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Double Killing In Pattaya.........

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Suspected double gang-related murder in Banglamung.

A suspected gang-related murder now from wasteland just off Highway 331 in Kow Mai Geow sub-district. On Thursday Morning passers-by made the gruesome discovery of the body of a heavily tattooed man in undergrowth.

The Police were called and due to the seriousness of the case, Police Colonel Nopadon, the Chief of Banglamung Police was called in to oversee the case. He made an inspection of the young man thought to be aged around 25.

He was not carrying any forms of ID but one of the victim’s tattoos showed the names, Udomruck, Tonglor, Kosit and Sompong. Another of the tattoo’s appeared to indicate the symbol of a Chinese Mafia Gang known as Yakoosa.

The victim had been shot six times and a head injury was evident. Near the body was an area of burnt wasteland with evidence of human remains, suggesting that another person had been killed and burnt at the location.

A local resident heard the shooting at around 3am on Thursday and a pick-up was seen leaving from the location at speed.This disturbing case is now being investigated with some urgency by Banglamung Police who are gathering clues in this suspected double murder case.

PERSONAL NOTE The Yakuza are a Japanese mafia organisation not Chinese.

I have tried to study the tattooed body of the victim to recognise the 'clan' (bakuto and black rings on the arms etc.) Will post photo ASAP.

  • 3 weeks later...

De Yakuza is een Japanse traditionele criminele organisatie die vaak wordt vergeleken met de westerse maffia, maar die meer paramilitair is opgezet en ook meer een geaccepteerd onderdeel van de maatschappij lijkt te zijn.

Veel van de activiteit van de Yakuza is te begrijpen vanuit hun historische feodale oorsprong. Ze zijn geen geheime organisatie zoals de maffia. Veel Yakuza-organisaties hebben openlijk kantoren met een uithangbord waarop de groepsnaam of hun embleem staat. Leden dragen vaak zonnebrillen en kleurrijke kostuums zodat hun 'werk' voor 'burgers' (katagi) onmiddellijk herkenbaar is; zelfs de manier waarop veel Yakuza lopen verschilt opvallend van die van gewone burgers, met een arrogante, brede pas. Soms zijn ze ook meer conservatief gekleed dan de gemidelde burger maar indien nodig kunnen ze onmiddellijk een glimp van hun tatoëringen laten zien om te tonen wat ze zijn. Leden zijn vaak zwaar getatoëerd, maar laten hun tatoeages zelden zien, ze houden hun tatoeages verborgen met lange mouwen en hoge kragen.

Hiërarchische relaties worden strikt in acht genomen en leden die niet aan de verwachtingen voldoen gaan soms over tot rituele automutilatie: yubitsume, het afsnijden van delen van de eigen vingers om de 'oyabun', baas of bendeleider te verzoenen. Dit ritueel stamt uit de tijd dat er in Japan nog met zwaarden werd gevochten, omdat er na elke keer yubitsume een groter deel van de vinger(s) weg werd gehaald, werd de grip op het zwaard steeds minder, dit maakte de gestrafte meer afhankelijk van de groep.


The Yakuza are a Japanese traditional criminal organisation which frequently becomes compared to the Western mafia, but that more paramilitary has been set up and seems be an accepted component also more of the society. Much of the activity of the Yakuza are understand from their historical feudal origin. They are no secret organisation such as the mafia. Much Yakuza-organisaties have openly offices with a sign on which the group name or their emblem stands. Members carry frequently zonnebrillen and coloured costumes so that their ' work ' is for ' citizens ' (katagi) immediately recognizable; even the way many Yakuza run differs striking from those from ordinary citizens, with arrogant, broad is appropriate. Sometimes they have been dressed also more conservative than the gemidelde citizen but if necessary can them immediately a glimp of their tatoëringen show to showing what them to be. Members are frequently heavy getatoëerd, but show their tatoeages seldom, them keep their tatoeages hid with long sleeves and high collars. Hierarchical relations are strictly observed and members who do not satisfy to the expectations proceed sometimes to ritual automutilatie: yubitsume, cutting parts of its own fingers to reconcile the ' oyabun ', boss or gang LEADER. This ritual descends from the time that it in Japan was still fought with swords, because after each time yubitsume a larger part of the finger (s) was obtained gone, became less and less the grip on the sword, this made punished more dependent on the group.

Thai Japanese mafia wannabes. Riding around on 125 Honda Wave snatching purses and commiting petty crimes. :o

som nam na

took tong kharp!! you are right on the money there t.c. <deleted> em. couldnt care less about these knobheads killing each other off.

The Police were called and due to the seriousness of the case, Police Colonel Nopadon, the Chief of Banglamung Police

nopadon , love it , knacker of the yard ! thai style.

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