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RoueLeJour, exactly! Good post.

Yet, the Thai government won't let me stay beyond 90 days unless I get a tourist visa. A bit stupid if you ask me because, worst comes to the worst, I'll just take the money I've earned here and that I was planning on spending HERE and go back to the US for a year! Now how is that serving Thailand or making it a better place???

Hopefully more people will be spending their money elsewhere, and hopefully this will have an affect on Thailand, but I doubt Thailand would change anything to get the money comming back in just to avoid losing face .

What surprises me is that it only took my wife one day to get her migrant visa to Australia approved and now we can stay there for good together, without having to do silly time and money wasting things like visa runs. But, for me to live here with my wife the best I can do is to get a 1 year Non O visa which means i have to leave the country every 90 days for 10 mins, turn around and then come back in. I am under 50, well actually under 30 to be more specific but I dont have an income of 40k per month so this means I have to do visa runs, even though my visa is valid for 1 year! Hahaha! What a waste, and an immigration officer once told me why don't you just transfer 400,000 baht here from your AUD savings and get a yearly extension, I explained that regardless of where my money is, its still my money and I lose interest by leaving it sit here in a Thai bank. So yeah, greedy country but a nice place to stay for a short while. Thailand "No money, no visa"

end of rant.

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I thought I'd add my experience into all this. I came in today Sunday/28/Jan from Singapore (starting in the States). I had read when I was still in the States about counting the number of days which I did (in my passport which happened to be a fairly new one for I washed the previous one. On purpose due to doing business in both Arab countries and Israel). When going thru immigration which was only one person deep I watched the officer look at my passport. Instead of counting days she counted number of times I had been to Thailand since the new rule came in. Which happened to be two. Now I have a clearly marked circled 3 next to my latest entry. I politely quizzed her on this and she insisted it was 3 ins and outs not total days.

It will be very interesting to see if I can get back in when I go out to Singapore and back in on 07/February. The GF better be well worth it if I am not allowed in.


i agree with everything you said. BUT i think your missing the point as to the why. unless its me that is missing the point but i have been here for 14 years. and have seen the same pattern time after time. i think this is more of a case of power or jealous. they dont like westerners muscling in on there country. they are all very insecure. so many time i had thais who have seen me all over thai television ask me just how much did i get for whatever commerical or whatever series. and when i tell them they are always <deleted> about it. so rare is the time that they bother to give me a compliment about it. its just the thoughts that i was overpaid and that i am raping thailand blind. they dont at all think long term or what maybe best for the good of all. i dont think they even care if less people come here. they figure they dont need westerners anymore as china well bring millions and millions in the coming years. thats another very disturbing trend. i bet in a few years there will be more chinese tourists in thailand than the rest of everyone combined. its so close. it has so many people. when that happens look for even lesser respect. the thais are big time users of people. they got out what they needed from the west and know they figure its time for them to ###### offf. one example look at the shin partner from the usa the guy had a partnership with toxin. what did toxin do when the business took off. arrest the western manager commited purgery and seized all the equipment.

RoueLeJour, exactly! Good post.

Yet, the Thai government won't let me stay beyond 90 days unless I get a tourist visa. A bit stupid if you ask me because, worst comes to the worst, I'll just take the money I've earned here and that I was planning on spending HERE and go back to the US for a year! Now how is that serving Thailand or making it a better place???

Hopefully more people will be spending their money elsewhere, and hopefully this will have an affect on Thailand, but I doubt Thailand would change anything to get the money comming back in just to avoid losing face .

What surprises me is that it only took my wife one day to get her migrant visa to Australia approved and now we can stay there for good together, without having to do silly time and money wasting things like visa runs. But, for me to live here with my wife the best I can do is to get a 1 year Non O visa which means i have to leave the country every 90 days for 10 mins, turn around and then come back in. I am under 50, well actually under 30 to be more specific but I dont have an income of 40k per month so this means I have to do visa runs, even though my visa is valid for 1 year! Hahaha! What a waste, and an immigration officer once told me why don't you just transfer 400,000 baht here from your AUD savings and get a yearly extension, I explained that regardless of where my money is, its still my money and I lose interest by leaving it sit here in a Thai bank. So yeah, greedy country but a nice place to stay for a short while. Thailand "No money, no visa"

end of rant.

I want to see the 30 days visa entry rule abolished, along with visa runs.

The harder time Immigration give these dross, the better.

