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Hostesses harassed at men-only charity gala in London - FT says

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10 hours ago, cyberfarang said:

Not at the moment, but it only needs any one or more of those girls to cry sexually molested seeking publicity or financial compensations knowing the men involved are prominent figures, then the leftist establishment, media and police will crucify those guys, their lifelong reputations and careers ruined.

It's not gonna happen, and this is just one reason why, I laughed when I saw this .......




Conservative Minister for Children and Families ....... 555

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4 minutes ago, MaeJoMTB said:

It's not gonna happen, and this is just one reason why.



That is going to put the Left wing in a difficult situation .


On ‎1‎/‎27‎/‎2018 at 10:02 PM, Grouse said:

Don't you find it all rather passé?


I think an awful lot of the female bleating is over the top, but these men only bashes are embarrassingly past their sell by date 


Said by someone that obviously never goes to them.

On ‎1‎/‎28‎/‎2018 at 11:44 AM, PhuketSarah said:

They were working the event as servers and getting hands shoved in their crotches.


You think it's acceptable to grab people's crotches?  


Depends on the situation and the context.

I believe that women do a bit of "crotch grabbing" at the male strippers who attend female only events.

22 hours ago, PhuketSarah said:

Other than a report by a couple of undercover reporters who set out to prove a predetermined stance, can you provide any evidence that a female there was groped against their will?

Have any of them made a complaint to the police?


It may be a shock to you, but there are women who are not averse to a bit of "crotch grabbing", if it makes their bank balance larger.

23 hours ago, PhuketSarah said:

It has to do with it because no one has proven that the waitresses were not female Chippendale equivalent.

Apparently, the reporters were not themselves groped, or they would have filed assault charges, so how do we know it actually happened? They could have just made it up.

23 hours ago, PhuketSarah said:

Ladyboys are men, right?

The women were hired as hostesses/servers 

Prostitutes work as prostitutes- If they are attractive,  they aren't going to teeter around in heels  all evening being groped for crappy pay.

One presumes these women were hired for their looks?  If they are prostitutes, they can go on a date and make 4 times the money for their time- or more. 

But these are women  just looking for a job, being groped should not go along.

Thankfully most of the world now understands. 

Of course Thai sexpats are holding out  but eventually even Thai women will tire of it. 






Are you claiming to be an expert about British prostitutes? Do you know any British prostitutes? Have you even talked to a British prostitute about what they do? In every case that would be the sort of prostitute that works men only events.

If your answer is no, then you don't actually know anything about it to be commenting as though you do.


they aren't going to teeter around in heels  all evening being groped

Where does the article say they were ALL being groped?

Heels 55555555555555555555

Millions of women wear heels every day to work and none are accused of "teetering". 

I'm puzzled by the use of the word though. Does wearing "heels" impart some suggestion of being up for a bit of a grope? Bit of a problem if it does.


22 hours ago, dick dasterdly said:

Disagree entirely.


They were attractive women happy to accept high wages (plus tips) for working in a go-go type environment.


Are you aware that a bit of "hanky panky" goes on in gogos, and that the girls do gogo home with customers ( or to a short time hotel ) for a bit of this and that, but not a discussion about philosophy?

18 hours ago, evadgib said:

Since when?

Be interesting if there were one, given that among the crowd there may have been a few high ranking cops.

Cops are not sexless babymen, no matter how much anti male females want all men to be like that ( as long as they are able to father the children ).

13 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Are you claiming to be an expert about British prostitutes? Do you know any British prostitutes? Have you even talked to a British prostitute about what they do? In every case that would be the sort of prostitute that works men only events.

If your answer is no, then you don't actually know anything about it to be commenting as though you do.


they aren't going to teeter around in heels  all evening being groped

Where does the article say they were ALL being groped?

Heels 55555555555555555555

Millions of women wear heels every day to work and none are accused of "teetering". 

I'm puzzled by the use of the word though. Does wearing "heels" impart some suggestion of being up for a bit of a grope? Bit of a problem if it does.


"Millions of women wear heels every day to work and none are accused of "teetering". 

I'm puzzled by the use of the word though. Does wearing "heels" impart some suggestion of being up for a bit of a grope? Bit of a problem if it does."


Know what you mean as during different periods of working life I wore high heels - sometimes high heels were fashionable, other times not.  Voluntarily wearing high heels does not mean that the woman is "up for a bit of a grope".


But in this case, skimpy uniform/matching knickers and high heels were compulsory.  The other aspects are even more 'telling' e.g. men only (combined with the required uniform) etc. etc.


