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Trump attacks protections for immigrants from ‘s---hole’ countries

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10 minutes ago, Just Weird said:

"He's in his 70's and can't control his mouth, and probably not his bowels either".

A great example of your lack of any kind of credibility.

"large portions of Americans are angry at him"

That goes with the territory and means nothing,  every President has many that don't like him.

"His invitation to the UK has been withdrawn".

Nonsense.  He cancelled it.

"....angry at him" is different than having differing opinions.  


You and I don't know whether the invitation to the UK was pulled.  Trump has a long history of tweaking things to try and make himself look better.  Knowing what a turd Trump is, I would bet he was dis-invited, and then Trump's handlers immediately churned out the 'cancelation' canard.

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1 hour ago, simple1 said:


Your claim as to knowing Trump's motivation for his "shithole" description of African nations is based on which quotes from Trump?

You're correct, just read one of Trump's comments. Trump's also considering overturning prior immi legislation and implement a 'White America' policy - good way to destroy economic growth for the US - MAGA - LOL

2 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

It wasn't a flame. I heard the trip was off, so I assumed the Brits withdrew their invitation. I could have been wrong. 


Trump eagerly wanted to go to the UK.  He had asked for a fully regal procession.  Ms May has recently been publicly pissed off at him.  Probably the Queen also.  They and any intelligent Brits were starting to see that a royal Trump cavalcade through London would likely draw loud angry crowds against him, and thereby tainting his hosts.


It's quite likely the Brits withdrew their invitation.  If that bothers you, well, so be it. Sorry to say 2018 will be a bothersome year for Trumpsters, because there's no place for Trump and his fans to go but down down down, ....in a flames and a shitstorm.

"I heard the trip was off, so I assumed the Brits withdrew their invitation. I could have been wrong".

No doubt about it, you were wrong, deliberately.  If you had read any reports about it (and you must have) you would know that he cancelled it, no report anywhere suggested otherwise.  Why would you, rationally, assume that Britain withdrew an invite? 


"He had asked for a fully regal procession".



"They and any intelligent Brits were starting to see that a royal Trump cavalcade through London would likely draw loud angry crowds against him, and thereby tainting his hosts".

Yes, they were so concerned about your imaginary cavalcade that they made no attempt to cancel it.


"It's quite likely the Brits withdrew their invitation"

As that did not happen, it's not at all likely.


"...there's no place for Trump and his fans to go but down down down, ....in a flames and a shitstorm".

That must be because you see that he's riding so high at the moment.

30 minutes ago, Just Weird said:

Too right you should go on, as you have not mentioned anything that has harmed the US.

"He wants to open up US coastlines for oil drilling".

Has that drilling, that your opinion says could harm the US, happened and harmed the country? 

"He wants to send brown-skinned kids out of America."

Explain that garbage, please, and how something that is untrue, and that obviously hasn't happened, has harmed the US.

"He's influencing American kids with ideas that lying and cheating are good things".

And an example of that, as you haven't been specific, would be ...?

"He debases women and people with dark skin".

How, as you have shown no examples, is he doing both of those things?  If he had, though, how would they have damaged the US?

Here's your mantra for the day (thanks to Shakespeare) 


"The lady doth protest too much, methinks"


Just Weird, methinks you're reading too much from the Trump playbook.  In a recent brief interview, Trump stated 16 times "there is no collusion" - when the questions were about all sorts of other things.  OCD and paranoia don't make a pretty mix.

1 hour ago, Opl said:

Does Trump consider that he has more "merit" of being born into a rich, white American family than a Haitian from a poor country? It seems that yes ... 


It doesn't "seem" that at all, has he said anything about his own merit in this connection?  It seems 'no'...


 Trump loves to have the last word in no matter what.  Those kind of guys don t care as long as they win and they will lie about winning.  Their wives must live in utter hell no matter how much money they have. 

5 minutes ago, Just Weird said:

"I heard the trip was off, so I assumed the Brits withdrew their invitation. I could have been wrong".

No doubt about it, you were wrong, deliberately.  If you had read any reports about it (and you must have) you would know that he cancelled it, no report anywhere suggested otherwise.  Why would you, rationally, assume that Britain withdrew an invite? 


"He had asked for a fully regal procession".



"They and any intelligent Brits were starting to see that a royal Trump cavalcade through London would likely draw loud angry crowds against him, and thereby tainting his hosts".

Yes, they were so concerned about your imaginary cavalcade that they made no attempt to cancel it.

"It's quite likely the Brits withdrew their invitation"

As that did not happen, it's not at all likely.

"...there's no place for Trump and his fans to go but down down down, ....in a flames and a shitstorm".

That must be because you see that he's riding so high at the moment.

For anyone so blinkered to self-require themselves to praise Trump, it's gonna be a sad year, rife with anger, recrimination, vindictiveness, and false accusations, .....all things Trump is famous for.   If you want to enjoy 2018, here's a suggestion:  get educated, go with what's true,  .....and take some enjoyable hikes in nature.

11 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:



You and I don't know whether the invitation to the UK was pulled. .

