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Brexit has created chaos in Britain – nobody voted for this


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58 minutes ago, CG1 Blue said:

"Racism and religious intolerance has become more acceptable in Britain in the wake of the Brexit referendum, a United Nations expert has warned."


Typical left wing anti-Brexit <deleted>, and gleefully lapped up by that bastion of unbiased reporting The 'Independent'.


Perhaps terrorist attacks (such as the bombing at a teen concert in Manchester) and rape gangs across the UK have had something to do with the increase in racial and religious intolerance?




So which is it? You start off describing it as "Typical left wing anti-Brexit <deleted>, " and, in the very next sentence you acknowledge "the increase in racial and religious intolerance".


So it isn't <deleted> after all?

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28 minutes ago, beautifulthailand99 said:

I'll consider your cap doffed - daddy was very rich and influential as well though only from the upper middle class but carved out his niche as editor of the Times. Far more time for ex barrow boy Alan Sugar and his ilk who fought his way to wealth and  who made it despite his class rather than these entitled, Eton educated  couldn't give a fig for the average Brit . And believe JRM is ploughing his own furrow for his own ends and whatever the outcome he will be super wealthy. Same goes for your other Brexit standard bearer BoJo - but he comes with added sleaze. 


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So do you think Alan Sugar and his ilk do everything for the benefit of the people, or do you think they might just do it all for themselves?

If you could get over the JRM accent and your working class bias, you might actually hear a man who is an extremely intelligent and diligent debater. A man who patiently and respectfully listens without rudely interrupting, and then actually answers the questions put to him.

Bo Jo is a moron in my opinion.  The polar opposite to JRM when it comes to debates. But just because one 'plumb in mouth' politician is a moron, it doesn't mean they all are.

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9 minutes ago, Kieran00001 said:


Yes, when what we really need is someone like Rees-Mogg, we need more people in parliament whose financial interests control their voting patterns, how would someone who was not wealthy know how to vote if it didn't benefit them personally?  In some countries he would be in prison, in the UK there are plebs sticking up for him, unbelievable! 

Was there not some old-school argument that toffs in power was a good thing because breeding and large inheritances meant that they were less likely to be corruptible? I think we have all seen through that lie.

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45 minutes ago, CG1 Blue said:

It always surprises me how some have such a lot of hatred for successful people, and for some reason think wealthy people should not run the country. Maybe you think a bricklayer or a shelf stacker at Tesco would make a better PM. Or perhaps someone who is skint and in loads of debt.

By the number of kids he has I would say he has a down to earth hobby

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11 minutes ago, oldhippy said:

Personally I don't hate successfull people, unless they owe their succes to dodgy dealings or inheritance.....

About your bricklayer / shelf stacker comment: do you think they should have equal voting rights as the Eton educated? Or perhaps voting rights based on the amount of tax paid?

Absolutely they should have equal voting rights.

I guess what I was trying to say is that there are many anti-capitalists out there who would love to put an 'ordinary man' in charge of the country.

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4 hours ago, Kieran00001 said:


Did the supplies that the US sent to the Nazi's also help to keep our country free of German occupation?  No, and it did help them to process the Jews that they were killing, great war effort Americans, so glad you were on board before you were threatened.

Has brexit been going on that long ?

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51 minutes ago, CG1 Blue said:

It always surprises me how some have such a lot of hatred for successful people, and for some reason think wealthy people should not run the country. Maybe you think a bricklayer or a shelf stacker at Tesco would make a better PM. Or perhaps someone who is skint and in loads of debt.

What occupations do you think are unsuitable for high office? The labour fellow who was a postman (forgive me, his name escapes me) - should he have been disbarred?

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10 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:

So which is it? You start off describing it as "Typical left wing anti-Brexit <deleted>, " and, in the very next sentence you acknowledge "the increase in racial and religious intolerance".


So it isn't <deleted> after all?

No, linking it to Brexit is <deleted>.  Sorry if that wasn't clear.

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3 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:

What occupations do you think are unsuitable for high office? The labour fellow who was a postman (forgive me, his name escapes me) - should he have been disbarred?

I believe if someone has the skills, knowledge and ability, they are suitable.  They should not be discriminated against for being posh.