The girls involved knew exactly why they were being paid so much for this wealthy, male only, event.

1 minute ago, dick dasterdly said:

"Millions of women wear heels every day to work and none are accused of "teetering". 

I'm puzzled by the use of the word though. Does wearing "heels" impart some suggestion of being up for a bit of a grope? Bit of a problem if it does."


Know what you mean as during different periods of working life I wore high heels - sometimes high heels were fashionable, other times not.  Voluntarily wearing high heels does not mean that the woman is "up for a bit of a grope".


But in this case, skimpy uniform/matching knickers and high heels were compulsory.  The other aspects are even more 'telling' e.g. men only (combined with the required uniform) etc. etc.


The girls involved knew exactly why they were being paid so much for this wealthy, male only, event.

I agree that wearing heels alone does not impart anything other than a wish to deform one's feet, but couple heels with lace top stockings, suspender belt, short and revealing clothing with a plunging neckline, topped off with big hair and .........................:wub:


It's everything to do with the context, as you so rightly point out.

30 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

I agree that wearing heels alone does not impart anything other than a wish to deform one's feet, but couple heels with lace top stockings, suspender belt, short and revealing clothing with a plunging neckline, topped off with big hair and .........................:wub:


It's everything to do with the context, as you so rightly point out.

Not sure how to reply to this as I've been guilty of all of the above at different times - although voluntarily, and mostly not 'on show' at work (embarrassed emoticon).


In my defense, I've naturally 'big hair' (edit - great during the Farah Fawcett years :laugh:) and trying to keep it in control is a problem!  When I was 'young', a superior actually pulled my hair as he thought it may be a wig.....


Obviously the type of guy that thought his senior position allowed him to behave in a similar way to the men attending this event....


In short, I've no sympathy for the men or girls involved - and I've still no idea why the FT thought this the best target for investigative journalism??

6 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:

In short, I've no sympathy for the men or girls involved - and I've still no idea why the FT thought this the best target for investigative journalism??

It would be illustrative if we knew who, at the FT, authorised this farce. Personal agenda, perhaps?

All they achieved was some embarrassment that will quickly be forgotten, and a loss of charity funds.


I still can't understand why Great Ormond Street and the other charities returned the donations. They have no right to deny much needed funds to sick kids, just for a moral crusade.


The one bit of good that could have come from this whole episode, and they take it away. Disgraceful.



I hear the PDC have agreed to stop the practice of having attractive girls walk on with the darts players at championships. This was following pressure from the broadcaster.


I wonder what will be next for the axe. Formula 1 girls?  Boxing event girls? Miss World? Catwalk models?


It's going to be a pretty sterile place in the West in 10 years time.


And a lot of young ladies who can make a good living from their looks will be out of work.

1 hour ago, hyku1147 said:
By Michael Weiss and Cathy Young
June 19, 1996

Executive Summary

"In the past decade, feminist legal theory has become a formidable presence in many of America’s top law schools. Feminist activism has also had a major impact on many areas of the law, including rape, self-defense, domestic violence, and such new legal categories as sexual harassment. However, the ideology of legal feminism today goes far beyond the original and widely supported goal of equal treatment for both sexes. The new agenda is to redistribute power from the “dominant class” (men) to the “subordinate class” (women), and such key concepts of Western jurisprudence as judicial neutrality and individual rights are declared to be patriarchal fictions designed to protect male privilege.

Many feminist-initiated legal reforms have addressed real wrongs, such as the tendency to treat rape victims more harshly and suspiciously than victims of other crimes, and inadequate protection for victims of domestic violence. But feminist pressure has also resulted in increasingly loose and subjective definitions of harassment and rape, dangerous moves to eviscerate the presumption of innocence in sexual assault cases, and a broad concept of self-defense in cases of battered wives that sometimes amounts to a license to kill an allegedly abusive spouse..."



While we men have been partying happily at men only events, women have slowly been moving into the power positions of law/ justice, finance and politics. Eventually they will control us men simply by being in a position to pass laws that make it so, and upholding them in supreme courts by dint of being the majority.


Frankly, I'm happy I won't be around to see it.

1 hour ago, CG1 Blue said:

I wonder what will be next for the axe. Formula 1 girls?  Boxing event girls? Miss World? Catwalk models?

Having sex with foreign ladies when out of your home country ....... some countries have already banned that.

USA and UK will ban it next.

7 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

It would be illustrative if we knew who, at the FT, authorised this farce. Personal agenda, perhaps?

