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Brexit has created chaos in Britain – nobody voted for this


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12 minutes ago, aright said:

This is a fuller version of what he said I hope you can get this one.



Thanks. A good summary of the EU's history main events and then decline since 2000. Remainers should read this too.  

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4 minutes ago, CG1 Blue said:

You may not realise it, but you seem pretty susceptible to conspiracy theories yourself. Don't believe everything the remain media throws your way. 

Can we assume that the Brexit backing media is honest and trustworthy?


Wikipedia bans Daily Mail as 'unreliable' source

"Wikipedia editors have voted to ban the Daily Mail as a source for the website in all but exceptional circumstances after deeming the news group “generally unreliable”."

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20 minutes ago, CG1 Blue said:

Brilliant!  Reminds me of what the word 'diversity' used to mean in the UK. Yorkshire folk, Scots, Geordies, Cornish, etc. etc. An amazing mix of regional identities across our great nation :thumbsup:

Scotland is a country, not a region. 

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27 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:

Can we assume that the Brexit backing media is honest and trustworthy?


Wikipedia bans Daily Mail as 'unreliable' source

"Wikipedia editors have voted to ban the Daily Mail as a source for the website in all but exceptional circumstances after deeming the news group “generally unreliable”."

Not always, no. Not sure why that is relevant to my comment though.

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On 4/9/2018 at 4:29 PM, CG1 Blue said:

Our direct debit of £200 million per week to the EU will be cancelled once we're fully out. That money will go a long way toward addressing some of the concerns you raise.

That's a good one, that money is already earmarked for years to come in paying off the costs incurred by brexit, do you really think that any of the essential services will see any benefit.

The long term cost prediction is in the order of £2 billion a week.


There are estimates of how much Brexit has already cost us – but they are much lower than this long-term figure. Mark Carney, the governor of the Bank of England, has said that the UK has forfeited £200 million a week in lost revenue in the two years since the Brexit vote.



The Foreign Secretary’s infamous claim that Brexit would return £350m a week from Brussels faced yet more humiliation after Mark Carney told a private gathering in Davos that the country had forefeited £10bn in GDP since the 2016 referendum.



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10 minutes ago, sandyf said:

That's a good one, that money is already earmarked for years to come in paying off the costs incurred by brexit, do you really think that any of the essential services will see any benefit.

The long term cost prediction is in the order of £2 billion a week.


There are estimates of how much Brexit has already cost us – but they are much lower than this long-term figure. Mark Carney, the governor of the Bank of England, has said that the UK has forfeited £200 million a week in lost revenue in the two years since the Brexit vote.



The Foreign Secretary’s infamous claim that Brexit would return £350m a week from Brussels faced yet more humiliation after Mark Carney told a private gathering in Davos that the country had forefeited £10bn in GDP since the 2016 referendum.



"Mark Carney told a private gathering"? A private gathering of what? The press?  :smile:

Edited by nauseus
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1 hour ago, aright said:

That's what you are being asked to comment on.

If that's what you want...I've seen your behaviour and attitude and it doesn't stack up so personally, I shall ignore your self-proclaimed credentials.

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2 hours ago, aright said:

This is a fuller version of what he said I hope you can get this one.



I think the vote for Scottish devolution in the seventies had a bigger majority in favour.  Perhaps someone with more time for googling could advise the relative percentages for and against in comparison to Brexit.

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9 minutes ago, aright said:

I understand ,more childish deflection! My credentials were not the the nub of the answer Airbag gave endorsed by yourself, Prins were. Once again you demonstrate when the UK's position on Brexit is questioned you gleefully jump in with both feet . When the EU is criticised  you run for cover. ......a closed mind quisling.

Say what!!!


Feel free to criticise the EU to your heart's content, if that's your thing, but don't expect me to want to join in either for or against. I'm a Brit by birth and by nationality, the EU is a relationship with my country that's all. What do you want me to do, jump up and down with great fervour to support or oppose your view of the EU or what, personally I couldn't give a monkey's uncle about discussions regarding strengths or shortcomings of the EU.

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1 minute ago, aright said:

I agree You are a passport Brit.

You demonstrate yet again the debating characteristics of your teammates, let's look at them for a moment:


One continually posts cartoons, another only ever clicks emoticons, the would be leader is so incapable of acknowledging fact as to be laughable, the fourth member is going to catch heck if his mum ever finds out what he's doing - lie down with dogs and all that. Economic forecasts, nah, Team Brexit don't need no stinking economic models, they're always wrong and the people who make them are elite owned globalists and anyway if we don't like what we see we'll all launch an attack on the poster rather than the subject matter......!


