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Britain's May to set out Brexit vision for trade deal deeper than any other


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The Tory government have had 20 months to come up with a plan, a direction and some leadership.


Another hollow promise of a speech that will give direction and clear idea of what the Government plans. 


The PM's whole speech was an attempt not to inflame the divisions within her own party. 


Meanwhile the nation flounders. 

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9 hours ago, dunroaming said:

Link to the Express?  Are you serious?  At least try to read real newspapers  not gutter press.


I meant the same old rhetoric from you.  Nothing new to say?


Seems like May has said what she wants. "I want to see this and that".  It's a wish list, nothing more so far.

You have to put a link in now here these days or you get sent to the naughty corner for x amount of days. I could of put other links but I can't be bothered with the tree hugging, left wing doomsday crap that is peddled around. Yes the same ol rhetoric. We are leaving. As everyone knew and was told what a vote leave meant. Leaving the single market and customs union. Respect the vote and get behind it. If you can't deal with that then vote Liebour at the next election or even worse the LibDems

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10 hours ago, Retiredandhappyhere said:

One of the reason why we voted for Brexit was the fear that we were quietly being "conquered" by the EU led by Germany.  The UK has no dream of conquering the 27 member countries.  We just want to be able to trade with them as we were able to do when we were part of the trading relationship known as the Common Market, without being led down the path to a United States of Europe.

We are no longer living in the colonial era. You are not being conquered by anyone. You are simply doing co-operation with various entities, to make your stance better against the rest of the world. Well, at least you were doing that before the brexit.



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19 hours ago, dick dasterdly said:

The eu's non-negotiation stance has left me leaning that way too :sad:.

Seriously? What do you want? Pat in the head and saying UK is a good boy, even after it destroyed the sofa in the living room? It's not going to happen, UK is not a puppy and it should start behaving like a adult. 


It was Nigel Farage who acted like a bully as MEP. If you want to blame someone, blame him. 


Apparently UK has a lot of internal problems and angst against the Lords and other political figures. You had your way and snapped against them by voting to leave EU. Well done, here is pat to your head, you got it anyway. Now let's go forward. 




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On 3 March 2018 at 7:25 AM, Laughing Gravy said:

You have to put a link in now here these days or you get sent to the naughty corner for x amount of days. I could of put other links but I can't be bothered with the tree hugging, left wing doomsday crap that is peddled around. Yes the same ol rhetoric. We are leaving. As everyone knew and was told what a vote leave meant. Leaving the single market and customs union. Respect the vote and get behind it. If you can't deal with that then vote Liebour at the next election or even worse the LibDems

Last time I looked the UK was still a parliamentary democracy.


'Respect the vote and get behind it'.


Erm, no.


In a democracy we have the right, I would argue duty, to continue to argue for what we believe is right and against that we believe is wrong. 

Democracy is an ongoing processes, not a one vote one time once only decision. 


So thank you for the invite to surrender my rights under the UK democracy, but I'll pass if you don't mind.



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2 hours ago, malagateddy said:

WTR..thats the way to go..tell eu " no cheque in the post "..then watch eu countries kick in to one another like ferrets in a sack
Also lynching parties looking for Drunker..Tusk..Barnier etc emoji23.png

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Shockingly poor diction from the deputy political editor of the Times - personally, I blame Murdoch. Then again, the man has so much to answer for.



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16 hours ago, malagateddy said:

WTR..thats the way to go..tell eu " no cheque in the post "..then watch eu countries kick in to one another like ferrets in a sack
Also lynching parties looking for Drunker..Tusk..Barnier etc emoji23.png
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Always good to hear from some of the forum Hard Brexiteers who have hardly 15 minutes of studying economics and trade between them.

Edited by SheungWan
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You are correct..re study.

But I ran a successful business 8n Glasgow from 1978 to late 2014

NO DEAL IS BETTER THAN BAD DEAL..IN ANY SHAPE OR FORM..matter of interest..are you/have you ever been self employed/ ran a successful business..or are you an employee in private sector or a govt. jobsworth??

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1 hour ago, malagateddy said:

You are correct..re study.

But I ran a successful business 8n Glasgow from 1978 to late 2014

NO DEAL IS BETTER THAN BAD DEAL..IN ANY SHAPE OR FORM..matter of interest..are you/have you ever been self employed/ ran a successful business..or are you an employee in private sector or a govt. jobsworth??