All they achieved was some embarrassment that will quickly be forgotten, and a loss of charity funds.


The organiser has already lost his property firms main financier, the embarrassment is not their worry, people who were there stand to lose business.  Hence why Great Ormand street immediately gave their donation back, they do not want to be associated with them as it could adversely effect their fundraising if they were.


9 hours ago, Kieran00001 said:


The organiser has already lost his property firms main financier, the embarrassment is not their worry, people who were there stand to lose business.  Hence why Great Ormand street immediately gave their donation back, they do not want to be associated with them as it could adversely effect their fundraising if they were.


Two weeks from now I doubt anyone will remember this. The media frenzy moves on and what was big a week ago is now ignored.

Money is neutral, and unless raised by criminal means, charitable institutions should be grateful to get any free money at all.

11 hours ago, MaeJoMTB said:

I'd like to see how any of those wishes can come true. Given that they don't actually follow me around in LOS how would they ever know if I "paid" for it? Also, how would they know if I paid for sex or something else? I would love to be in court for the first court case where the defendant has a decent lawyer. To prove sex was paid for, they'd have to get a legal statement from the girl/ boy, and that could be challenged in so many ways that it would be thrown out. That would leave them having to pay to bring the girl/ boy to the country where the court case being held, at great expense. Can't see that happening often.

Given that escorts are not illegal in the UK, a lawyer would just use that defence. The suspect paid for her to go to dinner with him, and she gave him sex for free because she likes sex. Any money was a gift for the family buffalo to be cured.

Taken to extremes, any guy that gives his long time Thai girlfriend money for the sick buffalo to be cured could be prosecuted for giving money in exchange for sex.


Frankly, while I know the wowsers everywhere that hate men having fun want to put all men in jail, I can't see any case holding up, for lack of evidence.

To actually get a conviction, they'd have to have someone in the room and collect DNA to prove sex took place, plus evidence that money was exchanged for sex.


Only way I can see any such prosecution succeeding is by changing the law to make being male and single in Thailand a crime.

I once had a customs officer at Heathrow try to find evidence to convict me of something for that very thing. I was male, single and came from Thailand so I was guilty of something. Took him 4 hours to give up, but at that time it wasn't a crime, so he had to let me go.


All garbage like this proves is that there are people in power that hate men and wish to do us harm.


Mark my words, when AI and robotics finally produce the perfect sex android, women will do their best to ban them, as can't have men not getting married and then handing over all their money to women.

11 hours ago, MaeJoMTB said:

On a quick read, they want to criminalise men BUYING sex, while making SELLING it not a crime.

If that doesn't prove insanity, what would?


Norway and Sweden have banned paying for sex which might explain why not many other westerners want to go and live there. Not because they can't buy sex, but because no sane person wants to live in a country run by stark raving lunatics.


On the other hand, New Zealand a few years ago legalised paid for sex, and lots of people want to go live there.

14 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

While we men have been partying happily at men only events, women have slowly been moving into the power positions of law/ justice, finance and politics. Eventually they will control us men simply by being in a position to pass laws that make it so, and upholding them in supreme courts by dint of being the majority.


Frankly, I'm happy I won't be around to see it.

I should have added

"The ultimate indignity will be forcing male policemen to enforce said feminist laws against other males".

6 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

I should have added

"The ultimate indignity will be forcing male policemen to enforce said feminist laws against other males".

yes like sexual assault , rape , spousal abuse, you know the feminist laws.  

1 hour ago, isaanbanhou said:

yes like sexual assault , rape , spousal abuse, you know the feminist laws.  

Plenty of white knights looking to betray other men.

2 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

I'd like to see how any of those wishes can come true. Given that they don't actually follow me around in LOS how would they ever know if I "paid" for it? Also, how would they know if I paid for sex or something else?

They would ask and accept the hookers word as truthful ........ you know that's what they would do!


Probably easier than a false rape accusation ........"He paid meeeeeeee"

1 minute ago, MaeJoMTB said:

They would ask and accept the hookers word as truthful ........ you know that's what they would do!

In the UK article they mention Amsterdam, where it is legal, which says something horrible about British mentality these days, but I suppose they could send spies ( paid for by the taxpayer ) to photograph the customers and then use facial recognition to identify the Brits using them. In that situation, a conviction is assured as no other reason to visit one of those in Amsterdam. IMO impossible in LOS with a decent lawyer.

However, if they actually did that, I'd expect the spies would be dealt to in a rather unpleasant manner.


I can only assume that some in Britain really loathe any idea that men should be able to have sex other than in the clutches of a wife.

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