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KONTROL "Sweetener" ?????????


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Anybody with correct and full nutritional info on this / these? liquid sweeteners. Am I correct 1 is STEVA-based, 1 is SUCRALOSE-based? Has anybody analyzed

their use for KETO-Diet? Diabetes? I am sure this might interest many. On their Siam.....website, as usual no proper E-pages, productinfo and half of them seem to not open anyway. 

I mean, how can those huge companies not provide a basic, informative website to the public? What would the best ZERO -calorie, -carbs sweetener be in TH?

Thanks for feedback and info. Have a nice Sunday, all.   MS>

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Perhaps don't use these artificial chemicals?


Simply stop using them, and cut down on the sugar is a better idea in my opinion.


Once you cut down sugar, your taste will change to not crave it, and if you get a sugary snack or drink you will hate it after you have not eaten sugar for a few weeks.  



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Didn't we address this topic recently and I recommended the Equal brand of Stevia? It's easily available most everywhere now.


KONTROL appears to be significantly made of sorbitol, a sugar alcohol. You can look that up. Some warn about sugar alcohols (in quantity) but one older study of sorbitol found it's quite OK for diabetics.

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