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Trump says DACA deal for young immigrants is off


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Trump says DACA deal for young immigrants is off

By Valerie Volcovici and Delphine Schrank



FILE PHOTO - U.S. President Donald Trump arrives at Palm Beach International Airport, Florida, U.S. for the Easter weekend at Mar-a-Lago in Palm Beach March 29, 2018. REUTERS/Yuri Gripas


WASHINGTON/IXTEPEC, Mexico (Reuters) - President Donald Trump said on Sunday that there will be no deal to legalize the status of young adult immigrants called Dreamers and he said the U.S.-Mexico border is becoming more dangerous.


After tweeting a "Happy Easter" message on Twitter, he said: "Border Patrol Agents are not allowed to properly do their job at the Border because of ridiculous liberal (Democrat) laws like Catch & Release. Getting more dangerous.


"'Caravans' coming. Republicans must go to Nuclear Option to pass tough laws NOW. NO MORE DACA DEAL!" he wrote, adding a threat to kill the North American Free Trade Agreement which is being renegotiated with Mexico and Canada.


DACA, or Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, is a programme created in 2012 under Democratic former President Barack Obama that Trump sought to rescind last autumn.


Designed for people brought to the United States as children by parents who were undocumented immigrants, the programme shielded them from deportation and gave them work permits.


Trump had said he was open to a deal with congressional Democrats who want to protect DACA in exchange for funding to build a U.S.-Mexico border wall, a campaign trail promise.


He insisted during his 2016 White House run that Mexico would pay for the wall, something the Mexican government has repeatedly rejected.


Mexico's presidential front-runner, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, launched his campaign close to the border on Sunday demanding respect for Mexicans and signalling he may take a harder line towards Trump if he wins the July 1 election.


"Mexico and its people will not be the piñata of any foreign government," Lopez Obrador said in a speech in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, which borders El Paso, Texas. "It's not with walls or use of force that you resolve social problems."


Whether Trump will stick to his guns on DACA is unclear. Trump last month threatened to veto a spending bill because it did not address the fate of Dreamers and did not fully fund his border wall but he ultimately signed the bill.


In the months after Trump took office, apprehensions of illegal crossers along the U.S.- Mexico border dropped from more than 42,400 arrests in January 2017 to a low of around 15,700 in April, according to U.S. Customs and Border Protection data. Since then, the number of arrests has risen and in the first months of 2018 was above Obama administration levels.


"Mexico has got to help us at the border," the president, who is spending Easter at his Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida, told reporters on his way into an Easter church service. "A lot of people are coming in because they want to take advantage of DACA. They had a great chance. The Democrats blew it."




Trump's DACA tweets came after a report on the Fox New Channel's Fox & Friends programme, one of his favourites, that a "caravan" of mostly Honduran migrants was crossing Mexico and headed to the United States, "either illegally or by asking for asylum."


More than 1,000 would-be migrants have passed through Mexico's southern states of Chiapas and Oaxaca in recent days in a so-called "refugee caravan" organised by U.S.-based immigrant advocacy group Pueblo Sin Fronteras.


In the town of Ixtepec, more than 1,500 men, women and children from Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala waited in a sweltering warehouse on Saturday, mattresses rolled and bags packed, as local authorities and immigration officials from Mexico's federal government organised 15 buses to take them to their next stop on the long journey north.


By travelling together, the immigrants hope to protect themselves from the crime and extortion that makes the route through Mexico dangerous. They say some but not all of them will seek asylum if they reach the United States.


Gina Garibo, a member of Pueblo Sin Fronteras travelling with the migrants, said the group would hold a meeting to discuss Trump's statements on Sunday and stressed that the caravan's aim was to protect vulnerable people.


"The main people here are fleeing criminal violence, political violence, in their country and this allows us to save lives," she said in response to Trump's comments.


A guest on Sunday's Fox & Friends show, Brandon Judd, head of the National Border Patrol Council union, said illegal immigrants benefit from the "catch and release" programme that Trump referenced in his tweet. Under it, they can be freed while awaiting court hearings if detained in the United States.


If recent border crossers do not claim asylum, they can usually be deported quickly. But if they say they fear targeted violence or persecution in their home countries, they can begin the long process of petitioning for asylum in immigration court.


Trump said on Twitter on Sunday that Mexico is doing "very little, if not NOTHING," to stop the flow of people across the southern border. "They must stop the big drug and people flows, or I will stop their cash cow, NAFTA. NEED WALL!"


Mexican Foreign Minister Luis Videgaray said the United States and Mexico work together on migration every day.


"An inaccurate news report should not serve to question this strong cooperation. Upholding human dignity and rights is not at odds with the rule of law. Happy Easter," he said in a tweet.


Mexico deported some 80,000 people in 2017, down from about 160,000 in 2016, official statistics show. The vast majority were from Central American nations. The drop reflects fewer Central Americans crossing the country last year.


(Reporting by Valerie Volcovici in Washington and Delphine Schrank in Ixtepec, Mexico; Additional reporting by by Steve Holland in West Palm Beach, Mica Rosenberg in New York, David Lawder in Washington and Lizbeth Diaz in Ciudad Juarez; Editing by Steve Orlofsky and Daniel Wallis)

-- © Copyright Reuters 2018-04-02
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11 minutes ago, Samui Bodoh said:



Is he serious or not?

Is DACA done with or not?

Is the NAFTA deal done with or not?

Is this the usual verbal diarrhea or not?


We certainly live in interesting times when the words of the President of the United States are essentially meaningless and carry no weight. Who pays attention to the man-baby when we all know that it may well be 180 degrees different in an hour? Or half an hour?


Oh, and by the way... didn't he say that Mexico was going to pay for the wall? What happened to that?


