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Britons gloomier about Brexit but no change of heart - pollster Curtice


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8 hours ago, rickudon said:

You missed the point - 48% of people actually think Brexit will help the economy. In the short term, that is very unlikely. Both my children in the UK are currently jobless - both their careers were impacted by the Brexit decision (one in banking, and one who was looking for a job in the EU administration). Growth in the UK slowed last year, and until we know where Brexit is going, is going to crawl. Post Brexit? Depends on the deal, but have to assume a difficult time in the first 5 years as changes are made.

Once all the foreign passport holders are shifted out of the UK, there should be plenty of jobs available for British workers. Or maybe your kids ought to change their 'entitlement' expectations of employment. Stacking shelves in the Co-op ain't that bad.

Edited by MaeJoMTB
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.....between a rock and hard place.


One factor (for Brits' dissatisfaction) is Britain's open-arms policy towards migrants looking for jobs and a better existence.


Why else would so many migrant men be packed at Calais and willing to risk serious harm at the Chunnel entrance (climbing over razor wire, hanging under trucks, etc) to get to the UK?   It's doubtful they all have family members already in the UK.

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1 minute ago, MaeJoMTB said:

Once all the foreign passport holders are shifted out of the UK, there should be plenty of jobs available for British workers.

Or maybe your kids ought to change their entitlement expectations of employment and stop claiming welfare.

Yes the banker could turn to road sweeping or become an electrical engineer an IT specialist or a doctor, many foreign passport holders have tier one jobs because they couldn't be filled by a British applicant or do you think that a British firm would say,yes lets take the French applicant over the British engineer? As for the road sweeper, that would be a third world job applicant, can't go binge boozing on that wage. In the EU there would be no need for qualified people to be on welfare they could find employment as I did on the continent.

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25 minutes ago, soalbundy said:

Yes the banker could turn to road sweeping or become an electrical engineer an IT specialist or a doctor, many foreign passport holders have tier one jobs because they couldn't be filled by a British applicant or do you think that a British firm would say,yes lets take the French applicant over the British engineer? As for the road sweeper, that would be a third world job applicant, can't go binge boozing on that wage. In the EU there would be no need for qualified people to be on welfare they could find employment as I did on the continent.

This is the point I was trying to make a bout 'entitlement' expectations. Of course if you can't get employed as a banker, you should just work at whatever is available. It's what people in the past always did when it was work or starve. But now everyone want's the right to work as an investment banker ........ and the ugly truth is, most people who want it, will never have the chance to do it, and will need to settle for what they can get.

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1 hour ago, MaeJoMTB said:

Once all the foreign passport holders are shifted out of the UK, there should be plenty of jobs available for British workers. Or maybe your kids ought to change their 'entitlement' expectations of employment. Stacking shelves in the Co-op ain't that bad.


20 minutes ago, MaeJoMTB said:

This is the point I was trying to make a bout 'entitlement' expectations. Of course if you can't get employed as a banker, you should just work at whatever is available. It's what people in the past always did when it was work or starve. But now everyone want's the right to work as an investment banker ........ and the ugly truth is, most people who want it, will never have the chance to do it, and will need to settle for what they can get.

And you chose a particularly nasty way to make  it.  How do you that they are getting any government benefits. And if they are, how do you know it's welfare. More likely it's contribution based jobseekers allowance. Of course, if you think that's welfare, then so is social security. Lazy old people!

Edited by ilostmypassword
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If the EU had concentrated on all it's members getting rich through trade (which is basically what the UK signed up for originally) then there wouldn't be half the problems there are now. But, they couldn't help meddling with all the the social engineering  plus continually moving the goal posts etc. and not confronting certain issues as they found it too controversial to do so, thus they just kept on booting these problems down the road for someone else to deal with later and those problems over time blew up into monsters. Also, if Brussels was even slightly flexible this whole issue would have never come about when David Cameron attempted to get some reasonable concessions out of the EU in an event to avoid what is happening now...but of course they offered nothing in true sneering fashion.


And so now, when the liberal left moans about the situation etc. then they have no-one else to blame other than themselves for the current happenings as they have been in control of Europe for the last 30 odd years. Real center-right parties are only just re-emerging again in Europe due to the left's failures...think about the UK, the Lib Dems, Labour and the Conservatives are all liberals really, just to greater or lesser degrees, even John Major's government was center-left.

Edited by Sir Dude
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5 hours ago, Sir Dude said:

If the EU had concentrated on all it's members getting rich through trade (which is basically what the UK signed up for originally) then there wouldn't be half the problems there are now. But, they couldn't help meddling with all the the social engineering  plus continually moving the goal posts etc. and not confronting certain issues as they found it too controversial to do so, thus they just kept on booting these problems down the road for someone else to deal with later and those problems over time blew up into monsters. Also, if Brussels was even slightly flexible this whole issue would have never come about when David Cameron attempted to get some reasonable concessions out of the EU in an event to avoid what is happening now...but of course they offered nothing in true sneering fashion.


