He was going to Thailand to make a fresh start.” Of course, the brother doesn’t mention that Reece failed to turn up for his court appearance hence the need of a bench warrant. 


Sorry, I’ve just noticed I’ve quoted another one of your defensive rants by mistake, Mr Mason, but my original point still stands: Mr Villa absconded from the country when he should have been making a court appearance here in the UK on other charges. Again, I’m unsure of when Reece Vella entered The Kingdom of Thailand as I haven’t come across a mention of that date, yet. Maybe you can fill us in on that, especially as you two seem so close and all? The mind boggles at the reasoning behind why you think this girl’s death is just an accident. You can’t even be bothered to say unfortunate in your anemic defense. It’s like this is an everyday occurrence to you and nothing at all strikes you as unusual about her death. Just one of those things, eh? Shrugs shoulders. 

  • Like 2
15 minutes ago, farcanell said:

Who said anyone forced anything?

they were both guilty of stupidity.


My mother always said - who pays - gives the orders!


So - I believe he gave the orders - so his responsibility - :post-4641-1156693976:


you a hair splinter or just bored and want annoy others.


You really good in that. :saai:

14 hours ago, Straight8 said:

Or at least should legally not have been there for the past 59 days. None of this would have happened.

Given that he has already spent time inside I would question how he could support himself legally on an extended holiday, unless he had a good stash of money from his drug dealing.


Some thoughts:


I don't understand why guys this age pay for sex.  It's really not that difficult to pull Thai girls, but maybe she was a 10/10, who knows.  For me a big part of ****ing someone is that they want me to do it.  I'd struggle to finish if I was handing over money because the girl probably wouldn't be there without that money, and that's a big turn off for me.  I understand when you get to 50-60 and you want to continue having sex with 25 year olds, but not when you are still in your twenties/thirties/whatever.


What position could she possibly be in on the balcony that would enable penetration and also enable her to fall off the balcony?  Unless she's sat on the balcony and the guy is 10 feet tall?


He should have accepted the game was up when she fell.  Running was pointless and just made his situation worse. He's lucky to be charged with only causing death by reckless actions (is that the equivalent of manslaughter?).  In the UK he'd be charged with murder I suspect, especially if he ran.


59 days, plus the 30 he got for his visa exempt.  He didn't even make 100 days...

1 minute ago, dfdgfdfdgs said:

Some thoughts:

I don't understand why guys this age pay for sex.  It's really not that difficult to pull Thai girls, but maybe she was a 10/10, who knows.  For me a big part of ****ing someone is that they want me to do it.  I'd struggle to finish if I was handing over money because the girl probably wouldn't be there without that money, and that's a big turn off for me.  I understand when you get to 50-60 and you want to continue having sex with 25 year olds, but not when you are still in your twenties/thirties/whatever.


A bit too much information there .

  • Haha 2
1 hour ago, Senior Player said:

Ok, I’ve just checked the latest update on this particularly unsavoury topic and it appears, according to The Sun, that “an outstanding warrant was issued against him on October 12 when he FAILED to attend Worcester Crown Court.” Unquote. Therefore, can one not surmise that Mr Villa knew he had a date to appear in court before October 12 but decided to not attend and instead “abscond” and slip out of the country so that he could start this new life and “fresh start” in Pattaya and avoid punishment? Again, I’m only quoting media sources, but his brother has gone on record as saying, “He was going to Thailand to make a fresh start.” Of course, the brother doesn’t mention that Reece failed to turn up for his court appearance hence the need of a bench warrant. 


Sorry, I’ve just noticed I’ve quoted another one of your defensive rants by mistake, Mr Mason, but my original point still stands: Mr Villa absconded from the country when he should have been making a court appearance here in the UK on other charges. Again, I’m unsure of when Reece Vella entered The Kingdom of Thailand as I haven’t come across a mention of that date, yet. Maybe you can fill us in on that, especially as you two seem so close and all? The mind boggles at the reasoning behind why you think this girl’s death is just an accident. You can’t even be bothered to say unfortunate in your anemic defense. It’s like this is an everyday occurrence to you and nothing at all strikes you as unusual about her death. Just one of those things, eh? Shrugs shoulders. 