Get the message, (NOT WANTED HERE)

the thais are so stupid that when australia issued a travel warning to thailand for terrroism what did the geniuses in thialand do but issue a travel warning for thais going to australia for fear of dangerous snakes, loose crododile and wild kangeroos.


I remember that as well.

I bet some people here were actually stupid enough to believe it!

I could take a year off and finish writing a novel I've been working on forever.

I'd be curious if, technically, one needs a work permit to legally write a novel. Don't laugh! Think about it!



I seriously doubt they you are going to be able to get to a Royal Thai Consulate that will issue a tourist visa from most border crossings. Am not even sure there is a Consulate in that country that will issue a tourist visa at this time.

Sun 28 Jan 07, 9:37 p.m.

I have never been to Myanmar, and don't know what the drill is with visas. However, if the hypothetical situation we are discussing were to happen to Tygerstar (refused reentry to Thailand for exceeding the 90/180), unable to obtain a visa from a Thai Consulate in Myanmar, and without funds to go anywhere else, then you would have a minor "international incident." I suppose he would have to throw himself on the mercy of his own country's embassy.




did you know that the law states that everyone working here must have a work pemit even if there is no pay. so did the volunteers of the tsnumai find out. the phuket immigration did say they were activley trying to find the volunteers to arrest them then there were the buyers if gems in chantaburi that one time where all put in jail. the thais are talking things way way to far now. it aint at all the country i first came to so many many years ago. used to be it was sort of a country of smiles and mai pen lai. not any more its a unforgivening land with rules writen by people with a grade education and interpreted by other thais with grade 2 educations. there is no correct way. you can be very unlucky and just get someone like this guy in burma did. they dont care about minor international incidents. people get refused entry and deported from many countries every single day. the airline ends up paying the boarding fine. sometimes not even there fault. as all the correct visas and such were already looked into before they flew. i think thou in the long term what they are doing and word will get out thailand is not a carefree place where you can easily enjoy yourself without a worry. what will then happy is people will start to choice new destinations for holidays. i already have. i just refuse to take a holiday anywhere in thailand now. i live here casue im forced to. the first 5 years before 1997 were quite fun. every since the 1997 asian economic crises its been all downhill in thailand.

I seriously doubt they you are going to be able to get to a Royal Thai Consulate that will issue a tourist visa from most border crossings. Am not even sure there is a Consulate in that country that will issue a tourist visa at this time.

Sun 28 Jan 07, 9:37 p.m.

I have never been to Myanmar, and don't know what the drill is with visas. However, if the hypothetical situation we are discussing were to happen to Tygerstar (refused reentry to Thailand for exceeding the 90/180), unable to obtain a visa from a Thai Consulate in Myanmar, and without funds to go anywhere else, then you would have a minor "international incident." I suppose he would have to throw himself on the mercy of his own country's embassy.



I want to see the 30 days visa entry rule abolished, along with visa runs.

The harder time Immigration give these dross, the better.

Get the message, (NOT WANTED HERE)


lighten up. I come in on the 30 day visa, I work oil and gas, get +100K US a year, support my thai gf in a 50,000THB upmarket condo, don't prowl around patpong or cowboy. Make a point of taking said gf for a weekend away at a resort at least every time i am here thus pumping valued THB into the tourist economy. Not to mention supermarket, day to day stuff in BKK. You calling me dross? Fronting up at an embassy every time I want to come here I doubt I'd bother


I'm looking round Asia this next year.

Not alone either. And the thing is, when my friends and family come out to see me for a holiday, it won't be a holiday in thailand.

Ususal tosh, not thought through. They'll try to forget it (and will suceed after a few minutes), we on the other hand will always remember the strife and visa regs and not retire here.

Don't want this shit when I am 70, then booting out the country if I get ill.


No electronic system? .... hmmmmm .... how about someone who has Canadian, English and Australian citizenship .... 3 passports .... Could they just come and go using different passports and avoid the whole issue? ... well ... doing the math, no, but they could stay for 9 months per year, right?

Virgil, Out

I want to see the 30 days visa entry rule abolished, along with visa runs.

The harder time Immigration give these dross, the better.

Get the message, (NOT WANTED HERE)


lighten up. I come in on the 30 day visa, I work oil and gas, get +100K US a year, support my thai gf in a 50,000THB upmarket condo, don't prowl around patpong or cowboy. Make a point of taking said gf for a weekend away at a resort at least every time i am here thus pumping valued THB into the tourist economy. Not to mention supermarket, day to day stuff in BKK. You calling me dross? Fronting up at an embassy every time I want to come here I doubt I'd bother


Dross is the word. You MAY work oil and gas and you MAY get +100k US per year. You may even put a thai gf up in a condo for 50,000THB per month - but why would you? If you care about her that much then you'd bring her home to meet mum and dad.

