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Trump steps up fight over Russia probe, backs release of secret memo


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Trump steps up fight over Russia probe, backs release of secret memo

By Doina Chiacu and Steve Holland


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U.S. President Donald Trump addresses the Republican National Committee's winter meeting at the Washington Hilton in Washington, U.S., February 1, 2018. REUTERS/Yuri Gripas


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump and his Republican allies on Friday escalated a campaign against U.S. law enforcement agencies over their probe into Russia by making public a classified memo that the FBI had sought to keep under wraps.


The document, drawn up by congressional Republicans, alleges bias against Trump at the FBI and Justice Department in the federal investigation into potential collusion between Trump's 2016 presidential campaign and Russia and whether the president has sought to obstruct the probe.


Ignoring a plea from the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Trump approved the release of the memo, deepening an extraordinary breach between the president and senior law enforcement officials over a probe that has dogged him during his first year in office.


Trump declassified the four-page memo, telling reporters its contents told a "disgraceful" story of bias against him. Republicans on the House of Representatives Intelligence Committee wrote the memo and released it to the public.


The document has become a flashpoint in a battle between Republicans and Democrats over Special Counsel Robert Mueller's criminal probe into the Russia matter launched in May 2017 that grew out of an earlier FBI investigation.


Democrats say the memo uses cherry-picked classified information, and they believe Trump's allies might use it to give him a reason to fire U.S. Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, who oversees Mueller, or even Mueller himself.


Asked on Friday by reporters if he had confidence in Rosenstein or whether he would fire him, Trump replied, "You figure that one out." Dismissing Rosenstein would likely ignite a political firestorm for the president, much as his firing of FBI chief James Comey did last year.


"A lot of people should be ashamed," Trump said of the allegations made in the document.


Trump has called Mueller's investigation a "witch hunt," denying any collusion with Russia or obstruction of justice. Moscow has denied any election meddling.


Writing on Twitter on Friday, Trump accused top U.S. law enforcement officers, some of whom he appointed himself, of politicizing investigations.


It was his latest attack on top justice officials. Trump fired Comey last May as the FBI pursued the Russia probe, leading to Mueller's appointment by Rosenstein. Comey later told a congressional hearing he believed his removal was an effort by Trump to undermine the Russia probe.


Senator John McCain strongly criticized his fellow Republicans and Trump for attacking the FBI and the Justice Department over Russia.


"If we continue to undermine our own rule of law, we are doing Putin's job for him," McCain said in a statement, referring to Russian President Vladimir Putin.




The document alleges the FBI concealed the Democratic ties of a source the agency used to justify surveillance on a former Trump campaign worker. It says a string of senior Justice Department officials signed off on this.


The document, commissioned by the Republican chairman of the House intelligence panel, Devin Nunes, focuses on court-approved surveillance of former Trump campaign aide Carter Page, saying the FBI used a source who was strongly biased against Trump - former British spy Christopher Steele - to justify the action.


It alleged that a dossier of alleged Trump-Russia contacts compiled by Steele, and funded in part by U.S. Democrats, formed an "essential part" of requests to a special court to be allowed to conduct electronic surveillance on Page that began in October 2016.


It said the initial application and subsequent renewal applications, signed off on by various senior Justice Department officials including Rosenstein, did not mention the link between Steele and the Democrats. It also portrayed Steele as biased, saying he "was passionate about him (Trump) not being president."


The memo largely repeated allegations that Nunes and others had made publicly previously and did not include major surprises.

In a rare public rebuke of the president and Republicans in Congress who were pushing to release the memo, the FBI said on Wednesday it had "grave concerns about material omissions of fact" in the document and said it should not be made public.


A White House official said Trump had always been inclined to release the Republican memo, despite the FBI's urging that he not do so. He relied heavily on Chief of Staff John Kelly and White House Counsel Don McGahn in approving the release, the official said.


In his swipe at U.S. law enforcement leaders on Twitter hours before the memo's release, Trump said, "The top Leadership and Investigators of the FBI and the Justice Department have politicized the sacred investigative process in favour of Democrats and against Republicans - something which would have been unthinkable just a short time ago."


U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions indicated he planned to refer the allegations against the Justice Department and the FBI in the Republican memo to the department's inspector general for investigation.