Lol... better senior... much better.


but still... if you had read my posts, you will indeed see that I said the death was unfortunate... so... dude... “bothered”... “ anemic defense”... blah blah... read my posts if you wish to cast aspersions, because.... wrong.


Never mind.... your minds boggling, I understand.


perhaps if you bothered to review the material, you would understand why i can accept that this was misadventure. (Hint... I outlined that quite clearly in my posts that you didn’t bother reading)


meanwhile, perhaps you can logically explain why you cannot accept that this was an accident, they do happen ( it’s in their nature)... without resorting to assuming that because he raped a teenager, when he was a teenager, then he’s guilty. Put that stuff aside momentarily... breath deeply... use your words.


Oh... BTW, Your last two sentence went juvenile again... that’s a silly troll... and a poorly crafted attack.

3 hours ago, farcanell said:

None of which he is being charged with... so yer, I can read.... and as these are not his crimes (no charges laid)... I ask again, what was the very despicable crime you referenced?


and I asked nicely... no sarcasm etc included... try it.

So why he is not released then?

He will be charged with several serious crimes.

  • Thanks 1
6 hours ago, SheungWan said:

Intellectual honesty? :sleepy: All I read in the above is another contributor pushing an accident scenario for a convicted violent rapist on the run.


6 hours ago, manarak said:

I am pushing nothing, I look for the most probable way things happened according to FACTS.


you on the other hand are pushing the worst possible scenario in total disregard of the facts, simply based on what the guy did in his past.

intellectual dishonesty right there.

...and more of the same attempt to kick the death into the long grass. Obviously this violent rapist, well, this time just an unfortunate accident. The first girl, a teenager he punched in the face twice, then hit her with a bin lid and then raped her. The second girl, a Thai girl, too dead to give any evidence. He should employ a team of defence lawyers from this thread. They are certainly cheap.

6 hours ago, Jip99 said:



I think Calover makes a fare point.


Such brazen acts are not the 'norm' from Thai girls - whether from soi 6 or not.

Thank you.

48 minutes ago, SheungWan said:


...and more of the same attempt to kick the death into the long grass. Obviously this violent rapist, well, this time just an unfortunate accident. The first girl, a teenager he punched in the face twice, then hit her with a bin lid and then raped her. The second girl, a Thai girl, too dead to give any evidence. He should employ a team of defence lawyers from this thread. They are certainly cheap.

In addition, 


He may have learned from the first experience -- live witnesses might snitch.... dead witnesses don't.  


The balcony railing is typically built to be higher than an average westerners centre of balance - by a good safety margin.  


The centre of balance on your average Thai female (female centre of balance is already lower than the male centre of balance).  That means that she would have had to be boosted by 45cm or more to fall over the barrier.  To me, it makes it very unlikely that it was just an innocent accident.

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“We feel really sorry for the girl and her family. It was an accident, we know it was. It’s awful.”


Yeah sure it was, based on the fact he has never done anything violent to women before I suppose. Let’s hope a long jail term in Thailand and the attention from his fellow Thai inmates sorts him out.

16 hours ago, farcanell said:

Of course her profession is relevant. Very relevant. It explains why she was there.... in absolute terms


additionally, as a prostitute (on the clock), it in highly indicative that she was a willing partner .... vs forced


and yes, she may have been murdered.... but he was arrested on suspicion of negligence causing others to die.... not murder or rape or for having weird sex.... but suspicion of negligence.


murder and rape and violence aren’t mentioned by police


Ahh, victim blaming at it finest, she was a prostitute so deserved to be raped and she was a prostitute so you can’t rape a pro right? Prostitution is a dangerous profession, they get targeted by all sorts of creepy men knowing full well their word won’t be taken seriously by most law enforcement agencies in the world.

lets hope a long stay in prison in Thailand sorts him out, I’m sure the Thai men in that prison will not be impressed with someone who murdered a Thai woman, even if she was a hooker.

