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Brexit has created chaos in Britain – nobody voted for this


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3 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:

UK politicians made a bad mistake (from their POV) in allowing a referendum on the subject - as they fought to pretend to the electorate that they cared about their opinion ?!



3 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:

But they did, as they were stupid enough to think fear tactics would ensure a remain vote.



I would also add that the EU also badly misread the situation when they sent Cameron scurrying back to the UK with a flea in his ear.


They were all so wrapped up in their EU love in that there could be no other result other than remain.



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10 minutes ago, nauseus said:

No. The reasons for "procrastination" are as I already explained, except I use the words: bullying, hampered, meddling, and block in place of procrastination.


You sound like Project Fear, Junior Edition.

Project fear = Project reality

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1 minute ago, nauseus said:

Did you go to Assumption University then?

ERG group want a bonfire of regulations - inconvenient ones like workers rights, minimum wages, safety rules and planning law. To me that sounds a lot more like Thailand than Europe.


Sadly I don't think they can get the weather to thai standards though.

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2 minutes ago, nauseus said:

In your own wee world.

We are slowly boiling the Brexit frog (bulldog?) things are happening, prices are rising, jobs are going. We have not even left yet. People will start to notice one day - though even I have no way of knowing if that day will be too late.


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5 minutes ago, nauseus said:

Rehearsing for the Christmas panto already?

The MPs are required to vote in the best interests of their constituents, if enough of them decide that would be best served by stopping Brexit, then it will happen. 

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17 minutes ago, The Renegade said:





I would also add that the EU also badly misread the situation when they sent Cameron scurrying back to the UK with a flea in his ear.


They were all so wrapped up in their EU love in that there could be no other result other than remain.



To be fair, the eu knew that cameron was 'on their side'/pretending to look for extra 'favours' , and it was just a political side-show in an attempt to quell those pretending to support the massive anti-eu sentiment in the country....


Neither the eu or cameron seriously thought that things would get so bad in the governing party that it would be necessary to call a referendum!  And even when it was eventually necessary (politically....), they were still entirely out of touch as to the 'mood' of the electorate on the issue - and assumed that the electorate could be easily cowed into a remain vote ?!

Edited by dick dasterdly
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8 minutes ago, tebee said:

The MPs are required to vote in the best interests of their constituents, if enough of them decide that would be best served by stopping Brexit, then it will happen. 

Clearly not true when it comes to MPs in leave constituencies....


There's a recent example (can't remember his name) who represented a leave constituency, but insisted that his constituents preferred to remain....

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18 minutes ago, The Renegade said:

You best have that argument with Grouse, he is adamant that they do not.


Come on tebee, astound us all with your knowledge. How many Constituencies voted to leave and how many voted to remain ?


A 4 - 1 vote in favour of triggering Article 50 would be about correct in terms of Constituencies.


I will make it simple for you, either a load of MP's are lying bastards, or they are selling their constituents down the river.


It doesn't matter., they are not there to mindlessly reflect the voting intentions of their constituents, they have to make their own minds up. This is what representative democracy means!   

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33 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:

Clearly not true when it comes to MPs in leave constituencies....


There's a recent example (can't remember his name) who represented a leave constituency, but insisted that his constituents preferred to remain....

Bracknell MP, Phillip Lee. Held the seat in 2015. Probably won't win there again! He must be a smart man but another one who seems to consider his own opinions and views above those of the constituents that voted him in. Not the best example of representative democracy! 

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21 hours ago, The Renegade said:



As a newbie, I must admit, I am struggling to recall you debating anything. All I seem to see are snide remarks, insulting remarks and all round general nothingness in the way of debate.


The word you are looking for is Decorum. 


As you are so unhappy, perhaps you should Brexit the thread.


I disagree. His presence and remarks reflect the arrogance and selfishness of many on the remain side. It’ s just a pity that he was not the spearhead and spokesman for the remain side, prior to the referendum. If that had been the case, it would have probably produced a vote of 80% in favour of Brexit.



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14 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:

You and grouse are of one mind when it comes to parliamentary sovereignty.


You both think it means ignoring the votes of the electorate - even after one of the very rare referendums - and the govt. promising to enact the wishes of the electorate!

Government can promise whatever it wants - does not change the constitutional duties of the MPs. Has the concept that politicians might lie never occured to you ?  

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