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Retired cop vows at shrine that lottery millions belong to him


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6 hours ago, Justgrazing said:

Jeez' how far are they gonna take this .. I mean summoning up supernatural entities to severely punish the porkie pie teller is defcon 2 territory .. Once those entities are out and about who knows what havoc they might cause .. And what if the entities have got other folk to severely punish over the next 7 to 9 days as I'm fairly sure there are a lot of porkies told here on a daily basis and some might maybe more important to investigate than others .. like who actually owns a lot of rather expensive wristwatches .. for instance ..

The sinister side of this is when the teacher is found floating in the lake - Karma.....right ?

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4 hours ago, djayz said:

I still don't understand why they don't simply devide the 30 m. 2 ways - 15 m.  each really should be enough for any normal person. 

Then they could get on with their lives and stop all this nonsense. 


Because one of them is a liar and does not deserve to be gifted B15,000,000, that's why.

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5 hours ago, Just Weird said:

Because one of them is a liar and does not deserve to be gifted B15,000,000, that's why.

Good point, but if the REAL owner of the ticket was dumb enough to loose the ticket, the he should be happy to share the winnings with the finder.  


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1 hour ago, djayz said:

Good point, but if the REAL owner of the ticket was dumb enough to loose the ticket, the he should be happy to share the winnings with the finder.  


Why?  If you find a wallet full of money do you think that the owner should be happy to give you half of it?

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51 minutes ago, Just Weird said:

Why?  If you find a wallet full of money do you think that the owner should be happy to give you half of it?

The owner should be happy if he gets ANYTHING back. 

The last time I checked, half is better than nothing. 

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On ‎05‎.‎02‎.‎2018 at 11:49 AM, smedly said:

what is the conflicting evidence ?


The only one of the two that seems to be telling porkies is the cop based on every witness involved, all the evidence points to the teacher buying the ticket, all the evidence points to the cop picking the ticket up from the ground - maybe I missed something

So far I know the police DNA is on the ticket and nothing from the Teacher!

But of course as he is a former police he has to be the bad man!


I also not sure who really is the bad, but sometimes I am very surprised about people how fast the decide without any knowledge about the case

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37 minutes ago, HampiK said:

So far I know the police DNA is on the ticket and nothing from the Teacher!

But of course as he is a former police he has to be the bad man!


I also not sure who really is the bad, but sometimes I am very surprised about people how fast the decide without any knowledge about the case

based on the teachers account and witnesses - he didn't have the ticket very long - possibly seconds and never even got to the point of it going in his pocket, the cop is supposed to have found the ticket shortly after (possibly even saw the teacher buy it and drop it) and was then in possession for a much longer time, so yes - it is understandable that only the cops DNA was found on the ticket, the DNA proves absolutely nothing in this case  

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1 minute ago, smedly said:

based on the teachers account and witnesses - he didn't have the ticket very long - possibly seconds and never even got to the point of it going in his pocket, the cop is supposed to have found the ticket shortly after (possibly even saw the teacher buy it and drop it) and was then in possession for a much longer time, so yes - it is understandable that only the cops DNA was found on the ticket, the DNA proves absolutely nothing in this case  

But some friends of the teacher who saw that the police take the lottery ticket after the teacher lose them.. but not go direct to the man and told him to give it back.... Yes this sounds very true... For me actually I not believe the teacher as well.. but I am not a judge and I not really know either of both.

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6 hours ago, Just Weird said:

You've clearly got rather odd morals, then.

My morals aren't up for questioning, least of all by somebody who doesn't know me from Adam.

"finders keepers, loosers weepers" comes to mind. 

Half of something is more/better than nothing. That's a fact. 

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18 hours ago, djayz said:

My morals aren't up for questioning, least of all by somebody who doesn't know me from Adam.


"My morals aren't up for questioning..."

They are as far as I'm concerned but then you don't control that aspect anyway, it's others who decide if they want to question your morals. 


You're right, I don't know you, so all I have to go on is what you volunteered about yourself here.   If you don't want to have opinions expressed about your morals then don't post about the qualities of them on a public forum.

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3 hours ago, Just Weird said:

"My morals aren't up for questioning..."

They are as far as I'm concerned but then you don't control that aspect anyway, it's others who decide if they want to question your morals. 


You're right, I don't know you, so all I have to go on is what you volunteered about yourself here.   If you don't want to have opinions expressed about your morals then don't post about the qualities of them on a public forum.

In your post #45 you quoted my post, #42, in which you started yapping on about my morals. Post # 42 wasn't about morals but for some reason you decided to make it about morals and to refer to mine as "odd". 

So, I'll say it again, I wasn't talking about morals - mine or any body elses. And again, mine aren't up for debate. 

The owner lost his ticket. Tough luck. If he gets 15 mil., althe other 15 mil. going to the finder, then he can count himself lucky that he got anything at all. 

That's not morals, that's plain logic! 

If he was dumb enough to lose it, then he should live with it. 


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8 minutes ago, djayz said:

In your post #45 you quoted my post, #42, in which you started yapping on about my morals. Post # 42 wasn't about morals but for some reason you decided to make it about morals and to refer to mine as "odd". 

So, I'll say it again, I wasn't talking about morals - mine or any body elses. And again, mine aren't up for debate. 

The owner lost his ticket. Tough luck. If he gets 15 mil., althe other 15 mil. going to the finder, then he can count himself lucky that he got anything at all. 

That's not morals, that's plain logic! 

If he was dumb enough to lose it, then he should live with it. 


"That's not morals, that's plain logic!"

Maybe your logic but it's are sure not everyone's logic.


"So, I'll say it again, I wasn't talking about morals..."

Say it as many times as you like, but I was, I was commenting on yours.  So I'll say it again, they are up for debate if you post opinions that indicate what sort of morals you have on a public forum.

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25 minutes ago, ChidlomDweller said:

Something I don't get in all this: how did the teacher know the winning number was his?  Can one buy the same number each week from those street vendors?  

Quite often they buy tickets with a particular number(s) deemed to be lucky. I assume this is how the teacher recognized the ticket as being the one he lost. 

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1 minute ago, Henrik Andersen said:

Gambling is illegal but this lottery is okej that just shows how sick this country is 


Normally it's the people there have the ticket there can get the money so sure police officer will ofcores win right or wrong 

It's not gambling - the government has said so in the past: "The lottery is a game of chance, not gambling."

When it suits them to make money from the lottery, of course.

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On 05/02/2018 at 1:01 AM, djayz said:

I still don't understand why they don't simply devide the 30 m. 2 ways - 15 m.  each really should be enough for any normal person. 

Then they could get on with their lives and stop all this nonsense. 



i was chatting to my friend's 12 year old son about this. apparently the teacher did suggest splitting the winnings but the cop refused. also he's apparently spent 5 mil already. anyway my mate's son is convinced the cop is lying, he has a pretty low opinion of the police - they learn young here.

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The problem with this case is actually a huge one and it highlights a very clear issue with the whole Thai outdated lottery system



depending on how this works out literally anyone can contest they had the winning ticket and dropped it.


If there is a winning ticket tomorrow bought from a vendor somewhere in Udon then anyone who bought a ticket there can contest it was theirs and they dropped it, all they need is a seller who is willing to testify that they sold said ticket to ..........whoever


It really is time for Thailand to get up to speed with the rest of the world and modernise the whole system


This debacle is the product of dishonesty and hearsay, no one can ultimately prove who bought the ticket and that is the problem


For now everyone that buys a lottery ticket needs to take a video as proof that they actually made the purchase 

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