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Italian man held after driving through city shooting at black people

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4 minutes ago, lovelomsak said:

Do i? I was not aware of this. Shows how what is written and what is understood by the reader can be 2 differnet things huh

Yep. one can misinterpret posted content, though a challenge to understand the Centre Right sentiments in the context of the words below.


"This guy is not racist he is a joiner. He just wants to live in his home country and be allowed to so what the blacks can do "

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This is just the beginning. Locals all over Europe are starting to fight back at all the crime that goes either unpunished or gets swept under the carpet by governments too afraid to upset the apple cart and stand accused of racism.

9 hours ago, simple1 said:

Perhaps you can identify "far radical left' parties that have any realistic chance for coming to power in the EU...None? IMO it is far better to support centre Right political parties to resist the rise of the far right as the far right will lead to cruel dictatorship.

None right now. But they are pushing their ideas through PC , mainstream media ect ect. Look at how Labour is changing in the U.K...not radical but as I said..pushing it.  This is what happens when an  extreme political idea is pushed and pushed. You will get the public outcry and there will be a pause, then all goes quiet. Then they push again and again but from the point that they paused, and so it goes on right up until it’s too late.  I agree as a conservative that it is best to support center right politics but the line of being center right or far right is becoming blurred by the far left.

20 hours ago, ilostmypassword said:

Who apparently mostly don't vote or make their opinions known to pollsters. I think they may be a kind of dark matter. Scientists believe it exists but can't actually see it. Or should I say "white matter.?

I was suggesting maybe the silent majority have spoken of late with the likes of Brexit and trump ect. And  if the silent majority does not exist and still mostly don’t vote then that should be even more worrying with far right attitudes returning to the surface in Europe.   And if this ‘white matter’ as you call it has awoken ( obviously you have to be white  to be fed up with the crazy influx of immigration ?) then more power to them.

52 minutes ago, goldenbrwn1 said:

center right or far right is becoming blurred by the far left.

Apologist nonsense

5 minutes ago, simple1 said:

Apologist nonsense

I think you misunderstood me. I’m no apologist for iether end of the scale. I just though I would try and answer your question. ?

13 minutes ago, goldenbrwn1 said:

I think you misunderstood me. I’m no apologist for iether end of the scale. I just though I would try and answer your question. ?

OK - reactionary nonsense

8 minutes ago, simple1 said:

OK - reactionary nonsense

Just say it . I know you want to . Don’t beat around the bush . That word doesn’t carry the clout like it used to anyway. Now that is a blurred description these days. 

On ‎2‎/‎4‎/‎2018 at 2:00 AM, lovelomsak said:

Just the blacks karma . They can do it and no mention of racism  it is ok  the blacks,rob,rape and bully after coming in to the country. That is just the way they live we have to adjust But if a native of the country they miss use and abuse does anything against them it is rescist. 

  This guy is not racist he is a joiner. He just wants to live in his home country and be allowed to so what the blacks can do . If one group can do it why can we not all do it. He assimulates to their level.

Mind boggling but not that surprising.


Recently I read somewhere about a Frenchman who had killed and diss-membered an Italian in Thailand (ring a bell?).  Maybe the Italians should head off and shoot a few French citizens just for revenge. Stupid?  Yes of course and tricky when both nationalities are white.  Much easier to just shoot anyone who is black!


23 hours ago, khunken said:

There is no evidence that the Nazi-type in the Op was under attack. It's only brainwashed idiots that escalate one murder by a black man into 'under attack'. Racism has always been not very far beneath the surface in Italy with Berlisconi & the Northern League to the fore.

Ahh the good old "nazi" compararing (very easy) racism can be much more complex than most people think and I will even say it can be justified in some cases. This is not about the one "murder by a black man" as you put it. how about the other casses....crime has shot up in every country effected by this mass migration as well as rape on local women, aggression, stabbings. You must be joking (or pulling a taqqya move) open your eyes. Only a blind "brainwashed idiot" wouldn't be able to see a truth so clear.

On 4 février 2018 at 11:40 AM, ilostmypassword said:

If people like you were in anything approaching a majority already there would be massive bloodshed of immigrants. On your part it's just nasty wishful thinking.

No...the only reason there is no blood shed is because the citizens of these countries our muzzled, kept silent by their pro Muslim liberal gouvernments. It is "people like you" who will lead us to our demise if not to our deaths. But hey, aren't you such lovely open minded people. Pfff.

