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Biggest U.S. force in years joins Thai military exercise


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1 hour ago, bkkcanuck8 said:

Personally, I would expand it further.  You have Japan, South Korea, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, and United States.  You have China, Laos, Myanmar, Netherlands, New Zealand, Russia, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Timor-Leste, and Vietnam as observers.  I would allow all that want to participate in the exercises as want to.  It is better that the militaries from as many countries be involved in exercises so that they can co-ordinate defence against an aggressor state as well as disaster co-ordination.  The logic behind it is that hopefully with more participating that there will be less of a chance of a rogue state thinking that it will be easy being an aggressor against potentially a united and trained defence.  


and 2,000 thai generals as observers also excluding the ones that hold positions in gov

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1 hour ago, suzannegoh said:


There's also a cooperative defence treaty between the US and the former SEATO nations to which Thailand is a signatory.


Thanks for that I was completely unaware. I like it when I get info such as this. Posts like this make it worth posting. Learn something new everyday.

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While it is true the U.S. built many airfields which are now airports. They were never called U.S. airbases. They were always called Thai airbases. IE: Ubon RTAB, Korat RTAB, etc. The U.S. may have built them but they still paid a lease on these properties. The U.S. finally had to leave, because the Thai government at the time would not renew the leases.

Edited by PhonThong
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On 2/14/2018 at 12:48 PM, johng said:

Ahh Cobra Gold

I wondered why there was so much harry potter ( helicopter) activity  over the Na-Jomtien airspace yesterday..

was thinking there might have been "movements"  of another kind !

They were carrying Thailands  Generals to the military exercise Would of been a lot of helicopters then? :cheesy:

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15 hours ago, PhonThong said:

While it is true the U.S. built many airfields which are now airports. They were never called U.S. airbases. They were always called Thai airbases. IE: Ubon RTAB, Korat RTAB, etc. The U.S. may have built them but they still paid a lease on these properties. The U.S. finally had to leave, because the Thai government at the time would not renew the leases.

No i guess you cant call them Us airbases in Thailand. I live near the airbase in Ubon We even have the Nevada Hotel here .

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On ‎2‎/‎14‎/‎2018 at 5:07 PM, bkkcanuck8 said:

The biggest threat to the world right now is the United States steady decline into an isolationist nation.  They are currently in the progress of destroying their credentials internationally with regards to diplomacy.  The world needs to have a counterbalance to other world powers such as Russia and China, but right now the US is basically abandoning it's place in the world and China is definitely taking advantage of it.

IMO partly correct. I don't think the US wants to be isolationist, but they are becoming tired of protecting countries that won't contribute as much as they could, and may withdraw as a front line force.

I have no sympathy for countries like the Euro zone that refuse to front up with a credible defence force. Nato at the moment is basically the US, and that can't continue. If Euro won't get serious and provide a proper force, they deserve to vanish in the next war, IMO. The farce of it is that the Euro Zone combined is a huge economic power, but they refuse to support a proper military.

If nothing changes, learn Chinese and hope they don't kill one after they take over.

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On ‎2‎/‎15‎/‎2018 at 11:39 AM, bkkcanuck8 said:

Personally, I would expand it further.  You have Japan, South Korea, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, and United States.  You have China, Laos, Myanmar, Netherlands, New Zealand, Russia, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Timor-Leste, and Vietnam as observers.  I would allow all that want to participate in the exercises as want to.  It is better that the militaries from as many countries be involved in exercises so that they can co-ordinate defence against an aggressor state as well as disaster co-ordination.  The logic behind it is that hopefully with more participating that there will be less of a chance of a rogue state thinking that it will be easy being an aggressor against potentially a united and trained defence.  


New Zealand, LOL. I don't think they can do much more than observe. Their advertisements to join the army consist of women in uniform comforting people who's houses fell down in an earthquake or something. I think actually killing people is probably banned as it might offend their PC rights.

I'm a bit hard on the British military for their diminishing strength, but at least they have a real military.

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On ‎2‎/‎15‎/‎2018 at 11:00 AM, lovelomsak said:

I agree with much of what you say.

 But the USA in bed with Thailand ? 

