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Just got out of hospital, pain still bad , still have the runs, still stomach pain which they are treating with paracetamol 3 times a day.


It's just like it was before I started all these tests and I am $5,000 dollars worse off, which makes CMR $5,000 better off.

Luckily I was able to self insure.


I have no idea what to do other than wait for the lifestyle changes to properly kick in as there is absolutely nothing wrong with me, so I am suffering from severe stress!


Colonoscopy has been done, nothing to show.


Dexilant (Deexlansoprazole)




(Soltab)  Remeron 30mg


Colofac 135mg (Mebeverine)


Tylenol Arthritis 650mg


Those are all the tablets I have left.


Hope this info helps




I am guessing the motilium for prescribed fro your GERD, Thai doctors tend to add that to the mix (though in my experience makes little difference)


Abdominal cramps are a known side effect of motilium. So is diarrhea. Its mode of action is to increase movement of the GI tract.


 Colofac is  a treatment for irritable bowel syndrome. Remeron as I assumr you know is an anti-depressent. So it sounds liek you have been diagnosed with IBS.


You may find this article helpful



And I would suggest trying some probiotics, can't hurt and may help.


Likewise an elimination diet might be a good idea, starting with dairy products (eliminate them for say 2 weeks, if things improve eliminate permanently, if not, go back to eating them and eliminate something else such as wheat, and repeat process as a means of identifiying any foods that you may be intolerant to).






I have just re-read the results of my CT Scan and something right at the end bothers me




Mild dilation and thickened wall of small bowel loops at left sided abdomen, the first impression is bowel ileus from infection/ inflammation process, further close follow up study or further investigation is advised"



Well there was no further investigation and from the meds I have told you I am on do you think that they are helping me to get better?


Many thanks


The meds you are on are just for symptomatic management of what is being presumed to be "irritable bowel syndrome" which is a catch all term for symptoms for which a cause could nto be found.


You'd have to tell me whether they are helping - is the pain any better?






No Sheryl,


The pain is not any better, sometimes it is and then others worse.


Seriously thinking about going to see a specialist at Sripat, I am really fed up with this now.


Yes, you should. Bring all records with you including the CT and endoscopy CDs (not just the reports)


Suggest:  Assoc Prof Taned Chitapanarux



I have made an appointment to see  the Professor on Monday evening. My wife rang RAM about the cd's. They don't provide them anymore for endoscopy reports, they just provide them for CT Scan's and MRI's so I will have to take the paper folders as I have no choice !


As long as the paper folders include pictures (i.e. not just the report).

Glad you got the appointment. While waiting have a look through your various blood test results and see if they include a serum amylase and serum lipase. If not when you see the Prof ask about this. (Check for pancreatitis).

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  • Thanks 1

The Prof reckons it could be Chrone's Disease as I am displaying many of the symptoms relating to it and the wording in the CT Scan would seem to fit the bill.

He has taken blood and wants a stool sample next week and given me worm tablets (just to rule out an infection from worms) and Metronidazole 200mg.


Luckily I have been following the right diet and that kept me pain free for 3 days, but it flared up again today.


The GERD problem seems to have sorted itself out, Ram got that right I think but not the right diagnosis for my stomach pain saying it was all in my head.......talking of which, it never rains but it pours, last week I had a funny turn where I started talking in tounges for about 2 minutes, so he wants me to see a neurologist next week....oh the joys of getting old !!


Glad at least that you have seen a senior specialists who is taking the matter seriously.


indeed, should see a neurologist too - what you describe could have been a TIA.

35 minutes ago, ThaiPauly said:

Excuse my ignorance Sheryl but what is a TIA?

Got it...crickey, they cannot see me till next Tuesday....should I go elsewhere Sheryl?


If so where in CM? I'm not going back to CMR


I DID have a TIA, I have seen the nuerologist and after all the appropriate tests including an MRI I am OK but will have to take tablets to thin my blood for life.


I went to see the Prof at Sriphat for the results of my blood tests, x-ray and stool test and he informs me that I have NOT got Chron's Disease, rather it's the ulcerative colitis that although he says it is in remission he has no idea why I am experiencing such regular discomfort...in other words HE DOES NOT KNOW what is wrong with me. He wants to do ANOTHER colonoscopy which I am refusing to have as I only had one 5 weeks ago and nothing has changed since then. So the quest to find the answer goes on, now I need to find another specialist. TBH I was not at all impressed by the Professor there and won't be going back there in a hurry. just another waste of good money. I would not be in any hurry to recommend him to others suffering gastro problems.


It is hardly the case that they do not know what is wrong with you when they have diagnoses Ulcerative Colitis (as well as a prior diagnosis of gastritis).


I note that you keeps saying this and similar things ("tests showed nothing" etc)  when in fact tests did show something, doctor did make a diagnosis etc. Perhaps what you mean is that they were unablt to produce an immediate cure for your symptoms?


Ulcerative colitis is quite rare in Thailand, only a few docs with much experience in it.  It would be worth your while to travel to Bangkok to consult one of these few, bringing all records and especially the CD or films from the colonoscopy with you.


I suggest Assoc. Prof Somchai Leelakusolvong at Siriraj. he traiend at the Mayo Clinic i nthe US and has published in UC.


Siriraj has a private wing where you can book appointment by phone.


If Prof Somchai is unavailable then try Prof. Supot Pongprasobchai




By the way did the test serum amylase? I am still a bto concerned re possible inflammation of the pancreas if not.








Hi Sheryl,


I do not know what you refer to in your last paragraph?


Yes I will go to Bangkok...this has to be sorted out


Thanks for the referals


serum amylase is a blood test. I mentioned it before in post #45. Check your test results and see if they ever tested for  amylase and lipase tests.  It would be in with other blood chemistries.


If these have nto been done, they should be, just to rule out a pancreatic issue.

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