You see the picture you present to us yet you want us to consider your position and arguments as credible...hah!



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2 minutes ago, aright said:

What an absurd position to be in. You want the UK to stay in the EU but you don't give a monkeys uncle about discussions regarding the strengths or shortcomings of the EU, the union you want them to be in.

I much prefer to participate in subjects I know something and avoid participating in those where I don't know the facts, unlike team Brexit - as we speak, the emoticon clicker strikes, pathetic.

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1 minute ago, nauseus said:

The strengths and shortcomings of the EU were identified by people that voted to leave - especially the latter - of course. These strengths and shortcomings are absolutely relevant to any debate about Brexit. They are what it is all about.   

As said, I couldn't give a toss about your views of the shortcomings of the EU, they simply don't interest me and I wonder if you actually don't know less fact on the subject than I do.

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5 minutes ago, simoh1490 said:

You demonstrate yet again the debating characteristics of your teammates, let's look at them for a moment:


One continually posts cartoons, another only ever clicks emoticons, the would be leader is so incapable of acknowledging fact as to be laughable, the fourth member is going to catch heck if his mum ever finds out what he's doing - lie down with dogs and all that. Economic forecasts, nah, Team Brexit don't need no stinking economic models, they're always wrong and the people who make them are elite owned globalists and anyway if we don't like what we see we'll all launch an attack on the poster rather than the subject matter......!


You see the picture you present to us yet you want us to consider your position and arguments as credible...hah!



No answers to questions just more childish deflection and behaviour

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Just now, aright said:

No answers to questions just more childish deflection and behaviour

Nauseus in his post subsequent to yours demonstrated my point admirably I think, thank you nauseus!



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5 minutes ago, simoh1490 said:

Nauseus in his post subsequent to yours demonstrated my point admirably I think, thank you nauseus!



Its sad when you have to use Nauseus' brain to answer my question. How many lobes are you missing? 

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3 minutes ago, aright said:

Its sad when you have to use Nauseus' brain to answer my question. How many lobes are you missing? 

I ask myself, are these the comments of an "Emeritus Research Professor at the LSE" during debate, hmmmm!



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1 hour ago, sandyf said:

That's a good one, that money is already earmarked for years to come in paying off the costs incurred by brexit, do you really think that any of the essential services will see any benefit.

The long term cost prediction is in the order of £2 billion a week.


There are estimates of how much Brexit has already cost us – but they are much lower than this long-term figure. Mark Carney, the governor of the Bank of England, has said that the UK has forfeited £200 million a week in lost revenue in the two years since the Brexit vote.



The Foreign Secretary’s infamous claim that Brexit would return £350m a week from Brussels faced yet more humiliation after Mark Carney told a private gathering in Davos that the country had forefeited £10bn in GDP since the 2016 referendum.



As I've said to others, you really shouldn't believe all you read.  There are so many factors affecting GDP growth and long term economic growth, it is impossible to make accurate predictions.

Those with an interest in either side of the argument can use data to twist forecasts in either direction.


My position is simple. I don't like the EU in its current form or the direction it is going in. In my view it is doomed to fail. I don't like how the UK is subsidising what I see as a vanity project.

On the other hand I believe the UK can prosper again in the future as it has done under adversity time and time again over the centuries.


I'm very happy that the UK voted out, and won't be going down with Captain Juncker and his sinking ship.

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25 minutes ago, simoh1490 said:

As said, I couldn't give a toss about your views of the shortcomings of the EU, they simply don't interest me and I wonder if you actually don't know less fact on the subject than I do.

That's a serious limitation on your part. Much better to listen to both sides of the argument in order to form a view. You may find parts of the Leave argument you actually agree with.

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1 minute ago, CG1 Blue said:

That's a serious limitation on your part. Much better to listen to both sides of the argument in order to form a view. You may find parts of the Leave argument you actually agree with.

I didn't say I don't read the arguments nor follow them, quite the contrary, I simply don't participate in them on forum..

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2 minutes ago, simoh1490 said:

I didn't say I don't read the arguments nor follow them, quite the contrary, I simply don't participate in them on forum..

This is code for I only answer questions in my comfort zone.

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2 minutes ago, aright said:

No they are the comments of an ordinary bloke who unlike some wants to look  both ways when making a decision. What he is leaving and what he is moving toward. 

Ah, so now you're just a bloke and not a distinguished professor!


Your remarks about wanting to look both ways to understand what you might be moving towards are also laughable, as a group you have tried to destroy any representation of the financial scenario Brexit might involve and you're failed to present your own scenario at a detailed level, what do you do, read tea leaves!



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