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Woman baring her buttock to showcase whitening product to face legal actions


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22 minutes ago, watcharacters said:

Only an uptight idiot would find such a post offensive,  IMHO.


Surely the video clip is not really offensive. But selling dubious cosmetics that claim to do miracles, that are inadequately labelled, and very likely contain poisonous substances, is not only highly offensive but a serious crime.


As such it should be pursued by regulators and enforcement agencies. Sadly nobody cares about this, as long as you don't show your big booty.

Edited by Morakot
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7 minutes ago, Morakot said:


Surely the video clip is not really offensive. But selling dubious cosmetics that claim to do miracles, that are inadequately labelled, and very likely contain poisonous substances, is not only highly offensive but a serious crime.


As such it should be pursued by regulators and enforcement agencies. Sadly nobody cares about this, as long as you don't show your big booty.





I agree with you regarding questionable products and false claims but the government issue appears to be one of "offending the culture".


"might encourage legal or moral violations which might lead to cultural degradation in defiance of Cosmetics Act B.E. 2558 which carries one-year jail term and/or a fine of 100,000 baht."




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2 minutes ago, watcharacters said:





I agree with you regarding questionable products and false claims but the government issue appears to be one of "offending the culture".


"might encourage legal or moral violations which might lead to cultural degradation in defiance of Cosmetics Act B.E. 2558 which carries one-year jail term and/or a fine of 100,000 baht."




It does sound pathetic in a country where Thai massage is only referred to sex. And prostitution doesn't exist. 

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6 minutes ago, watcharacters said:

I agree with you regarding questionable products and false claims but the government issue appears to be one of "offending the culture".



It's the news focusing on this nonsense and the case was taken up because of the "morality" issues. But she is now investigated for the product itself. Police have sent the cream to forensic labs.

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LEGAL ACTION ??????????      OMG!!!!!!!!!     On Thailands beaches you will see more than she 'exposed'...........

The Thai 'Puritans' have gone 'over the edge'............ LOL..........

I can't imagine what the charges will be called............

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On 1/13/2018 at 10:14 AM, wvavin said:

If the government were to look at censorship they should look at Patpong and Sukhumvit first before even considering this "white ass" case!

They should just keep OUT of ridiculous/ludicrous police state bullshit censorship altogether! Nothing wrong with White Ass nor Patpong & Sukhumvit! Time for this silly country to grow up. :coffee1:

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On 1/13/2018 at 8:21 AM, alfalfa19 said:

I must admit that her pale hindquarters are somewhat inviting.  Ohhhh, Wilburrrr......

I'm concentrating on the shape rather than the color. And very shapely in whatever shade it is.

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On ‎1‎/‎12‎/‎2018 at 6:21 PM, Laughing Gravy said:

You have to laugh at the hypocrisy here. Just got to Pattaya and other night spots and everyone is naked. Oh I forgot people here come to see the temples. Yeah right!

Yes. This is at the top of my favorite BIB crime fighting stories for 2018, so far, then, tomorrow is not here yet.....

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After reading said act, I would say they are using subsection 2


Section 41. No advertisement of cosmetic product shall be made by using statements which are unjust to consumer or may be detrimental to the society as a whole, even in respect concerning origin, condition, quality, quantity or nature of the cosmetic product. The following statements shall be deemed unjust to consumer or may be detrimental to the society as a whole: (1) false or exaggerated statement; DISCLAIMER: THIS TEXT HAS BEEN PROVIDED FOR EDUCATIONAL/ COMPREHENSION PURPOSES AND CONTAINS NO LEGAL AUTHORITY. THE OFFICE OF THE COUNCIL OF STATE SHALL ASSUME NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY LIABILITIES ARISING FROM THE USE AND/OR REFERENCE OF THIS TEXT. THE ORIGINAL THAI TEXT AS FORMALLY ADOPTED AND PUBLISHED SHALL IN ALL EVENTS REMAIN THE SOLE AUTHORITY HAVING LEGAL FORCE 15 (2) illusory essential statement concerning cosmetic product, no matter by using or referring to academic report, statistic, or any thing which is false or exaggerated or not; (3) statement showing healing effect, or that which is not the objective of cosmetic product; (4) false statement deceiving on sexual rehabilitation (5) statement directly or indirectly supportive to illegal or immoral offence or leading to the detriment of national culture; (6) statement leading to disunity among the public; (7) other statement prescribed in the Ministerial Regulation. The statement used in advertisement which is generally accepted to be absolutely impossible is not prohibited in the advertisement under paragraph two

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