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Thai language teaching material


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Hello all

!st a brief history of my sons schooling

So having spent up to the age of 6 in a full Thai only school it is the only language he learnt. Then we moved to the local city (Korat ), in which we enrolled him into Sarassat under an English program. 

He is now 9 (nov ) & this yr we have decided to enroll him into Plookapunya to be closer to home (saving 3 hrs bus travel - he's the first & last on the run ). This school also combines teaching to inside/outside of classrooms.

We just did the test for Plook & he failed (he's a very nervous / shy lad - maybe hypo because he can't stay sill on the one spot ) .

The testing teacher asked if he had a problem, or had the previous school mentioned anything, all answers NO (but maybe he does / not sure ).

Then we went to pickup son at Sarrasat, this is when it all came out from the teacher (this school does not let you have any interaction with teachers ), whilst picking him up, that son is having problems (3 yrs later it has been mentioned ) . Then the old story as he should stay at Sarasat as the teacher doesn't think he's ready to move (a bit late I think ). Plookapunya is going to take him on & I think we all know why concerning these schools 


I know this may be a bit long winded but am trying to piece together the bits & pieces as I am not here full time


I also wander if this may be due to english /thai programs - EG : So wife just told me (maths ) that they do 1hr a day, one day it will be Thai the next English (with full blown english language books ). So I'm thinking how do the kids catch on as surely they would not be taught the same thing the next day in english. A bit like if they handed me a Thai book (You have to learn the language first then using it as the prime language to learn subjects from )


The bottom line is he needs to catch up which i see can only be done in thai for the meantime 


The biggest problem I am having is finding Thai material/worksheets from the net ( have been looking the last couple of days )


So does anyone know where to find this material & also have any input concerning the above ( I know there must be experienced people here along with the foriegn teachers )


All replies welcome & also brain storming this scenario 







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4 hours ago, allane said:

Check the local branches of Se-ed, Nai-in (if there is one in Khora)t, and whatever independent bookstores you have in Khorat. There is a large one inside The Mall, I can't recall its name.


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