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"Most Hated German in Thailand" converts to Islam - hopes new Muslim name will help him sidestep Thai blacklist


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2 hours ago, Crash999 said:

Love him or hate him this guy sure does have a lot of adventures. 

So true. The guy is pure gold! And banjul is a great city! The local girls are pure gold too. The gambia has great weed and tasty Guinness in bottle. Nightlife is amazing. Dakar is nearby. Ziguinchor is nearby. Guinea buissau is nearby. That german toubab will have great times!

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He also stressed that he does not have a girlfriend waiting for him in Thailand.


  He's so lucky, at least nobody will kill him.  


   What's next? Asylum in Germany, two incomes,  writing a book, then a movie about his hard times as a beggar? 


How much did he receive for his "exclusive interview, being a VIP?"


   Allah Akbar,


  Mohamed Ali 



Edited by jenny2017
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1 hour ago, mikebell said:

How does he get to marry an attractive new wife dragging a leg like that around?

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder..... and shrink testing has shown that people are attracted to others that are similar (to what they see in the mirror)

so.... I’ll wait for the picture before talking about “ beauty”

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12 hours ago, jenny2017 said:

Free pork knuckles for all !!

You had also in other thread a special -nasty- humor, :post-4641-1156693976:  


I wish you be reborn with such a handicap and have then the special possibility, to write -funny-?  jokes about yourself! 



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17 hours ago, Happy enough said:

he is to begpacking what muhhamed ali is to boxing. you watch, the guy will end up writing a book one day and end up loaded 555

He could probably get an episode on one of those US trash TV shows right now.



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IF this is true and he is going to live outside the Western world, he just made things more difficult for himself.  Islam has a lot of rules, and as we all know, some places in this world are pretty strict about the faithful keeping them.

The Muslim country I'm most familiar with is Malaysia, with a multi-tiered legal system: one set of rules for the faithful, another for us heathens.  Very easy for a Muslim to be sentenced to a whipping (rotan) for breaking a rule, like drinking a beer.  And that's just for starters....


Also, it is against the rules to convert out of Islam, and we all know how they handle heretics.

But now he can get a Saudi visa and go on the Haaj, where part of the ritual is the giving of alms.



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