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Lost In The First Class Lounge At The New Airport.


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This probably belongs in the Travel Forum, but maybe it is of more general interest. I will wait and see.

Yesterday, Monday 22nd, my wife and I flew back from BKK to Sydney, on the early flight, which leaves about 8.30 am. Because we only fly occasionally, and the price on Thai is pretty good, we fly first class.

We arrived at the airport at just before 7, were ushered by a series of flunkeys into the First Class check-in area, which is both grandiose and pretty ugly. After completing the formalitities, again assisted by a huge cast of helpers, we were taken through to the immigration queue, and then to the First Class lounge, where we were shown to our choice of either a lounge seat, or our own private little meeting room. We chose the lounge, and were then offered fruit, congee, won-ton soup, coffee, etc etc.

One thing you never, ever, have to worry about when you are in a First Class (or Business Class) lounge is anything to do with your flight. At the appropriate moment, you will be gently beckoned to your little electric vehicle, and whisked away to the gate.

Usually. But not this time.

About 7.45 I went to the loo. Again, an amazing experience, reminiscent of Ancient Rome with a contemporary gloss. When I returned, I noticed that there were only two or three other passengers in the lounge. I asked my wife, who is, after all, Thai, whether there had been any announcement, or whether anybody had spoken to her. No.

At eight o'clock I decided check the situation out. Maybe the flight was delayed? So I beckoned one of the many staff and enquired as to our, and the flight's status. As she scanned her passenger list, her expression went everywhere from panic to desperation and back again in a matter of seconds. "Errrr, just a moment, sir, I have to find my supervisor". Bugger this, I said to my wife, grab everything, and we will follow her.

And we did, back to the lounge entrance where, it transpired, our flight was indeed overdue for take-off, and somehow or other we two had been mislaid. When the passenger supervisor came to get us on his little electric vehicle, he explained that he had not been able to find us, that the lounge had disclaimed any knowledge of us (he said he had come back three times to ask about us), and because it was a different section he did not feel able to come into the lounge to look for us himself.

Is there a good end to this story? Well, we made the flight. But I have not had any sensible explanation yet as to how we would have been found, if we had not found ourselves. Had we been people who were not fairly experienced travellers, perhaps we would still be sitting there, and maybe so would TG991. A bit like an earth-bound Marie Celeste.

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They have a little sign where you check into the lounge which says that they do not make any departure announcements.

I would not expect any announcements. We discovereded later that the Thai person who took us from the check-in area to the lounge entrance had not checked us in properly with the lounge staff.

However, it is absolutely extraordinary to me that, having been declared "lost" by the passenger supervisor, nobody in the lounge staff thought it sensible to walk through the first class lounge and check up to see whether by some chance we were there. There were only about 10 pax, and probably 20 or more staff on duty, after all. It should not have been too difficult.

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First Class, Business Class, Tourist Class, Underclass or no class.....

Never rely on anyone to tell you when the plane is ready for boarding......

In fact, never rely on anyone to tell you anything in LOS...

Then you won't miss anything :o

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They have a little sign where you check into the lounge which says that they do not make any departure announcements.

I would not expect any announcements. We discovereded later that the Thai person who took us from the check-in area to the lounge entrance had not checked us in properly with the lounge staff.

However, it is absolutely extraordinary to me that, having been declared "lost" by the passenger supervisor, nobody in the lounge staff thought it sensible to walk through the first class lounge and check up to see whether by some chance we were there. There were only about 10 pax, and probably 20 or more staff on duty, after all. It should not have been too difficult.

Next time, instruct your travel agent to make a UMNR booking for you.

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same thing happened to me the other day - i had an economy class flight to nakhon nowhere and no one told me it was time i should leave my apartment for the airport! :o whenever will they get their act together at suvarnabhumi?

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Another similar story: BEWARE!

I was flying out of BKK a few weeks ago on a JAL flight. The gate was printed on my boarding pass, I had plenty of time, but when I checked on the LCD information screens, my gate had apparently changed. I checked about five more times during the next 30 minutes, after eating and browsing the book shop.

Then as I had time, made my way slowly through security towards my 'new gate'.

Here is where it all went pear-shaped: I went to sit down, there were a few other passengers, mostly Japanese, and I looked out the window and saw a JAL 747, so I waited.

Then a JAL stewardess, began checking tickets with ten minutes to go. It was then, I was told I was at the wrong gate, and she would phone through to the right gate to tell them I was on my way.

I did a Roger Bannister......nearly had a heart attack, and just made my flight, after going through security all over again, at the furthest possible gate from where I had been.

WARNING: Do not 100% trust displayed gate information in BKK. Check, and double check and treble check.

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same thing happened to me the other day - i had an economy class flight to nakhon nowhere and no one told me it was time i should leave my apartment for the airport! :D whenever will they get their act together at suvarnabhumi?

I think the OP was looking for sympathy. :o

I also think there's something wrong with his watch. The flight was to depart "about 8:30 am" yet at 8:00 am "our flight was indeed overdue for take-off"

Still it's a good posting, just to remind us of how priviledged we economy class travellers are getting gently herded onto the plane. Whilst the poor first class irks have to find their own way from their seat in the lounge to the electric cart.

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Not really related, but took a pic of this interesting error message at Suv airport.


BTW I think it's uncalled for to be blaming the original poster: He took great lengths to explain the ridiculous ABUNDANCE of staff to take care of just about EVERYTHING almost up to wiping his bum for him, EXCEPT assistance pertaining to the single most important thing at an airport: the flight.


Edited by chanchao
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