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At the moment the only advantages I know of are:

  • Maybe not need a Residence Certificate, which can save some time and money (For me worked with the driver license)
  • Maybe can made it easier to open an bank account if you not have a work permit

Some have told, that you can have cheaper entrances on some parks with the Pink ID card (for which a yellow book is needed before). But this seems more difficult than a few years back.

There are still a lot of writers here, which not see any advantages in the yellow book. 

Edited by HampiK
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On ‎3‎/‎14‎/‎2018 at 7:51 AM, Langsuan Man said:

You only have to have a Yellow Book if you are going to seek permanent residency, otherwise it is up to you  

That is wrong, you don't need a yellow book to apply for permanent residency at all


The main benefit of a yellow book is that it really is the document (in a different colour) that all Thai's recognize, it is a house register for you and it kills questions like name to use, address to use. This is very useful when you want to buy and register a car in your name
- Standard answer : No can do, this is simply because the people don't know what name and address to use. Give then the yellow tabien baan, easy


Second benefit: Master of the house hold (chau baan) can be in the yellow book = it's possible to register electricity, water etc for a property in your name so you control that. No more must be nice to the old girl friend / wife because she is chau baan and will turn off electricity and water if I kick her out


But most westerners on ThaiVisa say that yellow tabien baan is useless so maybe I am narrow minded


Edited by MikeyIdea
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