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Am i reading this right, a solitary few wanted Wenger out, now it's become mainstream after the last few Results ?? :blink:

Is this a joke or what ??

If it isn't, i give up with Football Supporters, completely..

Please please sack him....go on you know it makes no sense at all.....but....three defeats in a row....he'll have to go!

Hahahahaha......Santisuk is the voice of highbury you know......they've turned on him......Time's up.

I really believe its the bottle throwing incident combined with his affair.....both incidents show him to be a man of passion.....totally unacceptable to show this quality at the library.

If they do bin him the laughter will be reverberating aroound north London for months.


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I've got a positive feeling about this game today lads. I wonder what antics yer manager will get up to today. largin' it as usual no doubt!


Three in a row would be great.


you really are dreaming in winter wonderland, arent you ?

dont tell me next you be telling us you still believe in father christmas. laugh.gif

Incidentally, is Samir Nasri still the fairy on top cof the tree at the club christmas party?

I know you don't need anymore bad news but i have to tell you that the half wit Lawro has you down for an away win, :ph34r: so i have to conclude young tigerfish that the slide will continue with your demise at Villa

just taken a look at the bbc website and lawro has spurs down for a 2 - 0 win against liverpool. surely he cant be wrong carmine laugh.gif

btw smokie, the arsenal are 2 - 0 up against villa at half time in a winter wonderland, now wheres father christmas got to ? wink.gif

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Lets say you were lucky. Not that you deserved anything but a win.....how bad were Villa at home <deleted>.....and still scored twice.

I bet yer miniger's boyfriend had bitten down his carefully manicured nails to bits by the time the fourth went in. Same same folks and no improvement happy to witness.


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Lets say you were lucky. Not that you deserved anything but a win.....how bad were Villa at home <deleted>.....and still scored twice.

I bet yer miniger's boyfriend had bitten down his carefully manicured nails to bits by the time the fourth went in. Same same folks and no improvement happy to witness.


Same old defensive frailties in the second half and when the midfield/attack motor switches off - which it seems to be programmed to do when 2 up - we look like a mid table outfit that our defense is. I could not believe that Wengie left it until 80 minutes to make some replacements for very obviously tired legs. He must know That Arseshaving only ever gives for 60-70 minutes

Some really good points though - Arseshaving looked to be back at his best, Willshere is continuing to progress like a Fab clone, but with more defensive nous and Chamak looking more and more charismatic up front.

Overall this season, our foibles mixed with periods of grace and technical ability make us the most interesting team to watch by miles. OK Carmine - and Spurs no 2, purely down to Bale and the guy up front whose name I forget cos he does't play enuf. Man U pretty boring (mostly) and Chelsea's early consistency made them robot -like to watch. I'm sure others will disagree.

On the Wenger front, my point has been for most of the season that he is not the man if we want to be a world-leading side again. If we want to continue to be a top 3 side then I'm sure he can do that quite parsimoniously. True it would be seen as an act of great treachery at a club with Arsenal's tradition, which is why it will not happen unless we finish lower than fourth. In similar vein SAF should be gone by now. You have to look to the future ahead of time.

Thanks for the Snooky Bar recommendation someone. Unfortunately I did not see it in time. Fortunately I did find a bar with (only) 2 other Arsenal supporters in it - tourists. Or so they said; they hardly made a peep throughout and seemed mildly disturbed by my occasional outbursts of pain, delight and anti-Wenger frustration . Just like being at the Emirates then!!

And a final thought - if Fab is going to leave in the Summer anyway (dunno if true) Wenger should be doing a few price checks for a potential January window sale. No fire sales please, but I just have this nagging feeling he is a depreciating asset and will probably get crocked too much to be a big second half contributor.

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Am i reading this right, a solitary few wanted Wenger out, now it's become mainstream after the last few Results ?? :blink:

Is this a joke or what ??

If it isn't, i give up with Football Supporters, completely..

Maybe around East London, cos he could do a good job for you guys. I doubt Carmine would want him running Tottenham, so why would he be laughing?

Anyway - I'm not a 'supporter' in the true sense. Just a guy who likes to follow Arsenal, likes their football style (which is all down to Wenger) and loves watching other teams as well.

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Am i reading this right, a solitary few wanted Wenger out, now it's become mainstream after the last few Results ?? :blink:

Is this a joke or what ??

If it isn't, i give up with Football Supporters, completely..

Maybe around East London, cos he could do a good job for you guys. I doubt Carmine would want him running Tottenham, so why would he be laughing?

