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Police general warns men: ten years jail for groping females at Songkran


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And which law covers this little announcement?


His driving tips would be a start but it will not last as all the BiB seem to have semi inactive posts 11 months of the year and only do their job when there is a profit in it.

The daily road death toll is evidence enough. Over Songkran week and New Year it hardly changes from the usual carnage.

As for the katoys (err Kamoys), will they be fined or jailed?

The LBGTi lobby can moan and bleat all they like, reality is the fact they are a menace.


For a few thousand baht you can do more than grope girls in Pattaya and that will not change for a week due to water throwing.


When will they wake up and stop smelling the baksheesh.....?




Edited by George FmplesdaCosteedback
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Firstly what official rights does this character have to tell people they will go to jail for 10 years lol..

ls he a high court judge ?

What is his schooling ?

l would like to see a audit done on this plastic cop for the last 10 years please 


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