On the other hand - you may not be what you claim to be... You might, say, be a middle-aged urban cheapskate from Subiaco living at home with mum and dad without two pennies to rub together.

Certainly, dross not wanted here!

Virgil, Out!

now i really am getting pissed off with the inconsintencies here. i have just been to immigration in jomtien to extend my tourist visa. visa history since october 1st is:

oct 29 enter on 30 day visa exempt at suvarnabhmi

nov27 exit at nong khai (30 days up)

dec 4 enter at nong khai on tourist visa (60 days given,expire on 1 feb)

jan 26 extension at jomtien(30 day extension given to expire on3 mar)

the officer told me he could grant me a further 7 days in case of emergency,otherwise at the end of my extension i will have to leave for 3 months!!!!!. this makes no sense to me at all. theyre making it up as they go along i think.its going to be the same old story ,its going to be up to the INDIVIDUAL you deal with and how they interpret it.

welcome in the "no VISA rights farang club" my friend. You thought getting a VISA out of Thailand would have solved your problems ? You thought I was wrong saying this country is xenophobic and simply wants to kick ALL US FARANGS OUT ? Nice to see you too opened your eyes at last....


So what happens if you're living alone in an owned or rented place and are refused re-entry into Thailand? Do your possessions become property of the Thai gov't, or landlord or is it just first come, first served looting? Or just hope they are all still there next time you make it back in? Maybe before leaving give a key to your place to someone you trust the most and hope they don't screw you over?


We already have examples, probably on this thread, of long queues at the arrival area, because immigration officers are thumbing through 48 pages of stamps, writing down numbers on scraps of paper - how many days in February that year? - which was that, a VOA stamp or a real visa - what soap opera will be on tonight? Too much trouble for the officer, especially when he then has to add 27+13+29+18=....= ...arai nah? :o

I want to see the 30 days visa entry rule abolished, along with visa runs.

The harder time Immigration give these dross, the better.

Get the message, (NOT WANTED HERE)

you cant say that being any way at all fair. well on one hand i definetly agree that if there were way less foreingers here it would be way better for the remaining ones. for many many reasons. but the part about these dross thats the part where you can say that. while yes some of them are vermin just causing troubles. ###### the real vermin are just on overstay and dont even bother to go out. ###### ive meets tons of people on many year overstays. many many visas here in thiailand when you try to thing the right way are an incredible pain in the ass. and many dont qualify for things like work permits if not english teaching as the rules for what a foreinger can work at are only jobs that the thais feel they are qualified too. and then the what is it 2 million baht in the bank requirement per work permit outside of english teaching. you know if they made everything fair and simple i bet tons of peoople would get the proper visas. but they dont the thais are deleberately being jerks about it all. the thais just love to show power. they have never been colonised. i think the real reason for all these rule changes is they just want everyone to get the ###### out. they even did admit that why the whole reason why they changed the work permit rules what was it 5 times in 2 years was to make it harder for foreigner to work here period. not to create a fair system. the thais are so stupid that when australia issued a travel warning to thailand for terrroism what did the geniuses in thialand do but issue a travel warning for thais going to australia for fear of dangerous snakes, loose crododile and wild kangeroos.

You hit the nail on the head. Basically, they would prefer most westerners weren't here for any long periods of time. They want to replace us with Chinese tourists or visitors. They don't want tons of people to get visas and be here for extended periods of time. They will continue to make it more difficult. Don't be surprised if they increase the bank account requirements to be a larger sum. Same with monthly income. They've always grandfathered people who were previously qualified on a certain amount of monthly income/bankbook. There is no guarantee that they will continue to do so, but I hope that they do. Contrary to what some of the posters have said about the 90/180 situation, I have heard from a friend of mine who is good friends with immigration in Jomtien, that they will make it harder because they want better quality people coming here. Go home but leave/send your money. We'll see.

I am curious. I gather from your post you are visiting Thailand for work related purposes.

Can this be done with the 30 day visa on arrival?

When you mark your incoming passenger card do you mark the reason for the visit "Holiday" or "Business"?

If you mark "Business" do they ask for more detail and from having many vists wonder why you dont have a work permit?

