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Trump has decided to remove his national security adviser - Washington Post


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This decision to oust him seems to have been made Right after McMaster gave the the following speech:


“Russia is also complicit in Assad’s atrocities. The Russian government has bombed civilian areas and provided political cover for Assad’s crimes...from February 24 to February 28, Russia conducted 20 bombing missions every day...Russia has also repeatedly thwarted efforts by the OPCW to hold the Assad regime accountable for using chemical weapons. This morning the United States, France,  Germany and. The UK condemned the abhorrent nerve agent attack on Sergei Skriipal that took place in UK. The statement made clear that we believe Russia was responsible. If Iran and Russia don’t stop enabling the regime’s atrocities and adhere to UN security council resolutions, all nations must respond more forcibly than simply issuing strong statements...it it is time to impose serious politics and economic consequences on Moscow.”


Total coincidence, of course. Also coincidence was Tillerson’s firing after *he* made similar public remarks about Russian/Putin culpability in the UK murders. Also unrelated was the firing of Comey who just happened to have been investigating Flynn (Trump’s National security Adviser) for possible collusion with Russia. Also also also not related is the WH discrediting of McCabe who is a potential witness to corroborate Comey’s assertion that he was asked to go easy on Flynn.


Now,  does anyone have a bridge they want to sell me, please?

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Kelly disputed the reports about H.R. McMaster imminently leaving the White House. He said there are no active plans to replace him, and added that it would be great if the Army gave McMaster a 4th star.




Edited by riclag
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On 3/16/2018 at 11:29 AM, samran said:


Translation: Trump found his briefings - designed for real adults - way too complicated with all the big words and references to continents he'd never heard of.


His replacement will provide future briefings drawn in crayon for the President.

The need for flannel cut outs and black lights come to mind

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