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Beware: No e-cigarettes in Thailand


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14 hours ago, ukrules said:

Better still, if you like to smoke an electronic cigarette look for a country which doesn't have such draconian laws. There are lots of alternatives to Thailand if you're a 'vaper'.


I'd like to see more official warnings like this from different countries around the world.


When you can end up in prison for something which is not illegal almost everywhere else in the world it should be a priority for governments to make everyone aware of this fact.


I hope the Thai tourist industry dies a slow, painful and very costly death due to the many shortsighted and draconian law changes in recent years.


And if one plays "Bridge" whilst puffing be prepared to be blind folded at dawn....:sad:

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11 hours ago, crazykopite said:

I saw a holiday maker last week smoking one I approached him and told him that if he were to be caught he could face imprisonment he thought I was joking until I explained to him that It was regarded as a drug . As there are so many people from around the world smoking these maybe it’s time that it should be advertised both by the airport authorities and travel agents as a lot of people seem to be unaware of the law. Thailand must be one of a very few countries to ban this product I wonder why ?

Not surprised that he laughed at you if you told him the authorities regarded them as drugs! 


Thailand is one of many countries that have banned them, I wonder why?

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10 hours ago, Mickmouse1 said:

I do not understand why no announcement is made before landing about Sheehan tobacco, E Cig,Porn etc etc after which they arrest people without being properly informed in advance.?

It's because most people don't want to import any of that into Thailand.

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10 hours ago, bluesofa said:

I wouldn't go as far as to hope the tourist industry dies, but, as has been said so many times before, the government/Thai attitude will do the usual thing and wait until say, the tourist industry does nose-dive, then at that point will wonder why.

Then they will panic to try and and recover the lost visitors - sadly it will be a bit like trying to push string uphill.

Once tourists have made the decision to find a new holiday location, if they're happy with it I'd say you have a snowball's chance in hell of getting them back here again.

How many morose vapers are there that are going to have that huge effect on tourist numbers?

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9 hours ago, robertthesculptor said:

Ill conceived and backed by nothing but hot air. Yes go to any other even slightly enlightened country and spend freely. I don't vape or smoke. But this is just half baked stupidity not science....once again Thailand takes careful aim at its foot and shoots....imagine how much cleaner the beaches would be without cigarette butts....and e cigs are proven safer....but it's ok 

E-fags are a long way from being proven safer, or even safe.

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3 hours ago, sambum said:


P.S. Regarding "Thai logic" another classic example -  for instance, you are riding your motor cycle on the correct side of the road (left) and some (Thai) idiot ploughs into you having been riding on the right hand side of the road for about 100 yards in anticipation of making a right hand turn. His fault, you would presume? Not at all! It's your fault, because if you (farang) hadn't been there in the first place, the accident wouldn't have happened! 

"Regarding "Thai logic" another classic example...It's your fault, because if you (farang) hadn't been there in the first place, the accident wouldn't have happened!"

Why do people post untrue garbage like this?  It's not Thai logic, it's an urban myth.

Edited by Just Weird
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2 hours ago, wakeupplease said:

Walked around the local town Saturday and saw a ECig shop doing lots of business not a policeman in sight. Then I realized where I was and that the country I was in had stronger fair laws. 100% legal in the UK as it helps people give up the killer version. So Thai's are telling me they know better than the UK doctors who prefer the Ecigs to the real thing. Never in a month of Sundays do Thai doctors know more that the UK doctors. Just corruption again


Tourists will vote with their feet.

You might be surprised how many Thai doctors trained in the UK and just because a few UK doctors "prefer" e-fags to cigarettes does not make them anything to be recommended.


Vaper tourists not coming here will make no measureable difference to Thailand's economy.

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36 minutes ago, Just Weird said:

You might be surprised how many Thai doctors trained in the UK and just because a few UK doctors "prefer" e-fags to cigarettes does not make them anything to be recommended.


Vaper tourists not coming here will make no measureable difference to Thailand's economy.

Mr Weird


Very few if any doctors train in the UK go check your facts. I know because I am married to one who has had a hell of a time passing all the tests to become one. Most doctors I have met in Thailand and its a lot cannot even speak English enough to pass the IELTS Test. In the UK we Teach in English so no IELTS no training and as medical there is no way round it. Well there is go down the kasol (can't remember what the fakers road is called) road. That is where many get there stories.


Most of the bottom end tourists smoke do they not?


57 minutes ago, wgdanson said:

Do the government ever stop to think, the money it's costing them treating smokers in hospitals up and down the country for smoking related diseases?

Do those who write this crap think for one minute before writing about how much tax the smoker pays every day at £6+ a day in the UK it soon mounts up, you pay as you go mate.

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1 hour ago, Just Weird said:

How many morose vapers are there that are going to have that huge effect on tourist numbers?

The number of people using electronic cigarettes is rising very quickly year on year. The number of cigarette smokers is also falling rapidly, the two are linked. Vaping will replace cigarette smoking in the end.


I suspect that at some point in the next 5 to 10 years cigarettes will be largely a thing of the past and vaping devices will be what most people use all around the world.


I came across this little chart :





To go to Thailand on holiday will be to go 'cold turkey' or end up back on the cigarettes which are widely available.


People won't take the news that vaping is banned lightly - they will go somewhere else and there are millions of extra people starting to 'vape' every year.


This law will come back and bite them in the ass when vaping replaces smoking, maybe before that - when it's at the 40-50% mark I suspect a lot of people will be put off going to any country where it's banned.


Imagine what would happen if they banned cigarettes today, no smoker would ever come to Thailand again. One day in the not too distant future this ban on vaping will be the same as banning tobacco products and it will have the same effect.


They will backpedal and revoke this law like they always do, the only question that remains is when they revoke it. It's inevitable.


Edited by ukrules
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10 hours ago, hhinhh said:

Smoking should be forbidden everywhere in public. Let people kill themselves at home if their brain is not working well enough to understand (my appreciation to Darwin) but do not bother others.

I noticed repeatedly that people smoke in restaurants regarding them as an open place and the fan is doing the rest to bring the smoke to other guests even when eating. Such situations should be avoided.

People who smoke and vape should double or triple their intake.  Then observe. https://www.sciencenewsforstudents.org/article/concerns-explode-over-new-health-risks-vaping


Edited by joeyg
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14 hours ago, BigBadGeordie said:

Countries where vaping is currently banned:


  • Argentina
  • Austria
  • Belgium
  • Brazil
  • Brunei
  • Cambodia
  • Columbia
  • Egypt
  • Indonesia
  • Jordan
  • Malaysia
  • Mexico
  • Oman
  • Panama
  • Singapore
  • Taiwan
  • Tajikistan
  • Thailand
  • Turkey
  • United Arab Emirates
  • Uraguay
  • Venezula

Not countries famed for progressive health policies.  Even then in some of these it is still tolerated just not officially legal.


Notably, these are not banned in most countries, and are promoted in UK as a much safer alternative to cigarettes, still... Thailand and Brunei know best:sleepy:


The problem is WHO relying on one dodgy study that declared the chemicals in some liquids unsafe even though they appear in much larger quantities in cigarettes and are not implicated in lung cancer- that being caused by black carbon deposits.

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