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Brexit has created chaos in Britain – nobody voted for this


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3 hours ago, dunroaming said:

I would think any day to day problems with Brexit will come after December 2020.   That is when the reality kicks in

That’s a pessimistic view. More to the point, we shall regain our sovereignty.

Our laws will not be made in Brussels but in Westminster, reflecting the needs of the British people. the authority of E.U. law in the U.K will end. In addition we will  take control of who is allowed to enter the U.K. Think possitive.




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1 minute ago, nontabury said:

That’s a pessimistic view. More to the point, we shall regain our sovereignty.

Our laws will not be made in Brussels but in Westminster, reflecting the needs of the British people. the authority of E.U. law in the U.K will end. In addition we will  take control of who is allowed to enter the U.K. Think possitive.




Our sovereignty? our laws? we will take control...? You are obviously one in a group of powerful MP's or are you just Joe Bloggs who eats his bowl of porridge but thinks he makes a difference ?

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Shock and horror!




Blue British passports will be made in the EU because they're £50 million cheaper to make, everyone will have their very own bit of the EU to carry around as a reminder....too funny.

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10 minutes ago, nontabury said:

That’s a pessimistic view. More to the point, we shall regain our sovereignty.

Our laws will not be made in Brussels but in Westminster, reflecting the needs of the British people. the authority of E.U. law in the U.K will end. In addition we will  take control of who is allowed to enter the U.K. Think possitive.




Evoking the Churchillian spirit works every time, until the thrill wears off and reality smacks citizens in the face.

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2 minutes ago, nontabury said:

I live in hope, which is far better than knowing, that if we were to remain in the hated E.U. Things would and will get worse.

"the hated EU"...do you mean our hoped for future trading partners? You need to change your tune my lad otherwise they wont want to buy our cornish pasties and sticks of Bridlington rock.

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A great picture of Nigel Farage and two fishermen emptying a box containing half a dozen fish into the Thames in protest, the caption reads, "whilst it's said that in London you're never more than six feet away from a rat, the same is true of Nigel Farage whenever there's bad news to be had". A true Brexiteers protest, arf arf.

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43 minutes ago, nontabury said:

I live in hope, which is far better than knowing, that if we were to remain in the hated E.U. Things would and will get worse.

How do you 'know' that? Not all 'hate' the EU even though we may disagree with the way some things are managed,rather like the Scots and the Welsh may not agree with the way the UK is run but they don't cut their ties and run. 

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1 hour ago, nontabury said:

You sound like Neville Chamberlin.


1 hour ago, simoh1490 said:

Do try hard to drag yourself into the 21st century, it can only help matters!

OK! Lets try one of the Chuckle Brothers then.......the little one.

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1 hour ago, tebee said:

New Statesman had a good take on it and how it mirrrored the whole brexit process.


A botched hollow gesture with no contingency plan.


Honestly, it’s as if they don’t things through, isn’t it? It’s as if they prefer grand gestures to actually planning for real-life consequences. Funny, that.




Great stuff ?

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31 minutes ago, Grouse said:

Great stuff ?

Just shows the ridiculous state of the nation. Why should a private boat hire have anything to do with TFL?  

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Sovereignty my a.......

Once UK has left the EU it will have far less control over it's own destiny.

We have had a taste of things to come in the response to the alleged Russian activities in UK recently.

No one will give a flying fig what the UK thinks, they will just do what they please.

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23 minutes ago, nauseus said:

What about all the fish that are dumped daily due to idiotic EU policy? 

Isn't it Farage's job as an MEP to help overturn such policy, perhaps if he devoted more of the past ten years towards doing just that, rather than his non-stop campaigning to stand in the footlights, perhaps the policy would now be different. The man simply hasn't done the job he's being paid to do.

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19 minutes ago, nauseus said:

This policy was phased in slowly and only partially; it still allows crews from several nations to dump fish rather than return all the way back to their home ports.

Yes, but the fishermen are doing it because they want to - it's not the EU forcing people to do anything.

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