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More DNA of killed panther detected in knives and chopping board used by Premchai’s hunting team


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More DNA of killed panther detected in knives and chopping board used by Premchai’s hunting team

By Thai PBS




As forensic evidence collection is still going on to press more charges on Italian Thai Development president and CEO Premchai Karnasuta and three others for poaching at Thung Yai Naresaun wildlife sanctuary, forensic scientists said they have found DNA of the slaughtered panther in two chopping knives and board seized from the hunting team.


The DNA test will be used to firmly tie Mr Premchai and his team to killing the panther.


But forensic scientist Dr Kanita Ouitavon, chief of the wildlife forensic unit of the Department of National Parks, Wildlife and Plants Conservation, said the chopping knives and chopping board were among 40 pieces of evidence sent for DNA test by the police.


Full story:  http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/more-dna-of-killed-panther-detected-in-knives-and-chopping-board-used-by-premchais-hunting-team/

-- © Copyright Thai PBS 2018-03-12
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They are taking this more seriously than they do when

a Human is murdered,suspect the Big game hunter will,

will slip through the net,while it looks like the cook is been

fitted up to be the fall guy.

regards worgeordie

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40 minutes ago, Darcula said:


Well, it's too late to take a swab out of fatso's mouth. They could check between his teeth for bits of panther penis though.

That wouldn't prove that he killed it either and that is what the investigation is trying to prove.  Who ate it isn't the issue.

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28 minutes ago, rkidlad said:

Of course, Just Weird. With the guy found at the scene camping ‘illegally’, who’s to say it’s not all just a huge coincidence. 


Why do you come on here and Bkk Post and do this? Trying to defend the indefensible? No wonder so many users tear all your poorly thought out ideas apart. 

No its not a coincidence, however they will have to prove who pulled the trigger. I think this is the problem here. I doubt there is a law here that makes you guilty by association. I am sure they can find him guilty for a few things.. but won't be able to prove he actually pulled the trigger. 

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37 minutes ago, rkidlad said:

Of course, Just Weird. With the guy found at the scene camping ‘illegally’, who’s to say it’s not all just a huge coincidence. 


Why do you come on here and Bkk Post and do this? Trying to defend the indefensible? No wonder so many users tear all your poorly thought out ideas apart. 

This is about establishing who killed the animal, not about who was there.


I'm not defending anyone but if I wanted to that would be my prerogative.   I'm rationally commenting on what is actually happening and what is trying to be done as opposed to so many others leaping in feet first and coming out with a load of old b ollocks.


"No wonder so many users tear all your poorly thought out ideas apart". 

Sorry to disappoint you but there are not so many that do that, there are one or two including you.  You are right when you say that they try to tear my views apart but that's all that they can do, try.


"Why do you come on here and Bkk Post and do this?"

Because as a member of a forum that invites comments that is my entitlement just as much as it is yours.  Just as you can ask questions, so can I, so, why do you comment here?

Bangkok Post?  You must be getting me confused with someone else.  

Edited by Just Weird
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4 minutes ago, rkidlad said:

Yes, eating endangered animals isn’t an issue. “He killed it, Officer. I just ate it”. 

If it was anyone else, he would be charged with "consuming a wild animal with criminal intent". It worked for charging the sandwich-eating students recently.


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2 minutes ago, Odysseus123 said:

Oh..for Quetzalcoatyl's sake..he shot the panther,alright?


Do we really need a "selfie" with the rifle stuck up his freakin' nostril.?


How bored with this cloacal nonsense must you be?

No, it's not "alright"!

Did Premchai shoot it?  As there were four people there and only three guns someone obviously didn't shoot/kill it and you certainly aren't in a position to know who that person was.

I'm not bored with all the nonsense that most posters are saying, neither must you be as you're still commenting, unless, of course, you're trying to exert your (non-existent) authority to close the thread?

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1 hour ago, GarryP said:

This is all getting rather ridiculous. It is becoming a game of finding as many semi-plausible excuses (there are no truly plausible ones available) to get Premchai of the hook.  The police are starting to look even more pathetic than usual. 


Did they check the DNA of the mushroom pickers? Evil barstewards they were. Think of all the pain they inflicted on that fungii.  

Do you know if they have to prove he shot the animal or is being there with a gun enough ?


If they need to prove someone shot an animal they are screwed as he won't be talking and maybe one of his minions will take the fall. 


The other charges carry far lower punishment, I worry he might get off because they can't prove who shot it. Unless Thai law has something that you were all there so all guilty. 

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13 minutes ago, Just Weird said:

No, it's not "alright"!

Did Premchai shoot it?  As there were four people there and only three guns someone obviously didn't shoot/kill it and you certainly aren't in a position to know who that person was.

I'm not bored with all the nonsense that most posters are saying, neither must you be as you're still commenting, unless, of course, you're trying to exert your (non-existent) authority to close the thread?

Of course you are not.


That is why you awarded  yourself the sobriquet "Just Weird"


And ,I must say,no better appellation has ever been self selected by a hominid on this planet 


As  far as I am concerned he is just another porker with a gun.


Of course,he can always come up and discuss the issue with me some time.

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31 minutes ago, Just Weird said:

"No wonder so many users tear all your poorly thought out ideas apart". 

Sorry to disappoint you but there are not so many that do that, there are one or two including you

Thanks for acknowledging that I do tear your ideas apart. It's not exactly hard, mind. 


32 minutes ago, Just Weird said:

You are right when you say that they try to tear my views apart but that's all that they can do, try.

No one said that. You've just added 'try'. Read before you comment. 

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I just wish they would conduct investigations into murder so thoroughly, instead of  " in another perplexing case a Farang hangs himself with his hands tied behind his back - we will try and find out how this talented man managed to commit suicide under such challenging conditions".

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2 hours ago, Just Weird said:

Is the evidence that they have so far enough implicate Premchai as the killer?

Caught red handed at the scene, with the carcass, its missing genitalia, the weapon, the ammunition, the utensils, the bribes, the bribes and more bribes all recorded.....I think they could have wrapped it all up by now given the PM's personal backing!


But alas no, they're still playing with evidence to cook up the *real* story.


Do you understand what I was getting at now???

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3 hours ago, Just Weird said:

This is about establishing who killed the animal, not about who was there.


I'm not defending anyone but if I wanted to that would be my prerogative.   I'm rationally commenting on what is actually happening and what is trying to be done as opposed to so many others leaping in feet first and coming out with a load of old b ollocks.


"No wonder so many users tear all your poorly thought out ideas apart". 

Sorry to disappoint you but there are not so many that do that, there are one or two including you.  You are right when you say that they try to tear my views apart but that's all that they can do, try.


"Why do you come on here and Bkk Post and do this?"

Because as a member of a forum that invites comments that is my entitlement just as much as it is yours.  Just as you can ask questions, so can I, so, why do you comment here?

Bangkok Post?  You must be getting me confused with someone else.  

I must remember this logic and rationale for if I ever decide to burgle a house. I'll bring some low-level acquaintances with me, along with a sack with bolt cutters and an alarm disabler, etc. I'll be sure not to have any of my DNA on anything. If caught by the police, I'll just deny I'm doing anything wrong other than trespassing. As long as my DNA isn't on the tools or stolen goods, they can't do anything to me, right?


I guess Thai police and courts don't do 'circumstantial evidence' through reasoning. You have to literally be caught with the smoking gun in your hand. Well, if you're rich, anyway. 

Edited by rkidlad
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