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How much money to retire in Thailand.


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I suppose this question has been ask over and over but i don't seem to find any thing about it.. I'm Australian and 58 years . I have $400 000 in super and my house is payed and  will give me a income of $1600 a month. My Thai Girlfriend is a Government Official so i can go onto her medical if need be. Will this money be enough to retire in Thailand. I'm not a big spender and the Girlfriend has a good job , own house and Car.

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Cost of living in Australia has skyrocketed in recent years.Rental for an average home/apartment is around $1600  a month which would eat up any future aged pension.Obviously different scenario if you own a house but utility bills, especially power, have increased dramatically .My daughter and her partner live in a small cottage ($1600 a month rent paid by their employer) working in a Blue Mountains GH .


Their electricity bill for 3 months was $900 (22,000 b approx) and that's without any air con and no electricity for heating.


Friends recently returned to Australia after 3 mths away to find a 5,000 b bill for water even none had been used .On enquring why the reason given was that was for providing the service not usage.


That's Australia today, once one of the cheapest countries in the world .Sydney now rates in the top 5 of most expensive cities in the world to live.


40,000 baht month providing you own a home /apartment is quite doable  in Thailand.


Health Insurance for retirees is the elephant in the room once you reach 70 years of age

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35K baht is plenty for a normal, easy going life, as opposed to an ex-pat tourist lifestyle that some prefer to live.


Your only concern would be losing income from tenant problems, which will surely increase in risk if the economy in Oz keeps on the same track, also effecting the exchange rate.

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5 hours ago, colinneil said:

OP you are wrong thinking you can use your girlfriends health insurance, it is only applicable if you are married in the Amphur.

A Westerner married in the Amphur could use his Thai wife health insurance?

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yes, i think you can live a good life in thailand on $1600 mth--rentals are "risky" but im sure it is a safer investment than bringing  ALL  your money to thailand..

i have nice freehold condo in thailand and can live VERY  nicely off my nz pension{approx 40,000thb/mth}..

i have substantial other income from nz property investments, but dont need to touch that unless traveling to other countries..also have term deposit in bkk account to cover sickness/accident emergency..

the above includes one BIG  night pw. with girls and booze..

if you have to pay rent in thailand,  40,000/mth, is probably NOT  enough, but can still be done if you live frugally.


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If you can get an average, conservative 3-5% from the AU$400k through a well diversified investment portfolio on top of the 40k/THB pension you would have THB 80k/month and no rent/health insurance. That is a FINE lifestyle (with room to pull less from investment in market down times and to let grow with inflation). Cheers!

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2 hours ago, Colabamumbai said:

Yes you can don't let others tell you that you cannot.

Yes, you can; but do you want to live like that must be the question. If you want to count pennies everyday and always worry about the cost of anything, go for it. If that is how you live anyway, perhaps you will be able to make it; like the poster who claim you have plenty.




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17 minutes ago, smotherb said:

Yes, you can; but do you want to live like that must be the question. If you want to count pennies everyday and always worry about the cost of anything, go for it. If that is how you live anyway, perhaps you will be able to make it; like the poster who claim you have plenty.




Get off the herb. The post had nothing to do with the way I live. Go bash on another forum.

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1 hour ago, smotherb said:

If that is how you live anyway, perhaps you will be able to make it; like the poster who claim you have plenty.

From many of your previous posts explaining how your could not live on such meagre sums i actually feel very sorry for you. 

I can also concur that the sum of monies is very adequate as i know quite a few that do so on a lot less and have a very fulfilling life.

For once in your life get off your high horse and except that not all people need to wake up each morning and get into their Fortuner/BMW and wonder what their going to spend this months million on

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