The US has been very lucky that the Mexicans have been so tolerant of him; there are always issues surrounding any border between two countries, but the current Mexican President has been cooperative. Do Americans have any idea how much trouble an uncooperative President of Mexico might be? Yes, it would hurt Mexico some, but few people would condemn a Mexican President for screwing over an American one.


Careful Americans; Obrador is NOT someone you want on your border...



So, do you want an authoritarian president or not? It is Congress' duty to pass legislation. Ruling by Exexutive Order provides no security for DACA immigrants.

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2 hours ago, lannarebirth said:


So, do you want an authoritarian president or not? It is Congress' duty to pass legislation. Ruling by Exexutive Order provides no security for DACA immigrants.

So Trump repealedDACA in order to provide participants with security? Who do you think you're kidding? Do you think if you asked them do they just as secure now as they did before DACA was repealed that they would answer in the affirmative?

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3 minutes ago, cabinfever said:

So Trump repealedDACA in order to provide participants with security? Who do you think you're kidding? Do you think if you asked them do they just as secure now as they did before DACA was repealed that they would answer in the affirmative?


I think they'd rather the issue was resolved and that there was some certainty about their respective futures. That is the responsibility of Congress. They are the legislative body. They should legislate.

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5 hours ago, inThailand said:

I guess he's keeping his promise to deal with illegal immigrants. Obama just gave DACA ones a stay of deportation. 

His promise so far has failed:

Three times a lower court has ruled against the administration's handling of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program. Th courts  require the government to continue renewing DACA permits under the program while legal challenges make their way through the courts. The US Supreme Court said it was staying out of the dispute for now. https://edition.cnn.com/2018/02/27/politics/daca-revocation-ruling/index.html

Certainly not a permanent stay of deportation, but not a win for Trump.

And Trump has only himself to blame for not getting the $25 billion for his new border wall. The Democrats agreed with his approval for DACA but Trump who set the condition for DACA reversed himself.

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8 hours ago, Bluespunk said:

I keep reading/hearing/being told the grand poobah of trumptopia doesn’t drink. 


Whenever I read a series of tweets like this, despite knowing he doesn’t drink, I just find it hard to believe.


They read like a drunk’s rantings at 3.00am, after a heavy night on the town. 

Because he supposedly does not drink does not mean he does not, a lot of what that guy says is not believed by many intelligent people anyway, also there are many ways to get smashed out of ones head, the fact he has a button on his desk to summons coke... could it be the white powder version?

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The American people get it.

"trump" owns the DACA deal failure. He ended it. He refused to negotiate in good faith. Yes, the voters are often stupid proven by electing such a con man, but not always, and not forever.


Best of luck running on that issue, "trump" republicans!





WASHINGTON POST Why Trump’s attempt to blame Democrats for ending DACA is falling flat

President Trump appears to be realizing what the rest of Washington has already come to terms with: A deal to protect “dreamers” from deportation is dead.

Recognizing that hundreds of thousands of sympathetic young immigrants could be deported under his watch, he's on a tear to blame Democrats for a deal's falling through. Trump has declared the deal dead and then blamed Democrats for it at least three times in the past 24 hours.






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Stunning ignorance of "trump" on DACA. But not surprising. By now the world is used to just how low he goes and stays.



Trump's Easter tweets about immigration were nonsense. That the President, who holds so much power over the lives of the Dreamers and other immigrants, seemingly lacks basic knowledge about immigration policy is as troubling as it is astonishing.


Edited by Jingthing
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  • 4 weeks later...

Send them all back.  If they're all as talented and skilled as the media claims (they aren't) they'll find a way to return legally.


The parents took a gamble by immigrating illegally and using the kids as bargaining chips, and lost.  Screw the dreamers and the illegal immigrant parents they rode in on.

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11 minutes ago, meechai said:

Actually no he does not. The minority is the whiners


Same minority that did not win with Hillary

Same minority that does not even win the Thailand survey on this forum

SURVEY: Do you want Trump to finish his first term?



Truth is the majority in the USA feel the dreamers can get in line like everyone else & legalize themselves or not their choice.

There is a process same as most if not all countries






A large majority of Americans supports maintaining the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, a new poll found.

The CBS News poll, released Sunday, shows 70 percent of Americans favor allowing those who benefit from the program, often known as “Dreamers,” to stay in the country. Congress has in recent days met to work on a long-term fix for the program.



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Doubling down on the insults but still no argument presented.  Also, linking to the (S)Hill?  lol

My argument is the vast majority of Americans do not want to deport the DACA people! Respect democracy.  


The Hill link refers directly to a scientific poll conducted by CBS News.


I do understand that many people holding extremist right wing white nationalist ideologies can't accept factual evidence that displeases them and label it fake news. But not liking facts does not make the facts fake.




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1 hour ago, meechai said:

Actually no he does not. The minority is the whiners


Same minority that did not win with Hillary

Same minority that does not even win the Thailand survey on this forum

SURVEY: Do you want Trump to finish his first term?



Truth is the majority in the USA feel the dreamers can get in line like everyone else & legalize themselves or not their choice.

There is a process same as most if not all countries


You're just making it up as you go.

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20 minutes ago, sukhumvitneon said:


Doubling down on the insults but still no argument presented.  Also, linking to the (S)Hill?  lol

What CBS "News'" meant to say was 1,515 of 2,164 people (allegedly) said they support DACA (allegedly).    They were all Americans (allegedly).   Margin for error 2.6%.  Apparently.


But CBS made a conscious decision to lead with, "Most Americans Support", and,  "A large majority of Americans". 


I use "allegedly" because any company or agency involved in this kind of blatant public opinion shaping and shameless, continuous attempts to influence the masses using their "trusted news" platform, can not be trusted.  Therefore anything they, or their hired pollsters, say, has no face value.

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