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Brexit has created chaos in Britain – nobody voted for this


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6 hours ago, Kieran00001 said:


He helped the campaign, he is Farages old friend and he claims he did it all for free, the list is of the bankers who started, ran and financed Brexit, not only those who financed it, Mercers role seems to have been in introducing tech and producing greater media bias.

Except they're not bankers.  You just use the word banker for impact don't you!

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1 minute ago, CG1 Blue said:

But they're not bankers! Jeez...


We've been through this, we commonly refer to anyone who works in a bank and deals with financial transactions as a banker, Farage worked for a bank where he dealt with financial transactions therefor by definition he was a banker.

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2 minutes ago, CG1 Blue said:

Except they're not bankers.  You just use the word banker for impact don't you!


No, I use it for the same reason that the press use it, because it is normal to refer to people who do those jobs as being bankers.  Or perhaps you could explain the difference between what Farage did, which was commodities trading for a bank, and a commodities banker?  I bet you can't!


All but the seriously pedantically challenged accept that the term banker is used to refer to anyone who works for a financial institution and deals with financial transactions, which is all of them.

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3 minutes ago, nauseus said:

We don't, you do. 


The press do, the Business Dictionary does, actually its just a couple of ignorant folk on a forum who don't.


And I seem to recall asking you if you knew what an investment banker was, that should have been your cue to exit sheepishly.  A little tip, Farage was an investment banker.  Do you notice the word banker in there?

Edited by Kieran00001
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The goat theme ran for two pages, almost one entire day, this quibbling over the definition of a banker could challenge that record. All just to avoid commenting on an anti-Brexit report that was posted, ask yourselves, is it really worth it. :post-4641-1156694572:

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4 hours ago, Grouse said:

Have you had that apostrophe removed yet?

I have. Unlike your spelling errors it wasn't malignant. The surgeon referred to the growth as a "plural possessive" . I appreciate a man with your level of education would not have seen this before. :smile: 

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5 minutes ago, Kieran00001 said:


No, I use it for the same reason that the press use it, because it is normal to refer to people who do those jobs as being bankers.  Or perhaps you could explain the difference between what Farage did, which was commodities trading for a bank, and a commodities banker?  I bet you can't!


All but the seriously pedantically challenged accept that the term banker is used to refer to anyone who works for a financial institution and deals with financial transactions, which is all of them.

No. Having spent 30 years in banking I object to people throwing around the term banker for anyone they dislike who has a few quid in the bank.

According to your definition, the girl behind the glass screen exchanging your pounds for THB is a banker - right?


You listed about 6 of the 'bankers' behind Brexit. Only one of them could tenuously be called a banker.


Anyway, I know you'll just continue denying your misunderstanding, so I'm leaving this here.  Bigger fish to fry!





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23 minutes ago, Kieran00001 said:


The press do, the Business Dictionary does, actually its just a couple of ignorant folk on a forum who don't.


And I seem to recall asking you if you knew what an investment banker was, that should have been your cue to exit sheepishly.  A little tip, Farage was an investment banker.  Do you notice the word banker in there?

According to the FT he was a trader on the London Metal Exchange. Good enough for me. Bored of this.

Edited by nauseus
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5 minutes ago, CG1 Blue said:

No. Having spent 30 years in banking I object to people throwing around the term banker for anyone they dislike who has a few quid in the bank.

According to your definition, the girl behind the glass screen exchanging your pounds for THB is a banker - right?


You listed about 6 of the 'bankers' behind Brexit. Only one of them could tenuously be called a banker.


Anyway, I know you'll just continue denying your misunderstanding, so I'm leaving this here.  Bigger fish to fry!






Oh, so investment bankers are not bankers, got it. 

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22 minutes ago, simoh1490 said:

The goat theme ran for two pages, almost one entire day, this quibbling over the definition of a banker could challenge that record. All just to avoid commenting on an anti-Brexit report that was posted, ask yourselves, is it really worth it. :post-4641-1156694572:

The reason the Brexiteers on here are not commenting about that report is because the likes of the Independent and the Guardian are going to dig up similar reports on an almost daily basis. It gets boring discussing unprovable  scare stories every day.

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2 minutes ago, Kieran00001 said:


Oh, so investment bankers are not bankers, got it. 

A hedge fund portfolio manager is not an investment banker.  Please stop embarrassing yourself. We really need to move on.

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2 hours ago, simoh1490 said:

Hmm, there seems to be an absence of comments regarding the think tank report and the numbers of Brexiteers in favour given the various cost options....what excuse are we going to hear this time.

