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Fortune tellers predict year of cautious optimism


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Fortune tellers predict year of cautious optimism



Chinese astrology and feng shui experts seem to agree that the forecast for the Year of the Earth Dog appears a little depressing. (Shutterstock/File)


As it always does, the Chinese New Year brings with it both nervous energy and excitement.


This Chinese New Year marks an Earth Dog Year, making it an exciting event for those born under the sign of the Dog (1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994 or 2006). As Chinese astrology experts will tell you, this is a year people born in those years will get to celebrate and enjoy, and also one that will usher in excellent opportunities both in one’s professional and personal life.


As for everyone else, read on to understand what the Year of the Earth Dog has in store for you. Take it with a grain of salt.


Nostalgic about the past.


Let’s start with the not-so-good news. Chinese astrology and feng shui experts seem to agree that the forecast for the Year of the Earth Dog appears a little depressing. 


“The year 2018 brings with it the Earth Dog, reminiscent of things of old. People will crave things that have passed,” said Hong Xiang Yi, a renowned feng shui expert in Jakarta. 




Hong Xiang Yi, a renowned feng shui expert in Jakarta (Courtesy of Hong Xiang Yi/File)


Put into a local perspective, Hong’s predictions turn even gloomier. 


“You’ll see old patterns recurring in Indonesian politics. Candidates running on old programs or those similar to the ones we have seen in the past will have a bigger chance of winning. Old policies will resurface. You’ll see practically nothing new. In terms of business, 2018 isn’t brimming with optimism either. The most vibrant growth will happen to either those at the lowest end of the prism or at the very top. The middle class will somehow be rather stuck,” said Hong, who’s published several books about feng shui. 


Other astrology experts concur. “There will be a lot of problems that arise from the human mind and soul among those who are not ready to face the changes throughout this new year. Expect to see massive changes in all sectors, from politics to entertainment and business,” said Fajar Alfarizi, a prominent feng shui consultant in Jakarta. 




Fajar Alfarizi, a prominent feng shui consultant in Jakarta (Courtesy of Fajar Alfarizi/File)


As feng shui professionals do, Hong and Fajar both feel it’s their job to inform people of possible misfortunes, with the idea of helping people hope for the best but plan for the worst. 


“Natural disasters, such as landslides, earthquakes, building collapses, diseases and other things will take people by surprise. Therefore, we must always take extra precautions whenever we’re on high ground. We should also maintain our stamina,” said Hong. 

Fajar added, “The earth element compels us to pay more respect to mother nature and to be aware of others’ feelings. Misspoken words will lead to many problems this year.”


All the doom and gloom aside, it’s not to say that 2018 can’t be a fantastic year. Along with urging people to be cautious with their finances, feng shui experts have also spoken of the possibility of positive news in family and relationships in general.


Fajar offers some good tips to ward off the spirits of bad fortune. 


“The first thing is to be creative and always find ways to improve your ability. Second, work hard. Third, develop an affable yet original personality,” he said. 


The lucky ones 


Some people are set to rake in good fortune this new year. 


For people born under the sign of the Rabbit (1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999 or 2011), the year of the Earth Dog will lead to action, growth and progress, according to fengshuiweb.co.uk. 


Those born in the Year of the Rat (1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996 or 2008) too have some powerful lucky stars this year, and with the right advice and guidance, all difficult energy can be turned into power and drive, feng shui expert Sarah McAllister of the London-based consultancy, The Feng Shui Agency, told The Daily Mail. 


Horse year people (1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002) will also benefit from this year, if they know how to work efficiently without getting drained or overly tired, according to McAllister. 


Time to be “cautiously hopeful”


For everyone else who may be feeling anxious at the moment, Hong has some good advice. By being aware of potential problems, one can take action to avoid what could take place and turn bad into good.


“Staying where you are will be the safest thing to do in 2018. It is highly recommended to be conservative and cautious. Take your time when making decisions. Wait for the right moment before taking any action,” he said. 


There may be some truth to that. This Earth Dog Year, gives us a moment of “paws” for making important life decisions. 


Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/detail/breakingnews/30338687

-- © Copyright The Nation 2018-02-13
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3 hours ago, webfact said:

It is highly recommended to be conservative and cautious. Take your time when making decisions. Wait for the right moment before taking any action,” he said. 

these prognosticators have the easiest job on the planet; 

such 'wisdom' can be used anytime,anywhere

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4 hours ago, webfact said:

The most vibrant growth will happen to either those at the lowest end of the prism or at the very top. The middle class will somehow be rather stuck,”

Wow! This fortune teller really CAN tell the future!

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4 hours ago, CelticBhoy said:

“Natural disasters, such as landslides, earthquakes, building collapses, diseases and other things will take people by surprise."


You've got to admit, these guys are good  . . . . . . :smile:

It's the 'other things' I'm worried about.

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