And so now, when the liberal left moans about the situation etc. then they have no-one else to blame other than themselves for the current happenings as they have been in control of Europe for the last 30 odd years. Real center-right parties are only just re-emerging again in Europe due to the left's failures...think about the UK, the Lib Dems, Labour and the Conservatives are all liberals really, just to greater or lesser degrees, even John Major's government was center-left.

exactly and a great post 

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The NatCen poll found 52 percent of Britons thought the economy would be worse off after Brexit,


Ergo, 48% didn't think the economy would be worse off after Brexit. First post on thread.


As for my kids, my daughter the investment banker is getting married soon and is not looking for work for a few months. No Benefits. My son has spent a year going through various recruitment exercises, 2 of which lasted over 3 months and involved multiple tests, interviews etc, only to be failed at the last stage. He is now utterly disillusioned with the UK and is migrating, he feels his 5 years at University were wasted.


For myself, well the exchange rate fall wasn't nice but i am retired - unfortunately on British based pensions.


Those who work at international level - bosses of multi-nationals, academic experts, bankers, top civil servants are mainly remainer's because they realise what the impacts are. Unfortunately it is true that the average working class man has not seen much of the benefits of the EU - but their tribulations probably would have still occurred, in the EU or out of it. The coal industry would still have died (maybe would have lasted a little longer) and British Industry would still have been antiquated and inefficient. Change happens.


Unfortunately many Brexiteers seem fixated on a James Bond version of the UK - where we are still a world power and colonials still have a portrait of Lizzie on their walls, and await our orders. Theresa's visit to India showed that we are now the ones looking for help, and it doesn't come free.

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1 hour ago, rickudon said:

Ergo, 48% didn't think the economy would be worse off after Brexit. First post on thread.


As for my kids, my daughter the investment banker is getting married soon and is not looking for work for a few months. No Benefits. My son has spent a year going through various recruitment exercises, 2 of which lasted over 3 months and involved multiple tests, interviews etc, only to be failed at the last stage. He is now utterly disillusioned with the UK and is migrating, he feels his 5 years at University were wasted.


For myself, well the exchange rate fall wasn't nice but i am retired - unfortunately on British based pensions.


Those who work at international level - bosses of multi-nationals, academic experts, bankers, top civil servants are mainly remainer's because they realise what the impacts are. Unfortunately it is true that the average working class man has not seen much of the benefits of the EU - but their tribulations probably would have still occurred, in the EU or out of it. The coal industry would still have died (maybe would have lasted a little longer) and British Industry would still have been antiquated and inefficient. Change happens.


Unfortunately many Brexiteers seem fixated on a James Bond version of the UK - where we are still a world power and colonials still have a portrait of Lizzie on their walls, and await our orders. Theresa's visit to India showed that we are now the ones looking for help, and it doesn't come free.

I ironic thing about your post is that it is so negative about the current state and prospects of the UK and yet this is all a product of our current and past EU membership, I am old enough to understand what the EU concept was about .......................... Trade (EEC), I am also old enough to have witnessed what it has evolved into, I can also see who has benefitted the most and it certainly is not the UK, the original architect of the EEC concept has also made recent statements that what is now referred as the European Union and all its treaties is far from what was intended and in his opinion is a "failure", the person who conceived the Euro currency has also made a similar statement.


I also believe that it is a failure and that the UK would be much better off taking back control of its own affairs and having a negotiated trade and customs deal that allows it to pursue its own destiny outside of the Brussels/German dictatorship....................enough is enough, I do not want to be part of the United States of German Union which is looking more and more like the Soviet Union by the day.


The irony is that if the current EU is so good why is Brussels/Germany so worried about brexit and trying to make sure that any deal is so bad that others will not follow the UK and leave - it can't really be that good can it ?     

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14 minutes ago, smedly said:

I ironic thing about your post is that it is so negative about the current state and prospects of the UK and yet this is all a product of our current and past EU membership, I am old enough to understand what the EU concept was about .......................... Trade (EEC), I am also old enough to have witnessed what it has evolved into, I can also see who has benefitted the most and it certainly is not the UK, the original architect of the EEC concept has also made recent statements that what is now referred as the European Union and all its treaties is far from what was intended and in his opinion is a "failure", the person who conceived the Euro currency has also made a similar statement.


I also believe that it is a failure and that the UK would be much better off taking back control of its own affairs and having a negotiated trade and customs deal that allows it to pursue its own destiny outside of the Brussels/German dictatorship....................enough is enough, I do not want to be part of the United States of German Union which is looking more and more like the Soviet Union by the day.


The irony is that if the current EU is so good why is Brussels/Germany so worried about brexit and trying to make sure that any deal is so bad that others will not follow the UK and leave - it can't really be that good can it ?     

It might have been. But it ain't.

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