You're right about what you and I have been told but as there has been no indication of the UK withdrawing their invitation, added to the fact that the UK would never do that to a US President, it's very fair to assume that your assertion is wrong.

5 minutes ago, Just Weird said:

It doesn't "seem" that at all, has he said anything about his own merit in this connection?  It seems 'no'...

Yes,  he often smugly says things like "I'm very very rich" and  "I'm worth over ten billion dollars."  


Everyone other than his basket of deplorables sees that as crass posturing. But hey, I gotta admit, it worked to get him elected.  That, and a lot of help from Republican dirty tricksters, and Russian internet-savvy manipulators.   There were more deplorables in the US than I thought.  I was wrong when I thought few voters would fall for Trump's lies and fake promises.  My bad.

8 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:

Here's your mantra for the day (thanks to Shakespeare) 


"The lady doth protest too much, methinks"


Just Weird, methinks you're reading too much from the Trump playbook.  In a recent brief interview, Trump stated 16 times "there is no collusion" - when the questions were about all sorts of other things.  OCD and paranoia don't make a pretty mix.

Clearly, you're a literary genius. 


Some people would think that the quotation applies more to you in the circumstances!



2 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:

Yes,  he often smugly says things like "I'm very very rich" and  "I'm worth over ten billion dollars."  


Everyone other than his basket of deplorables sees that as crass posturing. But hey, I gotta admit, it worked to get him elected.  That, and a lot of help from Republican dirty tricksters, and Russian internet-savvy manipulators.   There were more deplorables in the US than I thought.  I was wrong when I thought few voters would fall for Trump's lies and fake promises.  My bad.

...and exactly none of that is applicable to this thread.  And exactly none of your last delusionary comment had been proved to be true.  None of it.

17 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:

For anyone so blinkered to self-require themselves to praise Trump, it's gonna be a sad year, rife with anger, recrimination, vindictiveness, and false accusations, .....all things Trump is famous for.   If you want to enjoy 2018, here's a suggestion:  get educated, go with what's true,  .....and take some enjoyable hikes in nature.

Obviously, I neither need, nor want, suggestions from someone like you about enjoying 2018 so it may be better if you, to quote you, go along with what is true.  Living in your world of lies, speculation and awkward, invented words (what does self-require [sic] mean?) is, clearly, very frustrating for you. 

23 minutes ago, Just Weird said:

It doesn't "seem" that at all, has he said anything about his own merit in this connection?  It seems 'no'...

If you think "no" , so then ...would it be    ".The president’s focus on the nationality, rather than on the personal merits, of immigrants suggests what he means by “merit-based” immigration.. the logic of “us” being better than “them,” with white Scandinavians reflecting a self-definition of “us,” that excludes blacks and latinos regardless of their relationship to this country." ?


2 minutes ago, Opl said:

If you think "no" , so then ...would it be    ".The president’s focus on the nationality, rather than on the personal merits, of immigrants suggests what he means by “merit-based” immigration.. the logic of “us” being better than “them,” with white Scandinavians reflecting a self-definition of “us,” that excludes blacks and latinos regardless of their relationship to this country." ?


Thanks for that, I was right, Trump said nothing about his own merit.


Some historical perspective about trump's (and his deplorable supporters) RACIST attitudes towards immigrants that are different than them. There indeed is nothing new in this sort of immigration RACISM in the USA. Decent Americans thought we were done with that sort of thing, but apparently trump and his supporters think racist based immigration policies are what they mean by making America "great" again. Yes, trump won, racism won, but that doesn't mean decent Americans can't FIGHT back. 



When Jews came from ‘shithole’ countries


Sarna disputes the idea that people from downtrodden countries are bad for the United States, noting how much Jewish refugees and their descendants contributed to American society. He also rejected the idea that Trump was simply expressing a preference for highly skilled immigrants, saying that if that’s what he meant, he would have said that.

“There are people from all sorts of countries who commit crimes, but when we ascribe those sins to the whole group, that’s the essence of racism,” Sarna said. “The problem here is that instead of using objective criteria, we’re utilizing racial and geographic criteria.”





i'm not sure how africa got involved in the discussion (so can't say much on that/africa), but i thought the main issue at hand was those in the USA on a temporary visa of sorts related to natural disasters in their home country of haiti and el salvador.  that 'system' of bringing those people to the USA to recover from the devastation doesn't seem quite right.  what about the people that were left behind ?  how were the people that came chosen ?  isn't it more helpful to have the people remain in their own country (all treated equally as you don't have the 'some go, some don't' policy) and have international aid groups assist ?  natural disasters occur all the time and the USA doesn't take in people from every one.  so how does one choose what disaster warrants bringing people to USA soil to recover ?  and why would they need to stay for 15 years ?  in my mind it is just another problem with our (i'm from USA) immigration policies.  the biggest problem in my opinion is the right to US citizenship if a child is born in the USA even if the parents are not citizens (i don't need to debate this in the thread just pointing out one of my issues with our policy).

12 hours ago, pegman said:

Speaking of which, not the best of people going to America isn't something new. Trump's own grandfather left Germany to avoid the military draft. What's a worse reason for immigrating, cowardice or economic?

If more Americans had immigrated to Canada they may have been able to stop the Vietnam war.  What's your point? 

