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Interview Questions Uk

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What sort of questions will be asked by the british embassey in bangkok for a thai uk fiancie visa.Do they work off a database of questions has anyone been been asked a question which totally throw the girl or are all the questions based on common sense?

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This is one of the best questions I ever read in here.

Although I do not have personal experience why don't we put a primer, to prepare

the girls of what is coming up.

Come on, post your personal experiences, not limited to the British embassy, but

any embassy. What questiosn are asked? For what situation should one be prepared.

Me thinks it's a good idea.

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There are numerous websites with sample test questions. INS even has an official online practice test that can be taken.

I have seen several of my wife's friends pass the test who speak very little english.

Check in your google shearch for KU citizenship test questions or something like that.

Here in the US it sounds like a joke?

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They are the kind of questions that if your fiance knows you well enough, she will know the answers to. It's not rocket science, just asking about each other's families, brothers and sisters, their ages etc. A friend I know came over on a fiance visa and they asked her and her uk husband to be....in different rooms ofcourse!!!

How they come up with their decisions, thats the rocket science part!!!

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Heres an example of the questions she would be asked if applying for a fiancee visa. Hope they help!

Fiancé Visa Questions

1. Are you fit and well and ready for interview?

2. Do you understand and speak English?

3. Which language do you wish to be interviewed in? The interpreter will translate only the questions I ask she will not ask you any questions directly.

4. If you do not understand any question say so. Please answer the questions truthfully and make your answers clear.

5. What type of entry clearance are you applying for?

6. Are you married?

7. Are you married now?

8. Who are you marrying?

9.When did you meet?

10. When?

11. How?

12. How did your friend know him?

13. Where did you meet?

14. Were you working in Pattaya?

15. Was that a beauty salon where the men take women out?

16. Your Salary?

17. Can I see your bank books?

18. Is this your first foreign boyfriend?

19. Do you have any relatives abroad?

20. When do you plan to marry?

21. Where?

22. Are you currently working?

23. Where?

24. Do you have your telephone bills here?

25. Need to see yours and bank statements you can bring them at a later date?

26. Do you have up to date bank a/c for your boyfriend?

27. If you have them then why did you not bring them?

28. You have a list of things you had to bring and you brought the old ones so why not the new ones, that is not logical to bring out of date ones and not the new ones if you have them.

29. Where will you be living in the UK?

30. Whose house?

31. Who is Mrs ********?

32. Will you be living with son?

33. Does the lodger still stay at the premises?

34. There is another person at the house now apart from Mrs ****** are they still there?

35. Did your b/f say there will be 2 people in the house when you go to the UK.

36. But the Housing association state that the other person must move out before you can move in?

37. What are your monthly expenses?

38. What do you spend it on?

39. Your b/f has been sending you ***** baht regularly, every month, how come this is not enough for your expenses?

40. You do not need to pay a money pool, why need to pay that?

41. When did he start sending you money regularly?

42. How much each time?

44. How come you spend so much money if he is giving you £*** a month and you have only expenses of £***?

45. Why did you not tell him?

46. Do you have medical bills at home you can bring in?

47. Why did you not buy a passport when he sent you money first time?

48. He sent you money specifically for the passport why did you not buy it?

49. That is not what you told him you said you spent it on Songkran and bills?

50. How much is in you account now?

51. Where did £**** between Nov and June go, that is double your normal expenditure?

52. What does your b/f do?

53. Where does he live?

54. Where in ******?

55. States here he lines in *******? (Somewhere different and totally incorrect)

56. What does he do in his spare time? (What spare time)

57. In English tell me about him?

58. OK

59. Tell me about his likes and dislikes personality what attracted you to him anything like that.

60. How do you communicate?

61. What words do you speak?

62. What do you say?

63. No other communication?

64. Who writes your emails?

65. Married before?

66. When did you divorce?

67. When last see previous husband?

68. Boyfriend married before?

69. Can I see his divorce certificate?

70. Tell me in Thai why you decided to marry?

71. What attracted you to him?

72. What initially attracted you to him?

73. Still Fit & Well?

74. Understood all Questions?

75. Anything to add?


Please note that many of the questions above relate purely to the member concerned. No two interviews will ever be alike.

A few more exapmles...

1. What is your husbands family name

2. When is your husbands Birthday and how old is he?

3. Where will you live in England?

4. Does your husbands have any brothers or sisters?

5. What is your husbands Mothers name?

6. What is your husbands Fathers name?

7. What company does he work for?

8. What sort of things do you talk about on the phone?

9. Is the language a problem?

And here a few more:


1. Is this your first visit overseas?

2. Is this your first and only passport?

3. How long do you intend to stay in UK?

4. Why do you want to go to UK?

5. I suppose if you get your visa, you'll be looking forward to a new life in the UK?

6. Would you still have married your husband if you could not live in UK?

7. What will you do if this visa is refused?

Meeting Questions:

8. When did you first meet your partner?

9. How did you meet your husband?

10. Did you stay with him when you met?

11. So how long were you with him?

12. Did he write or call you?

13. When was his first letter to you?

14. Do you have any photos to show me?

15. When did your husband propose to you?

Family Questions:

16. Have either of you been married before?

17. Do you have any children?

18. Does your husband have children from a previous relationship?

19. Where are your children now?

20. Does your husband support them?

21. So, if we grant you a settlement visa today and you fly to England to live with your husband, what will happen to your children?

Accommodation Questions:

22. Where do you live?

23. Do you know if it's okay for your husband to have a second person living in his apartment?

24. Why should you live in UK?

25. When did you decide to live in the UK?

26. Did you agree to marry your husband only if you could live in the UK?

Financial Questions:

27. What does your husband do for his job?

28. Do you know how much he earns for his salary?

29. Does he send you money?

30. How much and how often does he send the money?

31. Do you think that your husband will be able to take good financial care of you and your children?

General Questions:

32. What religion is he?

33. What are your husband's hobbies or pastimes?

34. What do you have in common with each other?

35. What do you like about him?

36. What is the real reason why you want to marry him?

37. How do you feel about the differences in your culture?

38. Have you understood all the questions?

39. Do you have anything else to add?

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They are the kind of questions that if your fiance knows you well enough, she will know the answers to. It's not rocket science, just asking about each other's families, brothers and sisters, their ages etc. A friend I know came over on a fiance visa and they asked her and her uk husband to be....in different rooms ofcourse!!!

How they come up with their decisions, thats the rocket science part!!!

Post submission note: I referred to two lists of questions. Big Spuds posted them while I was composing this posting!

There's a list of UK settlement visa questions at Thailand-UK and both an unofficial checklist and an official checklist. It takes about 12 minutes to join their forum; unfortunately this information is only available to members.

Of course, if they think there is something not right about an answer, they can totally confuse the girl. Somewhere else on that site there were questions about tenants in the accommodation - from the list of successive questions given, it seems the poor girl knew nothing about them!

UK and US are quite different in some respects. There's one reported case where a fiancé (or a husband) had to lie that they had met in a bar because he was told that they would be considered liars if they denied it!

How far back do we want these questions to go? Obvoiusly we don't want questions relating to the 'primary purpose' rule, which was withdrawn around 1998.

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