Democrats said the memo released on Friday used only partial information.


"The selective release and politicization of classified information sets a terrible precedent and will do long-term damage to the Intelligence Community and our law enforcement agencies," Democrats on the House intelligence panel said in a statement.


The Democrats said they hoped the committee would vote on Monday to release their own memo responding to the allegations.


The entire file that the Justice Department used to apply for permission to eavesdrop on Page remains highly classified, making it hard to evaluate the memo's contents.


While the memo focuses on an October 2016 court application for electronic surveillance of Page, it omits the fact that Page appeared on the FBI's radar screen much earlier, when he met in 2013 with Russians in New York who were officers of the Kremlin's foreign intelligence service. There was no evidence that Page knew the people were Russian intelligence officers but the contacts raised FBI suspicions.


-- © Copyright Reuters 2018-02-03
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55 minutes ago, rooster59 said:

The entire file that the Justice Department used to apply for permission to eavesdrop on Page remains highly classified, making it hard to evaluate the memo's contents.


While the memo focuses on an October 2016 court application for electronic surveillance of Page, it omits the fact that Page appeared on the FBI's radar screen much earlier, when he met in 2013 with Russians in New York who were officers of the Kremlin's foreign intelligence service. There was no evidence that Page knew the people were Russian intelligence officers but the contacts raised FBI suspicions.


And there is the rub. We don't know all the reasons Page was subject to a FISA warrant. We only know a subset that the Republicans and WH wants to be know. Other evidence is being hidden and not being released. Why?


Also, Page was on the FBI's radar starting in 2013. If anything, it shows the FBI was restrained before even monitoring Page under FISA. Not to mention that the FISA warrant was renew several times which means the judge found sufficient reason to keep the warrant active beyond the initial reasons.


The whole released memo is distraction, an opinion piece and not much of anything at all.


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51 minutes ago, Boon Mee said:

Actually, the memo has been released and it shows a never before level of political corruption at the hands of senior DJ & FBI personnel,


Heads will roll. 


I thought J.Edgar Hoover ran the FBI for 1924 to 1972.  He was corrupt beyond belief.  

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58 minutes ago, Silurian said:




The Nunes memo is a dud



“Worse than a nothing burger”: The Nunes memo lands with a thud



The Secret Nunes Memo Is a Dud (It's Also Total BS)

1 hour ago, Silurian said:




The Nunes memo is a dud



“Worse than a nothing burger”: The Nunes memo lands with a thud



The Secret Nunes Memo Is a Dud (It's Also Total BS)



And it goes on and on...




And it goes on and on...



The Nunes memo is a dud as far as being exculpatory for what Trump may or may not have done. But is fairly enlightening with regard to the alleged prosecutorial misconduct. I hope that is investigated just as I wish for Mueller's investigation to continue apace.


BTW, I clicked on one of those links and was redirected to a page entitled "The Dismal State of Journalism".

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20 minutes ago, lannarebirth said:

The Nunes memo is a dud as far as being exculpatory for what Trump may or may not have done. But is fairly enlightening with regard to the alleged prosecutorial misconduct. I hope that is investigated just as I wish for Mueller's investigation to continue apace.


In what part was alleged prosecutorial conduct mentioned? I didn't get that from the memo.


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2 minutes ago, Silurian said:


In what part was alleged prosecutorial conduct mentioned? I didn't get that from the memo.


In its failure to update information, some of which may have been exculpatory to the FISC when seeking extension of warrants.  I'm not a fan of the FISC as it stands anyway, given only one side may present evidence. But given that fact, those seeking court permissions must be doubly careful in their presentations so that they give a full representation of the facts, both accusatorial and exculpatory. The 'memo" may be in error, but as it reads that was not done in this case.


Nothing to do with Trump as far as I can tell, but everyone should be concerned how these secret courts are run.

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10 minutes ago, lannarebirth said:

In its failure to update information, some of which may have been exculpatory to the FISC when seeking extension of warrants.  I'm not a fan of the FISC as it stands anyway, given only one side may present evidence. But given that fact, those seeking court permissions must be doubly careful in their presentations so that they give a full representation of the facts, both accusatorial and exculpatory. The 'memo" may be in error, but as it reads that was not done in this case.


