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Will 13-year-old Mint be deported back to Thailand?


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8 hours ago, stephen tracy said:

So "stepfather, Frank Jørgensen" is not a Dane? He is quoted as saying: "“It cannot be right, that I need to flee from my own country to keep my family together,”

I think he is intimating that he will need to leave Denmark if he is to keep his family together. 

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But what happens to any Farang legally married to a Thai once his or her money runs out? Answer is they must leave the country and it does not matter how many years they have been married & supported a Thai family

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On 14/03/2018 at 2:18 PM, geriatrickid said:

Why good luck? She's not being deported on a lark. There is a valid reason. Deportation is a lengthy procedure and is only initiated if the subject has been the subject of multiple hearings and has previously been ordered to leave. Why should she get preference over those who are legitimate and followed the rules to gain entry? Is it fair to block others, but this one with a public sob story gets  favoured?



Tell that to the Australian taxpayers who tried to stop refugees entering the country via boats from Indonesia and the government intercepting them and putting them on an island while processing their applications, only to be sued for $70,000,000 later down the track and the refugees got instant approval into Australia.


Maybe someone should tell her to get on a boat as these C...ts did, and jump the que :sorry:



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6 hours ago, GarryP said:

Very few. But then they are not benefiting from the state. They are here as long as their visas are valid, retirees for the most part . That is a very different situation. Here we are talking about people with a desire to gain citizenship, who could be productive members of the society they live in. Not people going to spend their final years.  

Good point

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8 hours ago, Wullie Mercer said:

What is to stop the stepfather legally adopting the girl, surely as his family she would have the right to abode in Denmark?

Probably he can adopt her, but that will not change the situation, as she may still not gain residency or citizenship, if her tie to Thailand is considered stronger; she was left there with her Thai father for 5 years, of which 2-years when her mother settled in Denmark.


If she was born abroad by a Danish parent, father or mother, the situation would be different; however if the child don't live a certain period of time in Denmark that "indicates cohesion", and has dual nationality, the child will loose the Danish citizenship at age 22 (actually need to apply for neutralization to keep citizenship).


A lot of Danes think it's wrong that people who wish to contribute to Denmark in a positive way, and are self supported, cannot be allowed residency – in a major newspaper 94% of the online readers voted for let Mint stay in Denmark –the problem seem to be that the same Law shall cover both migrants and refugees, which also apply for family reunification, and ethnic Danes.


The good news is that Min'ts case is going to be re-evaluated, which can take up to 7 month, and while the case is re-evaluated, Mint is allowed to stay in Denmark (news update Friday 9th March)...:smile:

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On ‎3‎/‎15‎/‎2018 at 1:16 AM, stephen tracy said:

So "stepfather, Frank Jørgensen" is not a Dane? He is quoted as saying: "“It cannot be right, that I need to flee from my own country to keep my family together,”

Apparently he is a Dane but he is not the father of the Thai girl neither is she a child of a Danish citizen.

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