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E-cigarettes - Thailand ban is "appropriate" says leading doctor


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Nicotine is not a dangerous drug, he is talking complete rubbish.


It is addicting, but so is caffeine, and it is a problem when found in cigarettes, as they contain all the nasty stuff that does give you cancer etc.


For a doctor he has a poor grasp of the subject.  

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This Doctor (?) has not done any research on the matter and "in his opinion" vaping should be banned.  Clearly he has an alternatived agenda!  Do these people not realise that the majority of people can see right through them and how rediculous they are portraying themselves?

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I gave up a 30 year smoking habit after 18 months e-cig use.


This quack along with numerous other "experts" around the world restricting vaping have agendas that probably involve $$$$$$.


It is not safe, but definitely safer than cigarettes. FACT!

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1 hour ago, webfact said:

People who want to quit should get help such as phoning the 1600 helpline.

I can imagine how that'll fare...


(Desperate smoker): "Is that the helpline? I wanna stop smoking!"


(#1600 responder): "Try an e-cig!"


Yer couldn't make it up :smile:



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44 minutes ago, PremiumLane said:

Nicotine is not a dangerous drug, he is talking complete rubbish.


It is addicting, but so is caffeine, and it is a problem when found in cigarettes, as they contain all the nasty stuff that does give you cancer etc.


For a doctor he has a poor grasp of the subject.  

I think you'll find nicotine is poisonous and can kill in fairly small doses if ingested. So, it is dangerous in certain forms.

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