Nothing to do with Trump as far as I can tell, but everyone should be concerned how these secret courts are run.


The memo is most likely incomplete as it seems to be very limited in scope and explanations. The FISA warrant for Page was renewed three or four times by different judges each time. In order to renew a FISA warrant, there has to be additional reasons beyond the initial evidence to support a renewal. Any judge renewing a FISA warrant will ask for this additional evidence in order to allow renewal. Carter Page has a long and varied history of dealing with Russia and various Russia oligarchs. The memo cherry picks the dossier out of multiple pieces of evidence against Carter Page. 


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7 minutes ago, Silurian said:


The memo is most likely incomplete as it seems to be very limited in scope and explanations. The FISA warrant for Page was renewed three or four times by different judges each time. In order to renew a FISA warrant, there has to be additional reasons beyond the initial evidence to support a renewal. Any judge renewing a FISA warrant will ask for this additional evidence in order to allow renewal. Carter Page has a long and varied history of dealing with Russia and various Russia oligarchs. The memo cherry picks the dossier out of multiple pieces of evidence against Carter Page. 



I'm not sure they need additional reasons for each renewal. I believe the standard is the lawyer has to show that it got information corroborating the original warrant and that further access would lead to further evidence. As I mentioned the "memo" may be flawed, but as it reads, were I the one under surveillance, I'd be looking for redress. Assuming I wasn't guilty of anything of course.

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5 hours ago, Boon Mee said:

Actually, the memo has been released and it shows a never before level of political corruption at the hands of senior DJ & FBI personnel,


Heads will roll. 


As a " never before level of political corruption"...   

The memo is so silly, and technical, and logic-defying on its face that it’s easy to miss the fact that its genius lies in precisely that" 



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The Memo is worthless and is being used by Trump and his Republican sycophants to try and obstruct the Mueller investigation and once Mueller finishes- if Trump is not satisfied with the result- Trump will point out that the whole process was flawed which is nonsense.


The truth is that Trump is scared to death that the Dossier will be further corroborated because it contains some real nasty tidbits on how Trump acts and thinks/.  Carter Page has been on the FBI and Intelligence radar for years as Mr Page met with Russian agents who attempted to recruit him. The FISC court  has ample evidence for a warrant and the mention of where the dossier came from has no bearing on the warrants issuance. If there's nothing to find out- it won't be found out.


The real issue at hand is not only did Russia influence the US election but how much collaboration between Russian agents and the Trump campaign took place, if any .US intelligence already has firm evidence that the Russians indeed attempted to influence the election and even hacked the Democratic Party Hq and attempted to hack certain states voting machines.

The Mueller investiation is starting to follow the money and that is why Trump and his minions are worried and trying to sidetrack the investigation.


1. It is well known   Trump declared bankruptcy 5 times and alleged hewas close to 'broke' when the Russians bailed him out. Russian oligarchs needed a place to park billions and went into business with the Trump Empire- pouring huge amounts into Us real estate-overpaying- and making Trump a Billionaire again/ These people have direct connections with V. Putin who not only  is President of Russia but the longtime head of the former KGB- Russian intelligence. Donald Trump Jr even acknowledged as much by indicating publicly that Trump doesn't need US bank loans (which he could not get) There are other resources.


It is also interesting to note that Trump refuses to release his tax returns- because he knows these returns will verify the source of his wealth- It is alleged to be Russia


2.  Fast forward to Trump running for President.  Putin sees a great opportunity to establish a methodology for an already compromised  Trump.  He is hoping Trump can become President because he knows Trump will deal in a way that moves the Us foreign policy towards the Russian point of view .  Russia hacks into the Democratic database - but not into the Republicans.  Russians meet with the Trump election Team- Donald jr; Reince Priebus and others and provide information. Trump states he knew nothing of the meeting but puts out a statement indicating the meeting was about adoption issues. 


General Flynn- fired by the Obama Administration- for incompetence while running the Defense Intelligence Agency- is head of Trump's foreign affairs  team and also has a History with Russia and is an unregistered agent of the Turkish Government.