Alan Johnson - great bloke. Always had time for him.  And what a life story!

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10 minutes ago, CG1 Blue said:

Absolutely they should have equal voting rights.

I guess what I was trying to say is that there are many anti-capitalists out there who would love to put an 'ordinary man' in charge of the country.


Its the premise of our democracy to be represented by commoners, it seems there are many who would be happy to have the Lords in charge.

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27 minutes ago, CG1 Blue said:

Absolutely they should have equal voting rights.

I guess what I was trying to say is that there are many anti-capitalists out there who would love to put an 'ordinary man' in charge of the country.

And what did those EXTRA ordinary men ever do for us ordinary men?


They started colonial wars, world wars, oil wars, trade wars, and lived off the ordinary men's taxes.


But I have to admit they do excell in pompous speeches and without them Monty Python would never have been able to organise the Upper Class Twit of the year contest.




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15 minutes ago, CG1 Blue said:

I believe if someone has the skills, knowledge and ability, they are suitable.  They should not be discriminated against for being posh.

Alan Johnson - great bloke. Always had time for him.  And what a life story!


Rees-Mogg should be discriminated against for being dishonest about his finances and for using his seat to speak and to vote to the benefit of his interests.  The fact that he is a toff is used against him and perhaps rightly. He is wealthy, is it not that little bit worse that it is a rich person who is manipulating our democracy to make himself even more money?  He was well educated, is it not worse that a well educated person shows such low morals as to lie and cheat?  He is of 'high class', the common people fought to end the unfairness of the self-serving wealthy, educated, high class who governed them, when one is now elected to govern and they then demonstrate that they are unfair and self serving, their class will be brought up for they are a reminder of who the common people fought three wars against.

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2 minutes ago, Kieran00001 said:


Rees-Mogg should be discriminated against for being dishonest about his finances and for using his seat to speak and to vote to the benefit of his interests.  The fact that he is a toff is used against him and perhaps rightly. He is wealthy, is it not that little bit worse that it is a rich person who is manipulating our democracy to make himself even more money?  He was well educated, is it not worse that a well educated person shows such low morals as to lie and cheat?  He is of 'high class', the common people fought to end the unfairness of the self-serving wealthy, educated, high class who governed them, when one is now elected to govern and they then demonstrate that they are unfair and self serving, their class will be brought up for they are a reminder of who the common people fought three wars against.

3 wars for the rights of the common people? the peasants revolt and two civil wars ? Cromwell still only allowed the landed gentry the vote and Watt Tyler was killed.

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Just now, soalbundy said:

3 wars for the rights of the common people? the peasants revolt and two civil wars ? Cromwell still only allowed the landed gentry the vote and Watt Tyler was killed.


No, they were fighting against them, his ilk, I never mentioned anything about rights, but regardless, that is what they were fighting for and their fights worked toward it, they didn't win them on their own but they helped.

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1 hour ago, CG1 Blue said:

I believe if someone has the skills, knowledge and ability, they are suitable.  They should not be discriminated against for being posh.

Alan Johnson - great bloke. Always had time for him.  And what a life story!

QUOTE: They should not be discriminated against for being posh.


Who is talking about discriminating against posh people like Jacob Ree-Smugg  or Victoria Beckham-Spice or other double name bearers?

Just laugh them away.



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10 minutes ago, SheungWan said:

There is no doubt that accusations of intellectual shallowness have been consistently levelled at forum Brexiteers and certainly many have been richly deserved IMHO, but that doesn't let Remainers off the hook. Just look at the last few pages and we have had equally shabby hobby horses paraded in front of us on the Remainer side. Whether abject thinly-disguised anti-Americanism or rants against the upper classes for wealth and accents, its all there. Left-wing populism. Equally ugly and just journeys to nowhere. Don't feel obliged to take these sides.

Or are we at a point where we feel it is acceptable for our inner truths to be laid bare? Should we all stay quiet for the sake of upsetting delicate sensibilities?


A journey to nowhere is most definitely to be found if keeping quiet about something troubling for fear of upsetting the status quo. Low brow and shallow? Most definitely. Unwarranted - that is another matter.

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