If you declare you come on a holiday couldnt they do you over if you were found to be working?

I'm not sure on the rules or definitions but am keen to learn for my future plans

i do this on a 30 days visa always mark business never had any questions about it, and untill last week no checks were done.

if they would ask just say meetings thats no work i think if i get caught working that would be the next step but the chances for that are minimal .

Your interpretation is totally incorrect. You need a Non-Immigrant visa. BTW continual meetings also is classed as business.

I want to see the 30 days visa entry rule abolished, along with visa runs.

The harder time Immigration give these dross, the better.

Get the message, (NOT WANTED HERE)

the thais are so stupid that when australia issued a travel warning to thailand for terrroism what did the geniuses in thialand do but issue a travel warning for thais going to australia for fear of dangerous snakes, loose crododile and wild kangeroos.


I remember that as well.

I bet some people here were actually stupid enough to believe it!

You mean that that is not true ? :o


Gday All,

Yeah, it's all as clear as mud to me. Thank Christ I have my school organise and pay for everything.

Can ANYONE tell me about the Visa 'waiver' previously mentioned regarding Australian nationals.

I have never heard of this and am curious as I have a friend back home in the import business who is 'looking' at Thailand, but is a bit sheet scared of all the cra#p that's going on.

Cheers for now.


Gday All,

Yeah, it's all as clear as mud to me. Thank Christ I have my school organise and pay for everything.

Can ANYONE tell me about the Visa 'waiver' previously mentioned regarding Australian nationals.

I have never heard of this and am curious as I have a friend back home in the import business who is 'looking' at Thailand, but is a bit sheet scared of all the cra#p that's going on.

Cheers for now.


An Australian can enter Thailand without a visa for a maximum of 30 days for the purpose of tourism.

The condition includes having an air ticket out of Thailand within the 30 days.

Using this 'visa waiver' the maximum stay allowed in a 180 days period is 90 days.


I still fail to understand what the fuss is all about; hoards of dirty foreigners, prowling around the country unsupervised, doing gawd knows what, corrupting the local population, getting into all sorts of mischief no doubt! But, then again, there is lots of stuff I don't understand, and we have been over and over and over it in these threads! Sigh!



Yea, that's right...!

I couldn't believe my eyes last year, when I was walking the roadbridge at Pantip Plaza to get to the other side of the busy road. In the middle of that walking bridge, there are usually some beggars that beg the bypassers for a small contribution. Some blind people, some without a leg or two.

But... One day I saw a young farang female that sat on the ground and begged as well. She looked like she was around 20 years old or so. Her hairstyle and clothes were telling that she were one of those "trash-packers" (cheaper than the back-packers) with trashy hair and velour-colored shirts, that you can find hanging around in Laos and just smoking weed. I couldn't believe my eyes! Her appearence made me thinking of the movie "The Beach".

She just sat there and begged for money. Many thais that looked at her, while they walked by. As a farang myself, I felt very intimidated by her appearence. I just stopped and looked into her eyes. She looked back, without a word. I then continued walking, thinking to myself... -My god! What a shame for all of us farangs that actually are living here in Thailand, doing a decent living.

Now I have fully sympathy for the thai goverment, introducing those new visa rules for tourists!



I still fail to understand what the fuss is all about; hoards of dirty foreigners, prowling around the country unsupervised, doing gawd knows what, corrupting the local population, getting into all sorts of mischief no doubt! But, then again, there is lots of stuff I don't understand, and we have been over and over and over it in these threads! Sigh!



Yea, that's right...!

I couldn't believe my eyes last year, when I was walking the roadbridge at Pantip Plaza to get to the other side of the busy road. In the middle of that walking bridge, there are usually some beggars that beg the bypassers for a small contribution. Some blind people, some without a leg or two.

But... One day I saw a young farang female that sat on the ground and begged as well. She looked like she was around 20 years old or so. Her hairstyle and clothes were telling that she were one of those "trash-packers" (cheaper than the back-packers) with trashy hair and velour-colored shirts, that you can find hanging around in Laos and just smoking weed. I couldn't believe my eyes! Her appearence made me thinking of the movie "The Beach".

She just sat there and begged for money. Many thais that looked at her, while they walked by. As a farang myself, I felt very intimidated by her appearence. I just stopped and looked into her eyes. She looked back, without a word. I then continued walking, thinking to myself... -My god! What a shame for all of us farangs that actually are living here in Thailand, doing a decent living.

