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Taxi service that will pick you up if you break down?


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I'm cycling further out now and need one of these on dial, just in case. Have you guys found them willing to come out to you right away, or do you rely on friends only?


If anyone has a service in Pattaya please post!

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I found the people at least in northern Thailand extremely willing to help a cyclist with a broken bike (2 times in my case: broken rim, broken chain). The more remote the more helpful.
Even before I started to ask for help people stopped and offered me and the bike a ride to a workshop.
I think if you try to stop a car by this typical hand-moving-down gesture it will not take 10 cars until you'll find yourself on the load bed of a friendly pickup driver.


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My experience is exactly the same as Rebo's.

I've gotten a ride several times after ride-ending mechanical problems. I just take a wheel off to indicate that I have a problem.

I've also hitchhiked at the end of a mountain bike ride where I want to go one-way and it's too far to ride back when I come out onto a main road. I have a friend who does this regularly and swears that he is always picked up by the time the 3rd truck comes by. Every time I've been with him, he has been right.

I use taxis for other things on a regular basis and carry the numbers of two drivers with me, who I know will take bikes, just in case. I've never had to call them.

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