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TM30 New Passport

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I've just been to Bangkok to drop of my passport renewal application form. When it comes back what do I need to do about my TM30. I've not been out of Thailand for 7 years so the TM30 is the only one I've had.


Also as I'm here do I need a letter from the Embassy to show to immigration to transfer my extension to stay.

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I am not sure immigration will transfer stamps but one of the Mods can tell you that based on your situation but anytime I have replaced a passport overseas, the embassy always gives me a letter along with my voided passport explaining the change for athorities. I am a US Citizen.

Edited by JohnThailandJohn
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You don’t need to do anything regarding the TM.30.


Yes, immigration will want to see a letter confirming your new passport when you go to transfer the permit/entry stamp. You should automatically be given a letter when collecting the passport.

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