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There is no deal as good as the one we have.

Even the PM is now admitting this to be true.



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3 hours ago, malagateddy said:

You are correct..re study.
But I ran a successful business 8n Glasgow from 1978 to late 2014
NO DEAL IS BETTER THAN BAD DEAL..IN ANY SHAPE OR FORM..matter of interest..are you/have you ever been self employed/ ran a successful business..or are you an employee in private sector or a govt. jobsworth??
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1 hour ago, Chomper Higgot said:

There is no deal as good as the one we have.

Even the PM is now admitting this to be true.

Unfortunately the hard brexiteering crowd provides us with a certain number of provincial small businessmen who are self-appointed know-better know-nothings when it comes to international trade.

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"We have the best deal just now"..unelected jobsworths in brussels being told by likes of soros.goldman. sachs.rothchilds etc etc what to do.
Perhaps you are content to be subservient..but I was one of the over 17 million people who said ENOUGH!!!
No more eastern european gangsters flooding the country!!
Another point..all these super-duper economists..and NONE OF THEM saw the financial crash in 07/08 coming!!
The same "experts" who backed up the anti Brexit project fear campaign...lets face facts..most people can "massage" figures/projections to suit their purpose.
I sincerely hope that the UK Govt tell the eu to "go forth and multiply"..

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40 minutes ago, malagateddy said:

"We have the best deal just now"..unelected jobsworths in brussels being told by likes of soros.goldman. sachs.rothchilds etc etc what to do.
Perhaps you are content to be subservient..but I was one of the over 17 million people who said ENOUGH!!!
No more eastern european gangsters flooding the country!!
Another point..all these super-duper economists..and NONE OF THEM saw the financial crash in 07/08 coming!!
The same "experts" who backed up the anti Brexit project fear campaign...lets face facts..most people can "massage" figures/projections to suit their purpose.
I sincerely hope that the UK Govt tell the eu to "go forth and multiply"..

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.1 All EU laws and regulations that are applied in tge UK are voted into UK law by the UK parliament.


.2 The Brexit Leave campaign was 95% funded by 5 Billionaires.


.3 Let’s face a fact. The 2008 crash had nothing to do with the EU.


.4 Let’s face another fact, at least 6 economists predicted the 2008 crash: https://www.intheblack.com/articles/2015/07/07/6-economists-who-predicted-the-global-financial-crisis-and-why-we-should-listen-to-them-from-now-on


The current trajectory of the UK government is to crash put of the EU and set about deregulating workers rights, health and safety regulations, remove controls over tge banks (see financial crash) and relax environmental protections.


Brexit, sticking it to the elite in favour of working people Ha!


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3 hours ago, malagateddy said:

"We have the best deal just now"..unelected jobsworths in brussels being told by likes of soros.goldman. sachs.rothchilds etc etc what to do.
Perhaps you are content to be subservient..but I was one of the over 17 million people who said ENOUGH!!!
No more eastern european gangsters flooding the country!!
Another point..all these super-duper economists..and NONE OF THEM saw the financial crash in 07/08 coming!!
The same "experts" who backed up the anti Brexit project fear campaign...lets face facts..most people can "massage" figures/projections to suit their purpose.
I sincerely hope that the UK Govt tell the eu to "go forth and multiply"..
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Theresa May may be hopeful of eventually cutting a deal with the EU, but this is not part of the agenda of the hard right conspiracy theorists who want something else entirely. Echoes of the past is more their thing.

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2 hours ago, malagateddy said:

Please name the 5 billionaires

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Brexit, ordinary working people dishing out a kick in the teeth for the rich and powerful.


Except the boot went right around into their own dentures.

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C/h..freedom from an autocratic dictatorship called the eu is a wonderful thing
S/w..why should the UK have to accept eastern european criminals without being able to do a Police Check..
Any immigrant coming into the UK should provide at their own expense
1.. full police report from their own country..in the English language
2. Full medical records in English language.

Only immigrants who will be a credit to themselves and the UK and who will enhance the UK should be allowed into the UK

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The impact of Brexit was everywhere to be seen in Wednesday’s budget, but nowhere to be found in most of the chancellor’s speech. Philip Hammond’s only direct reference to the most seismic economic event in Britain’s postwar history was to confirm he would have to put aside extra money to prepare government departments for the worst-case scenario of a “no deal” exit.