I'm sure that many people that voted leave were unsure of the economic cost but were aware that there would be some, at least in the short-term. Of course noone wants to be worse off but how can anyone really know before the talking is done, even with these 'scenarios'? What all the remainers always forget, or refuse to acknowledge, is that economics was not the main concern for leave voters. The concerns have to be balanced but like every other argument from the remain side, this report only features economics.. 


GF have a declared agenda; most of their reports support the EU and free movement and all that. It would be good to see some comparable polls and stats from other 'think tanks' with a more neutral bias. 

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A short interlude for the nation who gave us,if very little else..GILBERT and SULLIVAN!


After all..it's getting mighty boring..



Please post any of your favourite Gilbert and Sullivan videos here instead of any major-or minor-interests you may have in Dunkirk-Series II.

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38 minutes ago, CG1 Blue said:

No. Having spent 30 years in banking I object to people throwing around the term banker for anyone they dislike who has a few quid in the bank.

According to your definition, the girl behind the glass screen exchanging your pounds for THB is a banker - right?


You listed about 6 of the 'bankers' behind Brexit. Only one of them could tenuously be called a banker.


Anyway, I know you'll just continue denying your misunderstanding, so I'm leaving this here.  Bigger fish to fry!





Not yet, but once our fishing fleet is freed from the competition of foreign trawlers we'll be like Captain Ahab, the size of the fish we'll be able to fry.  Who put the 'h' in the Prinicpality of Whales? BREXITMAN

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50 minutes ago, CG1 Blue said:

The reason the Brexiteers on here are not commenting about that report is because the likes of the Independent and the Guardian are going to dig up similar reports on an almost daily basis. It gets boring discussing unprovable  scare stories every day.

Why all the words, no defence would suffice.:post-4641-1156694572:

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35 minutes ago, nauseus said:

I'm sure that many people that voted leave were unsure of the economic cost but were aware that there would be some, at least in the short-term. Of course noone wants to be worse off but how can anyone really know before the talking is done, even with these 'scenarios'? What all the remainers always forget, or refuse to acknowledge, is that economics was not the main concern for leave voters. The concerns have to be balanced but like every other argument from the remain side, this report only features economics.. 


GF have a declared agenda; most of their reports support the EU and free movement and all that. It would be good to see some comparable polls and stats from other 'think tanks' with a more neutral bias. 

Bravo, you've turned waffling and squirming into an art form.


If the report were written by God himself you'd declare he had a bias or agenda.

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Just now, simoh1490 said:

Bravo, you've turned waffling and squirming into an art form.


If the report were written by God himself you'd declare he had a bias or agenda.

The GF agenda is self-declared. I just happen not to agree with visions of changing the world in a flash.


As far as God goes, I am an agnostic. If he wants to contribute to this thread then I am ready to listen.


You wanted a response. You got one. You have started the insults, yet again. Same old boring pattern.  


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2 minutes ago, simoh1490 said:

If the report were written by God himself you'd declare he had a bias or agenda.

He has. For some unknown reason, he forgives insulting people like you. Ephesians 1:7

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Just now, CG1 Blue said:

You named 6 'bankers' who were not bankers. Try owning up to your mistakes - you will find it therapeutic.

Or you can keep talking about Farage if that makes you feel better.



They all work, have worked or own, financial institutes and complete financial transactions, in loose speak that is called banking, it isn't technically banking as I said very early on in this conversation, however the press, the dictionary and I all agree that it is fair to refer to these people involved in transactions within the finance industry as bankers.  What is your gripe with calling a hedge fund manager a banker?  Is it pure pedantry or do you have a real reason?

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Excuse me interrupting the bickering gentlemen but did anyone notice the vote in the House of Lords yesterday?


If I may quote The Guardian...


Theresa May has suffered an embarrassing defeat in the House of Lords over the issue of Britain’s membership of the customs union, increasing pressure on the government to reopen the issue.

An amendment to the EU withdrawal bill tabled by crossbencher Lord Kerr, and backed by several senior Conservatives including Lord (Chris) Patten, as well as Labour and the Lib Dems, was passed by a 348 votes to 225 – a majority of 123.

The debate on the government’s key piece of Brexit legislation, in a packed chamber, was watched by the shadow Brexit secretary, Keir Starmer. Afterwards, he said: “The passing of this cross-party amendment is an important step forward. Theresa May must now listen to the growing chorus of voices who are urging her to drop her red line on a customs union and rethink her approach.”

We can expect further defeats I am sure, now that the consequences of Brexit become clearer.  Of course many of the Brexiteers will simply start on a rant about the House of Lords and I would probably agree with some of those rants.  However we need to have checks and balances on something that is this important and as far as the British system goes, this is as good as any.

Edited by dunroaming
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