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Marriage to foreigners not all it's cracked up to be complains Isaan woman stuck in Farangland!


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4 hours ago, MrY said:



It's inane because the headline and the article have barely anything to do with the video it's referring to. It's clickbait, and it worked. Create two sides (those who react to the article vs those that saw the video) and you get 28 pages of this foolishness.

Slightly entertaining foolishness.....or is that too revealing of the sad state of my life?

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1 hour ago, elephant45 said:

Another possible off topic item comes mind here, but every-time my buddy takes his GF out with me or whomever invited she orders 3000baht worth off food and throws most of it away. Maybe the gal is in shock of how frugal one must be when living in reality, not with a farang throwing money around in Thailand; its so easy to do.

Tell her its  her turn to pay and see how much she orders


If she orders the same good on her. 


If she orders less. Then QED

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3 hours ago, jonclark said:

The fact she has called the place she is living 'Farangland' shows the mentality of this lady - she doesn't even know where she is living. Its like me calling Thailand 'Asialand'- seriously i'd be locked up for being so dumb. 


The fact?!


She did not use the word Farangland. Or say any of those other things in the OP for that matter. The video is completely in Thai (Isan dialect) and wholly misrepresented.

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1 hour ago, strewth mick said:

Slightly entertaining foolishness.....or is that too revealing of the sad state of my life?


Well, it certainly is revealing of the mindsets of the poor souls on a hair-trigger to vent their disappointment in love and life in general...

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19 hours ago, spermwhale said:

Yes it's too bad that so many guys go slumming to find a girl to bring back home. You pick an uneducated girl from the sticks, then you get what you deserve. 

I'm always amazed at guys who will date these losers here but would never think of dating a similar loser trailer trash girl back home. 


Its always women that do the choosing, and like attracts like.

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1 hour ago, hellohello123 said:

It's surprisingly how cunning and calculative these girls are yet they don't even check or verify how rich their white man is before picking the biggest loser out of the group 


Complacency or stupidity? 

     I think they really do believe all western men are rich.   Telling one you were only a school teacher and got paid school teacher salary just like Thai school teacher does not seem to dissuade them in the least from the delusion that secretly you have large amounts of money squirreled away and a castle to live in and cars and servants.

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2 hours ago, dontoearth said:

     I think they really do believe all western men are rich.   Telling one you were only a school teacher and got paid school teacher salary just like Thai school teacher does not seem to dissuade them in the least from the delusion that secretly you have large amounts of money squirreled away and a castle to live in and cars and servants.

Well... i told you so is a line you coyld easily use.


But who wants to waste rhat sort of energy.


People like these two deserve eachother.


And im not this in a bitter way. 

You play with fire you get burnt

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24 minutes ago, Grauwulf said:


I had to really compose myself on this one.

oh well you can take the girl out of the bar.......


Another one?!


What maid?


One day I will reread this thread and make a reference list for myself as to whose posts to pay attention to and who to ignore...

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15 hours ago, MrY said:



It's inane because the headline and the article have barely anything to do with the video it's referring to. It's clickbait, and it worked. Create two sides (those who react to the article vs those that saw the video) and you get 28 pages of this foolishness.

The headline and the article don't match because of poor editing standards - a problem which exists across the entire news industry these days, sadly. Regardless, the article itself still retains a degree of legitimacy as it's a human interest story that has provoked wide comment, something that it was intended to do. Amid the "foolishness", as you call it (and I agree that there is a lot of dross), there is also a lot of interesting debate on a subject that many want to learn more about. Therefore it can't be denied that the article is serving a useful purpose (once you wade through the dross, of course - :smile:). 

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On 2/3/2018 at 7:57 AM, ThaiSauce said:

Am I missing something? From my understanding, she wasn't really complaining about her life in farangland but more of a warning to people back in Thailand that 'may' have the idea of some fantasy life.


Did anyone posting any of these negative comments even watch the video? Or just read the poor English translation? 

There's a video of it?