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8 minutes ago, cat handler said:


Ahh, victim blaming at it finest, she was a prostitute so deserved to be raped and she was a prostitute so you can’t rape a pro right? Prostitution is a dangerous profession, they get targeted by all sorts of creepy men knowing full well their word won’t be taken seriously by most law enforcement agencies in the world.

lets hope a long stay in prison in Thailand sorts him out, I’m sure the Thai men in that prison will not be impressed with someone who murdered a Thai woman, even if she was a hooker.

you are getting emotional, you know, like the rest of us, nothing about what truly happened. You know that he wasn't a model citizen but that doesn't prove he was guilty of murder.

  • Like 1
6 minutes ago, soalbundy said:

you are getting emotional, you know, like the rest of us, nothing about what truly happened. You know that he wasn't a model citizen but that doesn't prove he was guilty of murder.


Not guilty of murder? Is that based on the inherit trustworthiness of the words from a violent rapist and thief? He threw her off the balcony, if that’s not murder what is?

6 minutes ago, cat handler said:


Not guilty of murder? Is that based on the inherit trustworthiness of the words from a violent rapist and thief? He threw her off the balcony, if that’s not murder what is?

You were there and witnessed this? I think not. She could have bent over the railings offering her rear inwards, one shove to much and she loses her grip. The fact that you draw your conclusions of murder from his past conviction is the reason that, in The West at least, past convictions are only available to the court for appropriate sentencing when he has been proven guilty of the crime for which he has been charged. A dog with a bad name is not always guilty of biting.

  • Like 1
6 minutes ago, soalbundy said:

You were there and witnessed this? I think not. She could have bent over the railings offering her rear inwards, one shove to much and she loses her grip. The fact that you draw your conclusions of murder from his past conviction is the reason that, in The West at least, past convictions are only available to the court for appropriate sentencing when he has been proven guilty of the crime for which he has been charged. A dog with a bad name is not always guilty of biting.


Yes, the failings of the western legal system, a classic example was the abduction, rape and murder of Daniel Moorcomb, the jury couldn’t be told the accused had previously abused and raped 2 other children. Let’s hope the Thai system doesn’t ignore the rights of the victims like the western system.

now I draw my conclusions from evidence, that being a dead woman on the ground under his balcony, added to the fact he then stole her possessions and fled the scene. So we have evidence he killed her, none that says it was an accident. Now look at his history.

  • Like 2
5 minutes ago, soalbundy said:

You were there and witnessed this? I think not. She could have bent over the railings offering her rear inwards, one shove to much and she loses her grip. The fact that you draw your conclusions of murder from his past conviction is the reason that, in The West at least, past convictions are only available to the court for appropriate sentencing when he has been proven guilty of the crime for which he has been charged. A dog with a bad name is not always guilty of biting.

Well let me crush that theory. Average height of a Thai girl is 160cm. I am taking the average though I would think from pictures (above) she is smaller. That would put her waist at +/- 72cm as a woman's legs are +/- 44.3% of her overall height. SO as bending lowers ones centre od gravity and trying to make the point of entry accessible would even further (will skip those two) the railing in your mind would have to have been under 68cm tall. SO just over 2 foot mark.

Below picture is of the condo it happened at. From the pictures I would put an estimated guess at +/- 4foot. Based off an average 8 foot room and from that angle its likely about 1/2 the distance.




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Why people are blindly trying to defend someone who is a terrible person is beyond me. The fact she had not died and he ran under the guise that he was overstayed in my mind alone should be jail time. I would wonder if these champions of defence are from the same country and feeling a nationalistic justification. I am Canadian and if he was as well I would be the first to say throw away the keys. Simple math just disproved your theory and I didn't get into the fact how I would figure she was likely thrown over the hand rail.