Now I have fully sympathy for the thai goverment, introducing those new visa rules for tourists!


It is always the majority (mostly decent law abiding folks) who have to endure the tightening of the rules because of a few bad apples.

THis is true not only with Thai immigration rules but also airport security, etc. all over the world


I still fail to understand what the fuss is all about; hoards of dirty foreigners, prowling around the country unsupervised, doing gawd knows what, corrupting the local population, getting into all sorts of mischief no doubt! But, then again, there is lots of stuff I don't understand, and we have been over and over and over it in these threads! Sigh!



Yea, that's right...!

I couldn't believe my eyes last year, when I was walking the roadbridge at Pantip Plaza to get to the other side of the busy road. In the middle of that walking bridge, there are usually some beggars that beg the bypassers for a small contribution. Some blind people, some without a leg or two.

But... One day I saw a young farang female that sat on the ground and begged as well. She looked like she was around 20 years old or so. Her hairstyle and clothes were telling that she were one of those "trash-packers" (cheaper than the back-packers) with trashy hair and velour-colored shirts, that you can find hanging around in Laos and just smoking weed. I couldn't believe my eyes! Her appearence made me thinking of the movie "The Beach".

She just sat there and begged for money. Many thais that looked at her, while they walked by. As a farang myself, I felt very intimidated by her appearence. I just stopped and looked into her eyes. She looked back, without a word. I then continued walking, thinking to myself... -My god! What a shame for all of us farangs that actually are living here in Thailand, doing a decent living.

Now I have fully sympathy for the thai goverment, introducing those new visa rules for tourists!


It is always the majority (mostly decent law abiding folks) who have to endure the tightening of the rules because of a few bad apples.

THis is true not only with Thai immigration rules but also airport security, etc. all over the world

In case anyone missed it, I was speaking totally with my tongue in my cheek regarding "hoards of dirty foreigners..." Various types of profiling, red lining, and group punishment have always been convenient ways to weed out the "bad apples." But just because they are convenient, does not mean that they are kind or appropriate or civilized ways to operate a government and to enforce laws. Profiling as an anti-terrorism, anti-crime tactic is prohibited at airports in the U.S. (although it undoubtedly stills goes on covertly to some degree). The falang woman begging at the bridge was either suffering from drug addiction or mental illness or both. Maybe she was just eccentric. The "Law & Order" posse around here would punish her for being the way that she is. Other might prefer some more compassionate and humane treatment. But restricting immigration for tens of thousands of people because there is a lady begging on a bridge is . . . is . . . I can't even think of the proper adjective. If noting else, it is entirely irrational and unhelpful and does not Begin to address the problem, if there even is one. Good gawd, this is hardly the first lady to beg on a bridge! Every country has that (except ones with no bridges! :o ).



I thought I'd add my experience into all this. I came in today Sunday/28/Jan from Singapore (starting in the States). I had read when I was still in the States about counting the number of days which I did (in my passport which happened to be a fairly new one for I washed the previous one. On purpose due to doing business in both Arab countries and Israel). When going thru immigration which was only one person deep I watched the officer look at my passport. Instead of counting days she counted number of times I had been to Thailand since the new rule came in. Which happened to be two. Now I have a clearly marked circled 3 next to my latest entry. I politely quizzed her on this and she insisted it was 3 ins and outs not total days.

It will be very interesting to see if I can get back in when I go out to Singapore and back in on 07/February. The GF better be well worth it if I am not allowed in.

I had a somewhat similar experience yesterday flying into BKK. I came here in November on a 60 day tourist visa, and extended it at the beginning of January. I left a few days before the extension expired and went to Laos. When I returned yesterday, the immigration officer went through my passport carefully (I haven't been here that many times, once in 2005, early 2006 and Nov, 2006). She added a '1' to the stamp from my entry using the visa, then a '2' to the stamp she put in my passport.

This may turn into a major pita for me because I was trying to use Thailand as home base for a five to six month trip, going to Laos, Cambodia, etc, and always returning to Thailand. Hmmm, Laos was very nice, and cheap enough to make up for the expensive visas...

I want to see the 30 days visa entry rule abolished, along with visa runs.

The harder time Immigration give these dross, the better.