Anyway - I'm not a 'supporter' in the true sense. Just a guy who likes to follow Arsenal, likes their football style (which is all down to Wenger) and loves watching other teams as well.

I don't understand what you mean, at all..

In fact reading it again for the 4th time, are you not contradicting yourself by saying what you said then saying that you're someone who likes their style of Football, which is " all down to Wenger " ?? :unsure:

& please someone answer, where has there been talk since earlier in teh Season about Wenger being Sacked ?? :D

This thread is incredible & possibly the most ill informed on the Football Fourm..

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Am i reading this right, a solitary few wanted Wenger out, now it's become mainstream after the last few Results ?? :blink:

Is this a joke or what ??

If it isn't, i give up with Football Supporters, completely..

Maybe around East London, cos he could do a good job for you guys. I doubt Carmine would want him running Tottenham, so why would he be laughing?

Anyway - I'm not a 'supporter' in the true sense. Just a guy who likes to follow Arsenal, likes their football style (which is all down to Wenger) and loves watching other teams as well.

Carmine wants a manager that can take us to the next level, because Redknapp can't. Sore loser Wenger may be and a number of other things too, but there is no doubting he is a very fine coach. Tactically he's in a different class to redknapp, but i could'nt see him crossing north London to coach us anymore than i can see West Ham avoiding relegation. :D Now, Gus Hiddink, thats a whole different story.......

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I'd love to eavesdrop a conversation in the pub between santisuk and carmine.

'We're worse than you!'.......'No no our star midfielder can't run for 90 mins....hes nearly 25 can u believe it we should have sold him ages ago!!'

'True mate so true. And our manager you know the one who took us into the second round of the CL at the first attempt?'

'What about him?'

'He's shit he is!'

:blink: Proper pair of 'em....I'd expect the rest of the pub to be in silence by this point....in utter disbelief.....just like here on the thread.

Tell me you're taking the piss please carmine.

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I'd love to eavesdrop a conversation in the pub between santisuk and carmine.

'We're worse than you!'.......'No no our star midfielder can't run for 90 mins....hes nearly 25 can u believe it we should have sold him ages ago!!'

'True mate so true. And our manager you know the one who took us into the second round of the CL at the first attempt?'

'What about him?'

'He's shit he is!'

:blink: Proper pair of 'em....I'd expect the rest of the pub to be in silence by this point....in utter disbelief.....just like here on the thread.

Tell me you're taking the piss please carmine.

Is this your first season following football smokes? :rolleyes:

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oi !

would you two take your inter - club differences back to the spud thread where it belongs and sort it out there.

oh and while your at it take singher with you. your disturbing the peace and tranquility of this place that we have become so accustomed to over the years. laugh.gif

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oi !

would you two take your inter - club differences back to the spud thread where it belongs and sort it out there.

oh and while your at it take singher with you. your disturbing the peace and tranquility of this place that we have become so accustomed to over the years. laugh.gif

Every Thread should have a dose of Harry & Lloyd, if for nothing more than the comedy value...:D

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I'd love to eavesdrop a conversation in the pub between santisuk and carmine.

'We're worse than you!'.......'No no our star midfielder can't run for 90 mins....hes nearly 25 can u believe it we should have sold him ages ago!!'

'True mate so true. And our manager you know the one who took us into the second round of the CL at the first attempt?'

'What about him?'

'He's shit he is!'

:blink: Proper pair of 'em....I'd expect the rest of the pub to be in silence by this point....in utter disbelief.....just like here on the thread.

Tell me you're taking the piss please carmine.

Is this your first season following football smokes? :rolleyes:

I just can't understand your constant negativity towards the manager....even in football matters. His financial dealings well yeah but he's a decent manager.....just ask the players what they think.

I did spend every other Saturday throughout the 80's and early 90's freezing my <deleted> off at Gayfield Park so yeah I'd hardly call that football in its purest form. :D

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oi !

would you two take your inter - club differences back to the spud thread where it belongs and sort it out there.

oh and while your at it take singher with you. your disturbing the peace and tranquility of this place that we have become so accustomed to over the years. laugh.gif

Point taken. I'll be off, smokies already in lala land prior to arriving in dreamworld and singher is checking out the lower league thread in anticipation of next season. ;)

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I'd love to eavesdrop a conversation in the pub between santisuk and carmine.

'We're worse than you!'.......'No no our star midfielder can't run for 90 mins....hes nearly 25 can u believe it we should have sold him ages ago!!'

'True mate so true. And our manager you know the one who took us into the second round of the CL at the first attempt?'

'What about him?'

'He's shit he is!'