Arguably this is just the tip of the iceberg however. The biggest shock of this year’s budget is the dramatic downscaling of Britain’s future growth projections by the Office for Budget Responsibility (OBR).


“The big news is a whopping downgrade to prospects for long-term growth,” said Ian Stewart, chief economist at Deloitte. “The OBR’s view that weak productivity is here to stay, and is not just a lingering hangover from the financial crisis, means a longer haul to eliminate the deficit and slower wage growth.



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repearing your claims that tge EU is autocratic does not make your claim true.


Fact: EU Laws and regulations enforcable in the UK are all subjected to parliamentary scrutiny and are not adopted unless voted on and approved by the UK Parliament.


Mean while you got duped voting for a Brexit that has been paid for by billionaires, who of course are keen to lookafter the best interests of the ordinary working people.


You’ve been had.

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C/h..I do not believe in a european federation
Please read carefully the words of Jean Monnet.
As far as I am concerned..no more immigrants to the UK until they are health screened at their own expense..also comprehensive police check at their own expense..both certified English language translations of course.
They should not be able to claim benefits for minimum period of 4 years.
Every one of them must pay for compulsory ID cards.
Must pass English language exam..once again at their own expense.
That way..perhaps the UK will attract quality educated immigrants who will be both a credit to themselves and the UK

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14 minutes ago, malagateddy said:

C/h..I do not believe in a european federation
Please read carefully the words of Jean Monnet.
As far as I am concerned..no more immigrants to the UK until they are health screened at their own expense..also comprehensive police check at their own expense..both certified English language translations of course.
They should not be able to claim benefits for minimum period of 4 years.
Every one of them must pay for compulsory ID cards.
Must pass English language exam..once again at their own expense.
That way..perhaps the UK will attract quality educated immigrants who will be both a credit to themselves and the UK

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You need to stop ranting at me and write to Tory Minister Liam Fox, who is busy arranging to import cheap labour from India and the Philippines to replace departing EU workers.



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41 minutes ago, malagateddy said:

As far as I am concerned..no more immigrants to the UK until they are health screened at their own expense..also comprehensive police check at their own expense..both certified English language translations of course.

How will they be prevented from crossing the frictionless border between Ireland and NI, then boarding a ferry to GB?

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1 minute ago, malagateddy said:

All UK Citizens hopefully will have ID Cards before very soon..only people with something to hide will object!!!
ID Cards to be produced when asked for..if it's WTR..then hard border!!!

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You've not thought that out have you. 


Let me explain. 


When we vote in an election we legitimise the government. If a government does not have enough votes or loses the support of the citizens then it looses its legitimacy. 


Citizens legitimise government. Government does not legitimise citizens. 



Now let's take your ID card into the future. 


I understand from your posts that you care very much about the direction our country is taking, you hold and express views on the way you want things to go and you complain against things you are not happy with. 

I'm pleased you do, as a firm believer in democracy I think it important that we all have the right to disagree with our government and express our (non violent) views. 


What now if a government comes into power that decides they want to shut you up.


They need only withdraw your ID, freeze you out of being able to work, get health care, get welfare, receive a pension. 


Take your ID off you and turn you into a non person. 


This is why it is essential we, the citizens, legitimise government and we never allow government to legitimise us.


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C/h..you make some great points..however as a Glasgow man. a Unionist and a Royalist who is now retired here in Thailand..one thing I will say to you.
The Unionist/Royalist support the length and breadth of the UK would go " nuts".
Any UK Govt is aware of the awsome strength of the Royalists.
I do not say the above in any threatening manner..I only tell the truth..cheerd

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1 minute ago, malagateddy said:

C/h..you make some great points..however as a Glasgow man. a Unionist and a Royalist who is now retired here in Thailand..one thing I will say to you.
The Unionist/Royalist support the length and breadth of the UK would go " nuts".
Any UK Govt is aware of the awsome strength of the Royalists.
I do not say the above in any threatening manner..I only tell the truth..cheerd

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Now extend this to other groups, what if some other group gained a lot of power and wanted to silence people by removing their ID?


Far better to leave things as they are, let me and you and everyone else legitimise the government, not the government legitimise us.


I don't agree with much that you say but I believe there is a real danger if people who don't agree with us suddenly have the power to deny our rights by removing our legitimacy, cancelling our ID.


We don't need ID, we need a government that is answerable to the people. 


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