6 minutes ago, Voodoochile said:

Ahh the good old "nazi" compararing (very easy) racism can be much more complex than most people think and I will even say it can be justified in some cases. This is not about the one "murder by a black man" as you put it. how about the other casses....crime has shot up in every country effected by this mass migration as well as rape on local women, aggression, stabbings. You must be joking (or pulling a taqqya move) open your eyes. Only a blind "brainwashed idiot" wouldn't be able to see a truth so clear.

Crime has shot up ...


Not true.

1 minute ago, Voodoochile said:

No...the only reason there is no blood shed is because the citizens of these countries our muzzled, kept silent by their pro Muslim liberal gouvernments. It is "people like you" who will lead us to our demise if not to our deaths. But hey, aren't you such lovely open minded people. Pfff.

Nobody is kept silent.

9 minutes ago, stevenl said:

Nobody is kept silent.

Ok steve....say hi to all the beautifull and open minded people in wonderland. The awakening is going to hurt, and I hope it does.

30 minutes ago, Voodoochile said:

Ahh the good old "nazi" compararing (very easy) racism can be much more complex than most people think and I will even say it can be justified in some cases. This is not about the one "murder by a black man" as you put it. how about the other casses....crime has shot up in every country effected by this mass migration as well as rape on local women, aggression, stabbings. You must be joking (or pulling a taqqya move) open your eyes. Only a blind "brainwashed idiot" wouldn't be able to see a truth so clear.

Sorry about the Nazi term (too close for comfort?) so, as per the Op, let's call him a fascist. No, racism cannot be justified no matter how hard the bigots try.

'Crime has shot up...' is just a lie. It hasn't except in the eyes of those who are bigoted against those of a different colour, culture or ethnic background. Yes there have been crimes by immigrants but nothing out of the ordinary, given that around 500,000 have entered & passed through Italy.

It's a pity that those who hate immigrants don't look at the cause which in Italy's case, was the bombing of Libya which opened the door to north Africa.

'Truth' is a foreign concept to those who defend extremists whether they are fascist, Muslim or Nazi.


30 minutes ago, khunken said:

Sorry about the Nazi term (too close for comfort?) so, as per the Op, let's call him a fascist. No, racism cannot be justified no matter how hard the bigots try.

'Crime has shot up...' is just a lie. It hasn't except in the eyes of those who are bigoted against those of a different colour, culture or ethnic background. Yes there have been crimes by immigrants but nothing out of the ordinary, given that around 500,000 have entered & passed through Italy.

It's a pity that those who hate immigrants don't look at the cause which in Italy's case, was the bombing of Libya which opened the door to north Africa.

'Truth' is a foreign concept to those who defend extremists whether they are fascist, Muslim or Nazi.


I wasn't speaking about only Italy but most of Europe (do you live in europe) I do. Yes you are right about khadafi, all gouvernments make mistakes but that doesn't mean we must accept all these people who for the vast majority will never integrate and only turn Europe into a third world country or much worst a warzone. And yes i maintain that in some casses racism can be justified. I also think it is imbedded in humans tangled up somewhere along the lines of patriotism and preferences. It's just another word invented to serve someone's political purpose. Think about it?

27 minutes ago, Voodoochile said:

Yes you are right about khadafi, all gouvernments make mistakes but that doesn't mean we must accept all these people who for the vast majority will never integrate and only turn Europe into a third world country or much worst a warzone.

With that mindset I fear there is no point in responding.  And yes I live in Europe and love the fact that it has such a diverse collection of different nationalities and ethnicities living there.


Unless I made a mistake it wasn't u I was asking? But that's ok. It seems to me I could say the exact same "with that mindset no point in responding" just opposite point of views. We will c if you still think the same in ten or so years from now. You can be for diversity and still understand that not everyone can mix peacefully. We are living creatures such as animals or even plants (because I know animals can shock people like you) well u can't put all the animals in the same enclosure some will get along and some won't, you can't plant any different flowers together in the same pot it will not ALWAYS work. Seems very simple to understand it's called nature or common sense.