:blink: Proper pair of 'em....I'd expect the rest of the pub to be in silence by this point....in utter disbelief.....just like here on the thread.

Tell me you're taking the piss please carmine.

Is this your first season following football smokes? :rolleyes:

I just can't understand your constant negativity towards the manager....even in football matters. His financial dealings well yeah but he's a decent manager.....just ask the players what they think.

I did spend every other Saturday throughout the 80's and early 90's freezing my <deleted> off at Gayfield Park so yeah I'd hardly call that football in its purest form. :D

I could write SOOOOOO much but i'll leave it so as not to lower the tone...:D

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I'd love to eavesdrop a conversation in the pub between santisuk and carmine.

'We're worse than you!'.......'No no our star midfielder can't run for 90 mins....hes nearly 25 can u believe it we should have sold him ages ago!!'

'True mate so true. And our manager you know the one who took us into the second round of the CL at the first attempt?'

'What about him?'

'He's shit he is!'

:blink: Proper pair of 'em....I'd expect the rest of the pub to be in silence by this point....in utter disbelief.....just like here on the thread.

Tell me you're taking the piss please carmine.

Is this your first season following football smokes? :rolleyes:

I just can't understand your constant negativity towards the manager....even in football matters. His financial dealings well yeah but he's a decent manager.....just ask the players what they think.

I did spend every other Saturday throughout the 80's and early 90's freezing my <deleted> off at Gayfield Park so yeah I'd hardly call that football in its purest form. :D

See Tottenham thread for reply. ;)

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oi !

would you two take your inter - club differences back to the spud thread where it belongs and sort it out there.

oh and while your at it take singher with you. your disturbing the peace and tranquility of this place that we have become so accustomed to over the years. laugh.gif

OK.......3-2 by the way!!

:lol: :lol:

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I have a couple of Arsenal fans who follow a lot of Arsenal forums (elsewhere)

thats where there has been lots of discontentment /complaints about Wenger amongst the fans

not buying a new goalie after the performance last year....that triggered many strong supporters off

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this is starting to get interesting. The cracks really are starting to show here. :D Wengers losing the plot and the teams lost their bottle. :crying:

Great result last night - Chelsea that is! Above comment now seems more apposite to them. Unfortunately MU look ominous for the 1st time this season. Table starting to revert to usual suspects pulling ahead.

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I have a couple of Arsenal fans who follow a lot of Arsenal forums (elsewhere)

thats where there has been lots of discontentment /complaints about Wenger amongst the fans

not buying a new goalie after the performance last year....that triggered many strong supporters off

In what sense do you 'have' a couple of Arsenal fans Migsy? Is this some football fetish we should get into?

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The way Barca played last night you might end up keeping fabregas because i doubt he'll want to start and finish his career with them as a bench warmer. And from what i've seen of them this season i really really hope Tottenham don't draw them in the CL. :ph34r::ermm::lol:

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The way Barca played last night you might end up keeping fabregas because i doubt he'll want to start and finish his career with them as a bench warmer. And from what i've seen of them this season i really really hope Tottenham don't draw them in the CL. :ph34r::ermm::lol:

Only SECOND place teams can draw them carmine.....:rolleyes:

Oh hang on I see.......:D

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I have a couple of Arsenal fans who follow a lot of Arsenal forums (elsewhere)

thats where there has been lots of discontentment /complaints about Wenger amongst the fans

not buying a new goalie after the performance last year....that triggered many strong supporters off

I don't believe that not buying a GK would trigger people to say Sack Wenger personally, not any people with half a Brain anyway..

They could be dissapointed that he didn't buy a GK but to call for the Sacking o fthe most successful Manager in the club's History because of it would be absurd..

It takes all sort to make a World though i guess..

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The way Barca played last night you might end up keeping fabregas because i doubt he'll want to start and finish his career with them as a bench warmer. And from what i've seen of them this season i really really hope Tottenham don't draw them in the CL. :ph34r::ermm::lol:

If there is a Footballing God then............:jap:

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The way Barca played last night you might end up keeping fabregas because i doubt he'll want to start and finish his career with them as a bench warmer. And from what i've seen of them this season i really really hope Tottenham don't draw them in the CL. :ph34r::ermm::lol:

If there is a Footballing God then............:jap:

There is and he's called Sepp Blatter. Have no doubt if he wants it to happan it will. Maybe singher, he's decided that its time for a new team to the CL to win it and our names on the trophy. keep an eye on the Asian betting syndicates and Blatters rhetoric. Your worst nightmare might come true. :)

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