5 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

It wasn't a flame. I heard the trip was off, so I assumed the Brits withdrew their invitation. I could have been wrong. 


Many times, Trump and his staffers have tweaked news to feather their own nest.  For examples;  More than a few times, when a Trump staffer has resigned in anger, Trumpsters will immediately announce that person had been fired.


Trump eagerly wanted to go to the UK.  He had asked for a fully regal procession.  Ms May has recently been publicly pissed off at him.  Probably the Queen also.  They and any intelligent Brits were starting to see that a royal Trump cavalcade through London would likely draw loud angry crowds against him, and thereby tainting his hosts.


It's quite likely the Brits withdrew their invitation.  If that bothers you, well, so be it. Sorry to say 2018 will be a bothersome year for Trumpsters, because there's no place for Trump and his fans to go but down down down, ....in a flames and a shitstorm.

They don't have the courage to withdraw a Trump invitation.  Obvious Trump changed his mind.   

4 minutes ago, amvet said:

If more Americans had immigrated to Canada they may have been able to stop the Vietnam war.  What's your point? 

I reckon his point is that trump doesn't have any moral authority to lead the nation on immigration policy.

11 minutes ago, amvet said:

They don't have the courage to withdraw a Trump invitation.  Obvious Trump changed his mind.   

He was certainly welcome to do the embassy opening. A normal president would have and should have attended. It was not a state visit and wouldn't have involved meeting the Queen.  Clearly, he wanted to avoid massive and massively well-deserved protests, so he wisely cancelled. However, that he did that with a high fat LIES about the new embassy as his reasons was sleazy (typical trump behavior). 

19 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

I've know 'good ol boys and girls' whose families have been in the US for generations. More often than not, they're fat, do pharma drugs, love their guns, have IQ's under 80, and get SSI and other hand-outs. 


On the other hand, I know many Americans who were born in other countries.  Many of them are dark skinned and some have accents.  To a greater extent than the 'good ol' boys and girls' - they work hard to support their families, they pay taxes, and they don't go and shoot animals and people with guns.   


White Americans are annoyed when they see East Indians or other Asians in their school classes, because they know the scholastic standards will be higher.  

Are you trying to mske some point here? Please explain


Sounds to me like you just hang out with the wrong people.


This topic is absolute proof Trump's 'deplorables' are meeting with and exceeding their moniker


He's changing the  last 40 years, that harmed America! He is a threat to their liberalism. Why have't people heard about his style before?Is it because they never took him serious?He had over 65 million votes.Most people know his style of character!He is not PC.

As far as the brown skin rubbish,it's totally untrue.He and most of the people that support him don't want illegals, gang members,non skilled,non educated family members and people that can't be vetted.America has to many American's sucking off the system.To many agencies catering to them and costing tax payer money.If you can contribute and prove it your welcome

Why is it so hard to understand that!60 to 80 years ago it was no problem.He wants you to assimilate.The haters of PTrump spread lies to delegitimize his agenda.

5 hours ago, Opl said:

Does Trump consider that he has more "merit" of being born into a rich, white American family than a Haitian from a poor country? It seems that yes ... This contempt of class should logically disgust the popular classes.
Otherwise, it's unless "merit" is less of a class issue for these people than skin color. an idea  that legitimately should disgust any human being.
When they served as slaves they were insulted but welcome, when they were colonized they were insulted but it was they who were invaded, when they become independent they are still insulted. But you had to leave them alone in their misery, they disturbed nobody and asked for nothing, since you seem to despise them.


Fake news (to me)   Not despised,far from it, but, a big 'but '  I do not want them anywhere near me ,not to hate them ,just left alone from them

20 minutes ago, riclag said:

He's changing the  last 40 years, that harmed America! He is a threat to their liberalism. Why have't people heard about his style before?Is it because they never took him serious?He had over 65 million votes.Most people know his style of character!He is not PC.

As far as the brown skin rubbish,it's totally untrue.He and most of the people that support him don't want illegals, gang members,non skilled,non educated family members and people that can't be vetted.America has to many American's sucking off the system.To many agencies catering to them and costing tax payer money.If you can contribute and prove it your welcome

Why is it so hard to understand that. 60 to 80 years ago it was no problem.He wants you to assimilate.The haters of PTrump spread lies to delegitimize his agenda.

False information, dude.

The final results were as follows --

Popular vote WINNER Clinton 65,844,954

Popular vote LOSER trump 62,979,879 

Clinton won more votes than any other losing candidate in American history.

As far as his horrible vulgar behavior being expected, it's well known that many people that voted for trump were suckered into assuming he would change and become more of a normal president IF elected. They were totally wrong. 


Does it really matter what Trump said?  of course not, but is recognised that people from shithole countries will eventually turn everything into a shithole, wherever they shit.Cannot help themselves, only taxpayers there to offer something to the shit-holier-than-thou snowflakes in making USA not so great again

7 hours ago, altcar bob said:

If he is, so what?  No harm in being racist, more people want to come out an express their views.  I am, again, so what?


Being unapologetically honest about one’s dispicable, ignorant outlook is so refreshing, isn’t it? 

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