Get the message, (NOT WANTED HERE)


lighten up. I come in on the 30 day visa, I work oil and gas, get +100K US a year, support my thai gf in a 50,000THB upmarket condo, don't prowl around patpong or cowboy. Make a point of taking said gf for a weekend away at a resort at least every time i am here thus pumping valued THB into the tourist economy. Not to mention supermarket, day to day stuff in BKK. You calling me dross? Fronting up at an embassy every time I want to come here I doubt I'd bother

It's good to see you pumping so much of your hard earned money into the Thailand economy, but I hope you know what your Thai GF is doing while you're away. Too much money can really go to their heads.

Completely unnecessary and off topic as well. MYOB please tropo and lets try to keep to the topic at hand.

Can ANYONE tell me about the Visa 'waiver' previously mentioned regarding Australian nationals.
An Australian can enter Thailand without a visa for a maximum of 30 days for the purpose of tourism.

The condition includes having an air ticket out of Thailand within the 30 days.

Using this 'visa waiver' the maximum stay allowed in a 180 days period is 90 days.

Krub summed it up excellently. If your friend, being of the worrying type, wants to read the full version he can do so here on the website of Thailand’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs.



The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place. — George Bernard Shaw


I had a somewhat similar experience yesterday flying into BKK. I came here in November on a 60 day tourist visa, and extended it at the beginning of January. I left a few days before the extension expired and went to Laos. When I returned yesterday, the immigration officer went through my passport carefully (I haven't been here that many times, once in 2005, early 2006 and Nov, 2006). She added a '1' to the stamp from my entry using the visa, then a '2' to the stamp she put in my passport.

This may turn into a major pita for me because I was trying to use Thailand as home base for a five to six month trip, going to Laos, Cambodia, etc, and always returning to Thailand. Hmmm, Laos was very nice, and cheap enough to make up for the expensive visas...

It does look as if Airport immigration are implementing the rules correctly, by counting days, whereas land borders are assuming all traffic is visa runners on consecutive visa exempt permits and just counting stamps.

Your case is a bit of a connumdrum, because we are all assuming these numbers are a count of visa exempt entries, and that when the count goes to '3' you will be refused entry. If that is true, your tourist visa entry should not have been numbered. The problem is that there is nothing official about these numbers, they are just hints from one officer to another. One would like to think that when the number hits '3' you can request the count be done properly, but it's not something you'd want to bet the condo on.

BTW, Why didn't you get a double entry visa?


I still fail to understand what the fuss is all about; hoards of dirty foreigners, prowling around the country unsupervised, doing gawd knows what, corrupting the local population, getting into all sorts of mischief no doubt! But, then again, there is lots of stuff I don't understand, and we have been over and over and over it in these threads! Sigh!



Yea, that's right...!

I couldn't believe my eyes last year, when I was walking the roadbridge at Pantip Plaza to get to the other side of the busy road. In the middle of that walking bridge, there are usually some beggars that beg the bypassers for a small contribution. Some blind people, some without a leg or two.

But... One day I saw a young farang female that sat on the ground and begged as well. She looked like she was around 20 years old or so. Her hairstyle and clothes were telling that she were one of those "trash-packers" (cheaper than the back-packers) with trashy hair and velour-colored shirts, that you can find hanging around in Laos and just smoking weed. I couldn't believe my eyes! Her appearence made me thinking of the movie "The Beach".

She just sat there and begged for money. Many thais that looked at her, while they walked by. As a farang myself, I felt very intimidated by her appearence. I just stopped and looked into her eyes. She looked back, without a word. I then continued walking, thinking to myself... -My god! What a shame for all of us farangs that actually are living here in Thailand, doing a decent living.

Now I have fully sympathy for the thai goverment, introducing those new visa rules for tourists!



How do you make a connection about immigration and a Falang beggar.

She can go to Malaysia and get a new double entry visa, come back

and carry on begging. That’s how stupid the rules are.

But I feel a different department needs to deal with this sort of thing first.

then immigration.

And what has the Thai government done about the immigration rules for people

Under 50 years, who have bought / invested in the Thai economy by buying

a condo in Thailand.

That’s it, they just stuck two fingers up at us all.

I wonder how many falang are re thinking there retirement plans.

Amazing Thailand.

But as people have said, Thaïs don’t won’t us here. They just

like our money and someone to blame all there problems on.

You naughty falang. Get out.

Have a nice day.

Your case is a bit of a connumdrum, because we are all assuming these numbers are a count of visa exempt entries, and that when the count goes to '3' you will be refused entry

No we are not "all" assuming any such thing. The numbers have been proven to be a means to alert following officers to those entry days that will have to be counted. The count is days, at all crossings.

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