3.  Trump's campaign rhetoric praises Putin and indicates he wants to get rid of any Russian sanctions. During the campaign- Flynn meets with the Russian Ambassador and the Trump Campaign obtains documents from Julian Assange of Wiki Leaks fame detrimental to Clinton. While Assange claims he did not get them from Russia- it is the only place they could have come from as it has been proven Russia hacked the Democrats emails. 


4.  Trump wins the election by the narrowest of margins winning the electoral votes in 4 key states by small margins while losing the popular vote by almost 3 million votes. Trump becomes President and fires James Comey- FBI Director indicating Comey has to go because of the Russia thing and because Comey won't stop investigating Flynn.


Trump forces  Flynn to resign because he lied to the Vice President but the real reason is that Flynn is under investigation and Trump knows of Flynn's background with Russia and Turkey.Later Flynn is indicted .


Attorney General Jeff Sessions recuses himself from the Russian investigation which infuriates Donald Trump- saying he thought Sessions 'had his back'. The Assistant AG hires Mueller to conduct the investigation


Steve Bannon after resigning from his position- is quoted as indicating that a meeting between Donald Trump Jr  and others with the Russians could be treasonous.


These are just a few of the issues that are being investigated by the Special Counsel. I don't know how much Trump is personally involved in all this but I do know that America has a sitting President whose closest advisors and possibly family members have possibly been co-opted by a foreign power and may have access to some of America's most secret information.


This case should not be about Democrats or Republicans or Trump supporters versus Anti Trump people.  All Americans of any stripe need to know whether there is or was any collusion between anyone in the Us Government; the Trump Election Team; the Trump Transition Team or anyone else with any foreign power- to include Russia. The series of events that have already been proven by just the statements of President Trump and his minions are enough to caste doubt and continue the investigation to its completion.




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7 hours ago, rooster59 said:

"A lot of people should be ashamed,"

Only Nunes who admitted he didn't view the underlying intelligence on which he based the memo. The memo is just Nunes' narrative on what he believes was the basis for FISA court issued  warrants related to the Russian probe.


Best not to know the facts when one has a fairy tale to tell.


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3 hours ago, lannarebirth said:


I'm not sure they need additional reasons for each renewal. I believe the standard is the lawyer has to show that it got information corroborating the original warrant and that further access would lead to further evidence. As I mentioned the "memo" may be flawed, but as it reads, were I the one under surveillance, I'd be looking for redress. Assuming I wasn't guilty of anything of course.


From everything I read and heard, additional information or evidence needs to be given for each extension.


Per the article below...



On a renewal, the lawyer has to show that it got information corroborating the original warrant and that further access would lead to further evidence.





So according to this article, Page would have been found several times with corroborating evidence in order for a FISA warrant extension to be approved each time.


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No one knows what the extent of evidence actually submitted to the FISC committee and the judge as it remains classified. As of 2013 Carter Page has been on the FBI and Intel watchlist as it is common knowledge he met with Russian agents.  That alone would be enough to get a warrant and then coupled with an investigation into the Russian Connection would add more strength. Page was on the Trump  Transition Team.  The dossier did even need to be discussed to get the warrant.  Page has no claim for any redress .


The Memo was written by the House Republican Committee-  It is worthless.   I can write a similar Memo which is equally worthless.  The Democrats have another version which I would imagine is the same.  FBI and other Intelligence can be interpreted differently by different people.   It  is the accumulation of  intelligence from a variety of sources that paints the picture and the conclusion. 


There is no smoking gun yet- but Mueller is following the money and both Trump and some Repubs are scared.  I wonder why?

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4 hours ago, lannarebirth said:

In its failure to update information, some of which may have been exculpatory to the FISC when seeking extension of warrants.  I'm not a fan of the FISC as it stands anyway, given only one side may present evidence. But given that fact, those seeking court permissions must be doubly careful in their presentations so that they give a full representation of the facts, both accusatorial and exculpatory. The 'memo" may be in error, but as it reads that was not done in this case.


Nothing to do with Trump as far as I can tell, but everyone should be concerned how these secret courts are run.

well as the FBI more than likely said the Steele report was initially funded by Republicans and then Democrats, the Judge clearly thought there could be no bias in it at all and processed the application as normal.  The memo is going to backfire badly on Nunes, Trump and the GOP.

