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Britain is facing serious far-right terrorism threat, top UK officer says


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5 minutes ago, CG1 Blue said:

Hardly a comparison, but keep believing if it makes you feel better.

By the way, I'm not denying there is a problem on the far right.  This is about perspective.


I didn't make any comparison or offer any opinion, I merely provided you with a timeline of right wing attacks in the UK as per your question.

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6 hours ago, alfieconn said:

Like i have constantly said,  he seem's to have an agenda whereby he want's to try and highlight Right wing extremism and in some cases iv'e even heard him  compare the two !

You're working hard to try and counter the advice by a senior member of UK counter terrorism forces. The guy is correct to warn society of emerging violent extremism trends. The OP is balanced, but you and other members are using deflect and deny posts.

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  • 3 months later...

Except the Nazis (National Socialists) came from the German Workers Party ie Socialists. Hitler called himself a socialist and grew up studying Marx. He said in a speech any good socialist would be a national socialist.


These modern day nuts are not capitalists (right wing), they are thugs.



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On 2/27/2018 at 7:21 PM, lovelomsak said:

I do not see right wingers as a threat any more I see them as our freedom fighter's.

True right wing people are greedy business people.


These thug types have socialist views and are anti freedom, anti free market.



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On ‎2‎/‎27‎/‎2018 at 12:19 PM, lovelomsak said:

He may have said there are more Islamic related terrorism actions/plots. But where does he put his priorities? 

  It is in his PC justification to go after the small groups of Right Wingers rather than the stronger and better organised and more likely to commit terrorism  Islamic. PC is more important than addressing the real problem

Some examples of the recent excellent work being done by the UK's security services to find and convict Islamist terrorists.


From 6th July 2017 UK terror convictions rising, BBC Jihadist database shows


More than 100 people in the UK have been convicted of terrorism offences related to Syria and Iraq since 2014, research by the BBC has revealed.

 From 8th January 2018:  Couple guilty of homemade bomb terror attack plot


A man and woman have been found guilty of plotting a "devastating" terror attack in the UK using a homemade bomb

 From 4th June 2018: Tea party terror attack plotter Safaa Boular becomes youngest convicted female Islamic State terrorist


An 18-year-old has been convicted of plotting a Mad Hatter-inspired terror attack on the streets of London with Britain's first all-woman cell.


I found those three examples from a cursory Google search, from memory of news reports, local and national, here in the UK there have been more. This Independent article says


The Home Office said 400 suspects were detained and more than 850 searched under the Terrorism Act in the year to 30 September (2017)

That figure includes the 12 people arrested in connection with the Westminster attack, 23 in connection with the Manchester Arena bombing, 21 related to the London Bridge attack.  


So, @lovelomsak, your remarks quoted at the start of this post are completely wrong, bearing absolutely no relationship to the truth of the matter.


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8 hours ago, Justfine said:

Except the Nazis (National Socialists) came from the German Workers Party ie Socialists. Hitler called himself a socialist and grew up studying Marx. He said in a speech any good socialist would be a national socialist.

These modern day nuts are not capitalists (right wing), they are thugs.

The Nazis did not emerge from any left-wing socialist movement whatsoever. Hitler was an anti-semitic nationalist from the start. Hitler settled a pact with German industrial leaders via the Night of the Long Knives where the revolutionary nationalists ie the Brown Shirts were knocked out. Some of the Far Right in the UK today have historical links that can be traced back through Mosley's BUF. Some of the more esoteric grouplets are more focussed on the Brownshirt ideologues the Strasser Brothers and still want a pure national revolution. Some echoes around here occasionally. I do not think that the threat from the Far-Right is seen as coming from the same source as that of the hard core Islamists though Islamists have been pushing neo-Nazi holocaust denial literature and security services no doubt concerned at any potential link-up.

Edited by SheungWan
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