5 minutes ago, Voodoochile said:

Unless I made a mistake it wasn't u I was asking? But that's ok. It seems to me I could say the exact same "with that mindset no point in responding" just opposite point of views. We will c if you still think the same in ten or so years from now. You can be for diversity and still understand that not everyone can mix peacefully. We are living creatures such as animals or even plants (because I know animals can shock people like you) well u can't put all the animals in the same enclosure some will get along and some won't, you can't plant any different flowers together in the same pot it will not ALWAYS work. Seems very simple to understand it's called nature or common sense.

Really, really bad analogy. You compare mixing species to mixing humans. You need to take a remedial course in biology.

18 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

Really, really bad analogy. You compare mixing species to mixing humans. You need to take a remedial course in biology.

I think he was trying ti simpilfy it for simple minds but the problem is not just simple minds but ill informed and just plain stupid people he is trying to assist in their understanding of what is really happening. Like he said come back to us in 10years. 

  The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

  We all want to help others but there  comes a time when we get tired of our good will being abused and end it.

 To help others to to help them grow ,develop and prosper,not just feed and shelter them so they can walk your streets and terrorise your home country. When all you want to do is help

18 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

Really, really bad analogy. You compare mixing species to mixing humans. You need to take a remedial course in biology.

Really, don't we say the "human species"????


nice one mate:)))

Just now, Voodoochile said:

Really, don't we say the "human species"????


nice one mate:)))

The human race is one species. Mixing different kinds of flowers that don't do well under the same conditions means that they are of a different species. Your reference to animals was unclear. The point remains: humans are one species. It makes no sense to compare mixing humans to mixing plants of different species or animals of different species.

5 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

The human race is one species. Mixing different kinds of flowers that don't do well under the same conditions means that they are of a different species. Your reference to animals was unclear. The point remains: humans are one species. It makes no sense to compare mixing humans to mixing plants of different species or animals of different species.

Ok.....mammals are a species same as reptiles felines etc...yes? Try and put all the mammals, or big cats together, or any other species they will never ALL get along peacefully even amongst the same species. 


do you understand now?



1 minute ago, Voodoochile said:

Ok.....mammals are a species same as reptiles felines etc...yes? Try and put all the mammals, or big cats together, or any other species they will never ALL get along peacefully even amongst the same species. 


do you understand now?



Oh and as for the "flowers that don't do well under certain conditions" you mean like someone from a very hot country going to a cold one. Let's say( just for example of course) like an African in sweden....


your diggin yourself in mate, stop.

3 minutes ago, Voodoochile said:

Ok.....mammals are a species same as reptiles felines etc...yes? Try and put all the mammals, or big cats together, or any other species they will never ALL get along peacefully even amongst the same species. 


do you understand now?



Dead right. I don't get along with racists or extremists whether they are white, black, brown or yellow. Unfortunately it's usually the white ones that are worst.

2 minutes ago, khunken said:

Dead right. I don't get along with racists or extremists whether they are white, black, brown or yellow. Unfortunately it's usually the white ones that are worst.

You see, I knew it was in you You finnaly got it. Good on ya!!

8 minutes ago, Voodoochile said:

Oh and as for the "flowers that don't do well under certain conditions" you mean like someone from a very hot country going to a cold one. Let's say( just for example of course) like an African in sweden....


your diggin yourself in mate, stop.

Once again you don't get it. But I got news for you, there are plenty of Africans who thrive in cold climates all over the the world.. So what you're saying apart from its biological cluelessness, is false.  

3 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

Once again you don't get it. But I got news for you, there are plenty of Africans who thrive in cold climates all over the the world.. So what you're saying apart from its biological cluelessness, is false.  

Uh...ok. I have answered pretty much everything you threw at me pretty damn clearly it seems and I think I do "get it" I think it's time you loose you password again?

On 2/3/2018 at 10:07 PM, Enoon said:


"blacks" Karma?


Africans 1.216 billion.

Asians 4.436 billion


Europeans 743.1 million

N.America  579 million.


Indians and Chinese alone make up about 2.5 billion.


Future not looking very "white" is it?



And your statistics show just why the "whites" generally have a higher standard of living, education, health care, etc.,  and why everyone else wants to come to where the "whites"  live. As long as the PC crowd and its foolish leaders allow such migration, the future is not looking very "white" at all.  Seen those movies where the rich whites live in sleek modern cities while the poor whites and people of color are fighting for food.  An exaggeration but that's probably the 22nd Century . Let's not forget with climate change, food production may be reduced.  Doesn't seem all that unlikely to me. 

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