Lets stop with the BS. If something smells fishy it likely is. Nothing else has been shown other wise

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  • Confused 1
9 minutes ago, cat handler said:


Yes, the failings of the western legal system, a classic example was the abduction, rape and murder of Daniel Moorcomb, the jury couldn’t be told the accused had previously abused and raped 2 other children. Let’s hope the Thai system doesn’t ignore the rights of the victims like the western system.

now I draw my conclusions from evidence, that being a dead woman on the ground under his balcony, added to the fact he then stole her possessions and fled the scene. So we have evidence he killed her, none that says it was an accident. Now look at his history.

Throwing someone off of a balcony where you live doesn't sound like a viable option to getting away with the crime, doesn't sound logical.

2 minutes ago, soalbundy said:

Throwing someone off of a balcony where you live doesn't sound like a viable option to getting away with the crime, doesn't sound logical.

Your theory of the thrust pushing her over was way more illogical so at least there is a better % of chance in Cat's theroy

16 minutes ago, KhunMhee said:

Well let me crush that theory. Average height of a Thai girl is 160cm. I am taking the average though I would think from pictures (above) she is smaller. That would put her waist at +/- 72cm as a woman's legs are +/- 44.3% of her overall height. SO as bending lowers ones centre od gravity and trying to make the point of entry accessible would even further (will skip those two) the railing in your mind would have to have been under 68cm tall. SO just over 2 foot mark.

Below picture is of the condo it happened at. From the pictures I would put an estimated guess at +/- 4foot. Based off an average 8 foot room and from that angle its likely about 1/2 the distance.





A great point, there is no way he could have bent her over the balcony and got it in, unless he was standing on a chair as well but then there is no traction. It was more likely he wouldn’t pay and they had a fight, after all a rapist would hate paying for sex.

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9 minutes ago, soalbundy said:

Throwing someone off of a balcony where you live doesn't sound like a viable option to getting away with the crime, doesn't sound logical.

Logical? You expect a convicted rapist who has previously twice punched a girl and then whacked her with a bin lid before sexually assaulting her to be a logical type of guy?

8 minutes ago, KhunMhee said:

Your theory of the thrust pushing her over was way more illogical so at least there is a better % of chance in Cat's theroy

'theory', You don't prosecute someone on theory, I believe that even the Thai police believe in a misadventure.

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2 minutes ago, soalbundy said:

I am not defending this man, just his right to a fair trial, lynch justice went out of fashion years ago. That he had overstayed was an obvious reason why he ran,fearing trouble, which also makes it unlikely that he deliberately caused her death by throwing her from a balcony where he lived. How could he have helped the girl once she was lying on the ground? she died before the ambulance arrived,even if he had been a doctor there was nothing he could have done to help her. As for my nationality, yes I am British but as I haven't lived there for nigh on 50 years and don't associate myself with the UK anymore, I couldn't care less where he comes from. The only BS here is the emotional claptrap being spouted on these posts.

Biggest load of barroom defence lawyering claptrap on this thread so far.

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  • Confused 1
1 minute ago, soalbundy said:

I am not defending this man, just his right to a fair trial, lynch justice went out of fashion years ago. That he had overstayed was an obvious reason why he ran,fearing trouble, which also makes it unlikely that he deliberately caused her death by throwing her from a balcony where he lived. How could he have helped the girl once she was lying on the ground? she died before the ambulance arrived,even if he had been a doctor there was nothing he could have done to help her. As for my nationality, yes I am British but as I haven't lived there for nigh on 50 years and don't associate myself with the UK anymore, I couldn't care less where he comes from. The only BS here is the emotional claptrap being spouted on these posts.

LOL emotional. I call things like I see them. You have just made a assumption that he sexualy thrust her over. I proved it likely the most unlikely possibility. There is no lynching in any post I have made so suggesting other wise is absurd. So I guess you never read my post on how the guy likely threw her over as she would have had to bend up to accommodate that?

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