  Like one poster stated USA built  airstrips and need to hopefully keep access to them through things like Cobra Gold. There is no gaurantee when the time comes and the USA needs the airstrips that Thailand will let them use  the airstrips. USA  may at that time be fighting with an Ally of Thailands and USA will be on the wrong side of the fight.

  Those same airstrips could be used by the nations  against America warring in Asia.

Those same airstrips could be used by the nations  against America warring in Asia.

One time only, then a cruise missile will come a knockin'.

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On ‎2‎/‎15‎/‎2018 at 10:49 AM, bkkcanuck8 said:

That is pipe-dream akin to saying the world would be a better place if everyone just respected everyones rights and never committed a crime.  We then disband the police force.  Only problem is there is always a few (or more than a few) that will take advantage of the situation -- and with no-one to stop the bullies... you end up with a much worse situation for most everyone.  Most western leaders don't understand "hard power" and approach situations with the belief that diplomacy will win the day, but the old leaders that understand "hard power" typically use that pretence to lull the other leaders into a fall sense of security -- wait a few years -- then resume... and bit by bit they will succeed since too many will not stand up.  The end result of withdrawing from the world, will be a world where genocide and oppression will become easier and more common place.

the old leaders that understand "hard power" typically use that pretence to lull the other leaders into a fall sense of security -- wait a few years -- then resume...

As going on with the Nth Korean charm offensive to Sth Korea.

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20 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Those same airstrips could be used by the nations  against America warring in Asia.

One time only, then a cruise missile will come a knockin'.

That's pretty well what I meant.  With the USA on the wrong side of the fight 

  If you mean an USA missile just wondering where could they send it from in Asia?

  I am not as well informed as some like you so would like to  know.

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1 minute ago, lovelomsak said:

That's pretty well what I meant.  With the USA on the wrong side of the fight 

  If you mean an USA missile just wondering where could they send it from in Asia?

  I am not as well informed as some like you so would like to  know.

Sorry, but I don't understand your question. Please clarify and I will try to answer.

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2 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

the old leaders that understand "hard power" typically use that pretence to lull the other leaders into a fall sense of security -- wait a few years -- then resume...

As going on with the Nth Korean charm offensive to Sth Korea.

And of course Putin - he understands hard power.  The hard power response to when the Russian troops first arrived in Syria would be to go scorched earth approach (which would have left Syria in a bad situation) which the purpose of which would be to give Russia a bloody nose.  Russia was in a very powerful situation as a partial deployment shoring up the government of Syria only as far the government had not totally collapsed.  A "hard power" strategic response where the objective was to teach the Russians a lesson - would have been to launch airborne assault on the Syrian positions.... By collapsing the governments positions - you would have left Russia in the middle of a completely collapsed situation where they would either have to commit to full occupation or significant ground casualties.  

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On 2/14/2018 at 5:29 PM, ExpatOilWorker said:

Despite all its flaws, the US has done and excellent job as the worlds watchdog and hopefully will continue to do so in the future.

China only care about Beijing's self-interest. Look what happened to Venezuela. When you sleep with dogs you'll wake up with fleas.

There would be a good few who would disagree, me included, lot of dead civilians that were "collateral" in the rush to "free" them! Why does the world need a "watchdog" to pursue the obvious policy of globalization? Is the average American taxpayer happy to see their tax dollars spent bombing the shit out of any where that isn't subservient? I guess when the guy in charge of the military is called "mad dog" you have to expect some insane policies?

Great they can always find money for war though!

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16 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Sorry, but I don't understand your question. Please clarify and I will try to answer.

 I understood your post about possibilty of the airstrips being used against the USA. I see the same thing possible.

  I think you suggested  that if this happened the USA would send a missile to end it. Am I right on this not sure if that is what you meant.

  I was just curious where could the USA send the missile from if it came down to that level. Where in Asia would they have a base to send the missile from? 

  I do not know a lot about this.


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On 2/15/2018 at 1:29 PM, suzannegoh said:


Yes, and Kanchanaburi. Any idea why?


The "word" is the Japanese were setting up strategic infrastructure there.  God knows what the truth is.