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29 minutes ago, Thaidream said:

That alone would be enough to get a warrant

The cause for such latitude isn't what is presented in a FISA application but in what Congress approved in the FISA Law that sets the standard for use by the FISA Court!

In the 2008 and 2018 re-authorizations of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978 the majority Congressional Republicans were responsible for broadening the conditions for a FISA warrant.

2008 Authorization - House Extends Surveillance Law, Rejecting New Privacy Safeguards

"Before voting to extend the law, known as Section 702 of the FISA Amendments Act, the House rejected an amendment that would have imposed a series of new safeguards. That proposal included a requirement that officials obtain warrants in most cases before hunting for, and reading, emails and other messages of Americans that were swept up under the surveillance."

  • Passed the US House by a 293 to 129 vote: Yeas: Democrats 105; Republicans; 188 Nays: Democrats 128; Republicans     1
  • Passed the US Senate by a 69 to 28 vote: Yeas: Democrats 21; Republicans 47; Nays: Democrats 27; Republicans  0


2018 Authorization - Congress Renews Warrantless Surveillance—And Makes It Even Worse

"the bill newly passed by Congress opens the door to reintroducing about collection in emergency situations only—though what constitutes an “emergency” isn’t specified, leaving room for broad interpretation. .... Now, just mentioning a target—rather than an identifier like their email address—could get you sucked into the dragnet."

House bill sponsored by Nunes, supported by Ryan

  • Passed by vote 256 to 164

Senate bill

  • Passed by vote 60 to 38


Trump initially accused the Act as part of the cause for surveillance abuse related to the Trump Campaign, but then flipped himself apparently after someone educated him on the recent passed amendment and re-authorization by the Republicans!




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  The objection to releasing the memo was  that the risk of harm to national security and to ongoing investigations that could come from the public release," Assistant Attorney General Stephen Boyd wrote in a letter.

"Indeed, we do not understand why the Committee would possibly seek to disclose classified and law enforcement sensitive information" .

Their is no classified or sensitive content in the memo ,all hype.


Many on the  GOP read the memo before its release and said its as big as Watergate and heads will roll. All hype!


Again and again left against the right! I'm fed up with politicians .What about these judges? It appears they are highly suspect, are they rubber stamping these Fisa warrants ! Snowden seemed to think so. Only 11 request in 33 years have been blocked.


Special council should be appointed to investigate the investigators .


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They picked one of the worst days to release their dud of a bomb, too.  Friday, at the end of a news cycle and two days before the start of the next.  Maybe they realized at the last minute how ridiculous it was and released it on a Friday hoping that not too many people would see it.

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6 minutes ago, attrayant said:

They picked one of the worst days to release their dud of a bomb, too.  Friday, at the end of a news cycle and two days before the start of the next.  Maybe they realized at the last minute how ridiculous it was and released it on a Friday hoping that not too many people would see it.

Actually it wasn't ridiculous ! It shows how bad the system is, see Post 23.The  left and right all pitted against each other .The left media the right media ,politicians hyperbole  .So much doubt! Who do Americans believe!

Need a SI

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8 minutes ago, riclag said:

It appears they are highly suspect, are they rubber stamping these Fisa warrants !


Is that a question or are you making an assertion that judges pass anything put in front of them?



8 minutes ago, riclag said:

Only 11 request in 33 years have been blocked.


That's because there's a very high bar to clear for agents seeking a FISA warrant.  Agents don't want to go before a FISA court if their's even the tiniest crack in their evidence.  So if a high percentage of warrants are being approved, I read that as saying the agents have almost always got their ducks in a row before going before the court.




It’s extremely difficult, and, in fact, the goal [inside the FBI] is to hold yourself to a high enough standard so that you won’t ever get rejected by the court,” said Renato Mariotti, who was a federal prosecutor in Chicago from 2007 to 2016 and is now running for attorney general in Illinois.

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15 minutes ago, attrayant said:

And Nunes is hinting there's more to come.  Constituents need to start getting angry at town hall meetings again.  Their elected representatives are being paid for doing absolutely squat.



What your suggesting is that elected officials are only taking up their responsibilities in  investigating committees and wasting tax dollars .Which goes to my point,a divide. There is no source or figure that can prove otherwise .A source for a source,a I gotcha for a I gotcha .

Need a SI

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