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My Husband Is A Deadbeat - Help!


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I read an article a few days ago in the BP saying that the government was going to sue debtors who took out student loans but never paid them back. I just found out from my husband that he is one of those deadbeats.

We are legally married and I am from the USA, he is Thai. We do not have joint bank accounts.

Can the government come after me to get his money?

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does your husband not have the means to pay this back himself? Why do you assume you will have to pay it?

Tell him to contact the loan office himself & arrange a repayment scheme to pre empt anyone contacting him.

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I read an article a few days ago in the BP saying that the government was going to sue debtors who took out student loans but never paid them back. I just found out from my husband that he is one of those deadbeats.

We are legally married and I am from the USA, he is Thai. We do not have joint bank accounts.

Can the government come after me to get his money?

How about he just pay back the money he borrowed?

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Just pay it yourself. I'm sure that's what you've been doing ever since you met him anyway. What's the difference now? It's only another few grand from the rich Farang missus.

And he'll love you even more if you pay it for him.

He sounds like a nice fellow.

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After many years living in Thailand I learnt that Thai people are very good at asking for a loan but never have any idea how they will pay it back and once they have it often seem to have no intention of paying it back. It seems they confuse the words borrow and gift.

Sadly thats just another piece of cultural baggage you pick up when marrying across cultures.

However I doubt the Thai government will come to you to repay it but you will have to live with a very upset husband...... Good luck

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Any more comments along those lines will result in deletion and a warning :o

Instead of standing in judgement of people in a situation we know nothing about how about an answer? Does anyone know if a spouse is held liable for debts in Thailand?

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For what it is worth, I am divorcing the ungrateful bastard. You men are all alike, quick to cast judgment but not very forthcoming with true help when it is needed.

I have given up on men and decided to only be with women. Luck would have it, that there are many women here to choose who are also into women. This was my 5th husband and my last man. And by the quality of responses to an honest question it would seem that people here are no better than on the whoremonger boards.

It is upwards of 600,000 baht. I'm not paying and I don't care what they do to him.


P.S. Thanks for nothing.

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Regardless of what the formal written law may appear to be, if the Thai govt wants to pursue it and they think the farang spouse has the resources to cover the debt, I'm sure they can bend/fabricate the law to their favor. You press it and they could tie you up in court/lawyers trying to "prove them wrong" to the point where it would have been cheaper to pay the loan in the first place

Tell him to work out a payment schedule with them and pay his debt. There's no free ride

Chok Dee

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Any more comments along those lines will result in deletion and a warning :o

Instead of standing in judgement of people in a situation we know nothing about how about an answer? Does anyone know if a spouse is held liable for debts in Thailand?


For the benefit of all would you please be good enough to name the posters in this thread who you wish to moderate.

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For what it is worth, I am divorcing the ungrateful bastard. You men are all alike, quick to cast judgment but not very forthcoming with true help when it is needed.

I have given up on men and decided to only be with women. Luck would have it, that there are many women here to choose who are also into women. This was my 5th husband and my last man. And by the quality of responses to an honest question it would seem that people here are no better than on the whoremonger boards.

It is upwards of 600,000 baht. I'm not paying and I don't care what they do to him.


P.S. Thanks for nothing.

My...You have a short fuse.......

The question is not whether you divorce him or not. The Thai Govt may still hold you as a partner in that debt. Whether they are ultimately successful may be a moot point if you have to fund a defense. It's like the IRS here in the US. They will spend $500K to litigate a $10K debt if they want to make an example of you.

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You men are all alike, quick to cast judgment but not very forthcoming with true help when it is needed.

sounds like you're the one who's quick to judge :o you can't really expect full and correct legal help on an internet forum. you need to contact a lawyer for the response you're looking for...

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