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On 2/15/2018 at 2:51 PM, ExpatOilWorker said:

Looks like they missed by a country mile.

Yeah it took 3 runs but they did take it out. "64 B-29s are dispatched to hit the Rama VI bridge at Bangkok, 58 bomb and effect the collapse of most of middle span of the bridge (this is the 3d strike at this target) and destroy the ..."   https://www.pacificwrecks.com/airfields/thailand/bangkok/missions-bangkok.html

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5 hours ago, lovelomsak said:

 I understood your post about possibilty of the airstrips being used against the USA. I see the same thing possible.

  I think you suggested  that if this happened the USA would send a missile to end it. Am I right on this not sure if that is what you meant.

  I was just curious where could the USA send the missile from if it came down to that level. Where in Asia would they have a base to send the missile from? 

  I do not know a lot about this.


Floatin' or Flyin', either or both.


You don't need a country to launch a strike from, just a country to launch a plane if from the air, or an equipped unit of the 'grey funnel line' if launched from sea (I would also include submarines in this if it was an underwater launch).


Ranges vary with the flavour of the payload and launch platform...................:thumbsup: 

Edited by chrisinth
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5 hours ago, lovelomsak said:

 I understood your post about possibilty of the airstrips being used against the USA. I see the same thing possible.

  I think you suggested  that if this happened the USA would send a missile to end it. Am I right on this not sure if that is what you meant.

  I was just curious where could the USA send the missile from if it came down to that level. Where in Asia would they have a base to send the missile from? 

  I do not know a lot about this.


OK, that's more clear. Easily done with a missile sub or B1 bomber from US mainland.

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6 hours ago, CGW said:

There would be a good few who would disagree, me included, lot of dead civilians that were "collateral" in the rush to "free" them! Why does the world need a "watchdog" to pursue the obvious policy of globalization? Is the average American taxpayer happy to see their tax dollars spent bombing the shit out of any where that isn't subservient? I guess when the guy in charge of the military is called "mad dog" you have to expect some insane policies?

Great they can always find money for war though!

If you had served, you'd know that ''mad dog'' does not refer to mental state.

Great they can always find money for war though!

Humans have warfare in their genes. Battled since they were in the cave and always will. That gene ensured the survival of humanity. Without it we'd never have left the cave before being exterminated.


Personally, as long as countries exist that want to kill or enslave me, I'm happy for my side to have bigger and better weapons than them.

Edited by thaibeachlovers
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54 minutes ago, joeyg said:

The "word" is the Japanese were setting up strategic infrastructure there.  God knows what the truth is.


The invasion of Burma was passing through Kanchanaburi. It was why they built the ''death railway''. The reason 2 spans on the bridge are different is that the Allies bombed it.

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19 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Personally, as long as countries exist that want to kill or enslave me, I'm happy for my side to have bigger and better weapons than them.

Maybe if you moved all the troops and associated hardware from the 800 bases in over 70 countries they would stop wanting to "enslave you" (the systems already done that!)

Maybe if you stopped supplying Saudi with as many weapons as they can buy that would help?

Maybe if you stopped "founding" so many different radical groups that would also help? you were kind of responsible for both AQ & ISIS!

Just a couple of ideas to kick around! :shock1:

But fact is USA has been at "war" 93% of the time since 1776, peace loving rulers you keep electing! Not going to stop now until ??? your safe!

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14 minutes ago, suzannegoh said:

And maybe those would be relevant questions if Europe didn't push the bulk of its defence expenditures off to the US. People like you sound like a bargirl whining that their farang doesn't take care of them well enough.

O those nasty Europeans! who do you think is really calling the shots, surely you are not naive enough to think that America is taking all these actions for the good of the world!

I won't have a personal dig, quite why people like you feel the need to insult people on a anonymous forum because there views are different is not very nice you know!

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O those nasty Europeans! who do you think is really calling the shots, surely you are not naive enough to think that America is taking all these actions for the good of the world!

I won't have a personal dig, quite why people like you feel the need to insult people on a anonymous forum because there views are different is not very nice you know!


What part of that insulted you?


The illumatnti is calling the shots, with support from the Bilderberg Group.


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