Never even realised that, I've got every adblocker known to man installed


Prevents the epileptic fits from them flashing radio adverts with the world famous DJ people

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1 hour ago, Dexlowe said:

The headline and the article don't match because of poor editing standards - a problem which exists across the entire news industry these days, sadly. Regardless, the article itself still retains a degree of legitimacy as it's a human interest story that has provoked wide comment, something that it was intended to do. Amid the "foolishness", as you call it (and I agree that there is a lot of dross), there is also a lot of interesting debate on a subject that many want to learn more about. Therefore it can't be denied that the article is serving a useful purpose (once you wade through the dross, of course - :smile:). 


Well, it may have served some unintended purpose, but the OP was a tabloid distortion of an already distorted piece, so to call it legit is a bit much. Had the OP been accurate, there is plenty of statements I could at least partially agree with. But since there was a link, and there were plenty of posters calling out the OP, it has mostly just demonstrated how little the majority of posters look into a subject before posting. Seems like most just hammer out a reaction with no regard to, or interest in, what other posters may have said about the subject. I don't really expect anyone to read 30 pages of this before posting, but zero curiosity about what others had to say on the subject is a bit surprise...

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3 hours ago, Dexlowe said:

The headline and the article don't match because of poor editing standards - a problem which exists across the entire news industry these days, sadly. Regardless, the article itself still retains a degree of legitimacy as it's a human interest story that has provoked wide comment, something that it was intended to do. Amid the "foolishness", as you call it (and I agree that there is a lot of dross), there is also a lot of interesting debate on a subject that many want to learn more about. Therefore it can't be denied that the article is serving a useful purpose (once you wade through the dross, of course - :smile:). 

Thai Visa membership has fallen dramatically(George sure knows when to sell) and sadly, there seems to be only the older retired types who have married Isarn women left. This reflects the stories that are put in the "news" as gets more responses than real news related to Thailand. All these old fuddy duddies like to criticize as it makes their own situation feel better, living in a dirt poor province with a farmer's daughter half their age, but she works hard and is grateful for them being her saviour! 

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2 hours ago, KiChakayan said:

In my days in Geneva there were many of these girls ending up working in the  naughty massage parlors.  Really enjoyed my lunch breaks then. But at about 10000 Bahts a piece.

Only here does one feel comfortable admitting being a lunchtime monger!

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On 2/3/2018 at 3:30 PM, Nong Khai Man said:

I'll Tell You It's Not Half Changed Mate,You'll be like a Foreigner !!!

I was there last July. A big surprise was how much cheaper everything is in the supermarket, many things half the price of what they are in Bangkok.


Basically I'm 53, so I have another 14 years before I get a pension. The other thing being, I'm getting out of here whilst I still have money. I could stay here another 2 years or so, but by then the money would have started to run out, and returning to the UK wouldn't be anything like as easy.

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1 minute ago, Andrew65 said:

I was there last July. A big surprise was how much cheaper everything is in the supermarket, many things half the price of what they are in Bangkok.


Basically I'm 53, so I have another 14 years before I get a pension. The other thing being, I'm getting out of here whilst I still have money. I could stay here another 2 years or so, but by then the money would have started to run out, and returning to the UK wouldn't be anything like as easy.

Remember what Jim Morrison said, "nobody gets outta here alive!"

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3 minutes ago, norrska said:

Remember what Jim Morrison said, "nobody gets outta here alive!"

he was a sick paedophile Junkie so who really cares what he said ; )

**oh and their most successful hit was written by ray manzerick not morrison so says alot about his writing abilities. He was just a space cadet i think

Edited by Happy enough
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4 minutes ago, Happy enough said:

he was a sick paedophile Junkie so who really cares what he said ; )

**oh and their most successful hit was written by ray manzerick not morrison so says alot about his writing abilities. He was just a space cadet i think

your personal feeling s about Jim Morrison likely had little influence on the lady from Isaan living in Germany.


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15 hours ago, MrPatrickThai said:

Thai Visa membership has fallen dramatically(George sure knows when to sell) and sadly, there seems to be only the older retired types who have married Isarn women left. This reflects the stories that are put in the "news" as gets more responses than real news related to Thailand. All these old fuddy duddies like to criticize as it makes their own situation feel better, living in a dirt poor province with a farmer's daughter half their age, but she works hard and is grateful for them being her saviour! 

Some of us old fuddy duddies might have realised that there is more to life than a big city, where everything is fake and hype. 

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