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London murder rate overtakes New York's


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3 hours ago, Happy enough said:

this is what the chairman of Haringeys independent stop and search monitoring group said "

"I think we need a curfew in place for those aged 21 and under between 9pm and 7am to get a grip of what's going on across the hotspot areas, particularly in north London - the high-crime areas where the murders are happening.

"We ought to have some sort of respite and think outside the box. So if you've not got a good reason to be on the street and you're just hanging around, you should be in your home. What happens is that big groups hang about on the street or in McDonald's intimidating people. The police can't do much; if they move them on they group just goes elsewhere"

Pity you couldn't get around to tell us the name of the person issuing the above words which you approve of. That would be Ken Hinds. Now I wonder why. No prizes.

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12 minutes ago, SheungWan said:

Pity you couldn't get around to tell us the name of the person issuing the above words which you approve of. That would be Ken Hinds. Now I wonder why. No prizes.

what are you talking about. who said i approve. i completely disagree with him. why should normal kids have to suffer because of all the scum and it would be impossible to enforce. was just sharing an opinion and didn't think his name was relevant. 

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Yes like most big cities London has problems. It's certainly not Tokyo levels of low crime rates, but still is safe and civilised for the most part. There is a lack of unity (much to the delight of elites) in the population, but that is to expected when incompatible cultures live together. You will hear a politician who lives in Kensington  talking about "lovely multicultural London" from time to time, like everyone lives harmoniously.


Reality: South Asians generally do not get on with blacks, Caribeans and Africans are far from friends generally, Eastern Europeans don't particularly like living around non-whites (but they usually plan to return home after saving some cash). Muslims, Jews... I could go on, but one thing is for sure, multiculturalism only works towards divide and conquer. Most of the population barely tolerate one another. It's only the 1984 styled CCTV system that stops a lot of potential mayhem.


Saying that I still feel safer there overall than in Thailand. Higher murder rates, slack law enforcement, lack of accountability at all levels and the daily road carnage speaks for itself. Oh and rabies is still a thing.

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11 hours ago, CG1 Blue said:

Drastic action / change is required now. Something radical. But you obviously don't agree, so let's leave it there.

False; never made such a statement. Keeping up to date...


35 people have been charged for murder offences occurring during 2018 




Farage is all mouth, no action - a waste of space

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10 hours ago, SheungWan said:

It would help if some people were able to read more than just the link headline ie the body of the article, but then that is probably asking too much when they are just wanting an excuse for a rant.

Of course its a rant,.  Have to say So What ? knife crime London?, generally same people committing/victim of it,as long as it stays sorta 'in house' let them get on with it,no racism,no favourtism

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  • "Relative to the population, the rates of prosecution for indictable offences for Black and Mixed ethnic groups were 4 and 2 times higher than for the White ethnic group."
  • "White defendants had the highest guilty plea rate for indictable offences at the Crown Court in 2016 at 71%. The guilty plea rate for all other ethnic groups ranged between 56% and 64%."

400 times 60% = 240

100 times 71% = 71


So Blacks are pleading guilty 3.5x more than whites.



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another 2 stabbed in Croydon yesterday and an arrest for the murder of the girl. black guy obviously. victims as yet unidentified and no arrests but being Croydon they'll be black for sure 

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On 4/2/2018 at 10:05 AM, bert bloggs said:

I was reading this and looking at the pictures of the people involved ,i could not help noticing that very few are what you would call "native British people " wonder if it has something to do with uncontroled immegration to my old country? sorry if i am not PC and do not wish to appear racist ,or any of the other things one gets accused of these days for daring to speak.

I just read this first quote again ,and i dont think i have ever seen so many in agreement with a post , to many people are afraid to speak out , its a shame ,but the truth sometimes hurts

32 likes , 7 thanks 1 ha ha and i sad.

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Just now, Happy enough said:

another 2 stabbed in Croydon yesterday and an arrest for the murder of the girl. black guy obviously. victims as yet unidentified but being Croydon they'll be black for sure


Again ,I cannot accept the white population is overly bothered about these crime stats, white flight is now the norm,just let them carry on regardless. Dianne Abbots cess pit is doing a magnificent job at segregation,not the fact I want it to expand,segregation is the way forward,not a multicultural land but a multicultural state

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1 minute ago, i claudius said:

Multiculturalism is just a dream , people do not mind mixing with other cultures in small numbers , its when you are swamped by hordes of people not the same as you is when problems arise isnt it? I know the usual lot will say that we are the same coming over here ,but to be honest on the whole we marry the locals and end up just becoming them with our kids . We dont form gangs and kill each other .

we have to prove we can work here to support ourselves or have enough money to look after ourselves and don't expect a free house, money, healthcare and education for the kids then abandon them on the streets to cause havoc either

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Official line coming from the capital is one of anguish,it should not be,  going through the motions of being horrified,especially from local politicians is natural reaction, Dianne Abbot must be mortified  lol,  but then again without being racist these people (victims/ perps) are just showing true colours.  Better white population stays well away,Id say encourage them hardware store on each and every corner

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4 hours ago, altcar bob said:

Official line coming from the capital is one of anguish,it should not be,  going through the motions of being horrified,especially from local politicians is natural reaction, Dianne Abbot must be mortified  lol,  but then again without being racist these people (victims/ perps) are just showing true colours.  Better white population stays well away,Id say encourage them hardware store on each and every corner

I'm not sure what this all has to do with Dianne Abbot, she's not a member of the government.


Theresa May however is the PM, and before that she was the Home Secretary. Perhaps you'd like to ask what her part in all this is.

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6 hours ago, superal said:

In my lifetime ( now 70 years ) I have seen the UK as one of the best countries in the world to live in drop down the league to that of a troublesome land . Most inner cities are riddled with crime much of which goes unreported to massage reported crime rates and police efficiency . It is almost impossible to avoid mentioning the state of the country whilst discussing the London murder rates . My surprise is why there has been little or no action from the British public to say enough is enough . The streets are not safe to walk at night and are not patrolled by police .

Cressida Dick ( Commissioner of the Met  Police ) says there is no crisis in London but has reacted by bringing in an extra 300 police on duty day and night to the worse effected areas . Reactive not proactive and where did she find those spare police , must have left a void somewhere ?  

I agree with your post but would go further and offer repatriation . What percentage of the London population do you think are  " white British  " ?   In 2011 it was 45% . 

Lastly I have to say that whenever I have discussed the immigration topic with Brits or other Europeans there is complete agreement across the board that it is out of control and with it comes a soaring crime rate . And yet when viewing 

"Question Time " on the BBC there are so many do--gooders and the real voice of the public is rarely heard .

It makes me feel sad reading your post, but like you, now in my 60s have to say this is now fact, I have seen better times and consider myself as had the best of it.


If my memory serves me well, superal, I can remember about 30 years ago the government offered West Indians, mainly Jamaicans, an all expenses fares paid including a few thousand pounds package to return to the West Indies, including those that were second generation in Britain. Most declined the offer knowing full well which side their bread was buttered and also Jamaica and other West Indian countries refused to take them, complaining that they don`t want Britain`s criminals and poor, considering that many first generation and second generation Jamaicans in Britain were heavily into drug gangs and drug dealing, that I very much doubt has changed today now with the third generations.   


I can remember when towns such as Brixton and Southall were white upper middle class areas before the flood gates opened and those towns were transformed into slum ghettos. It`s been similar in all the major cities in Britain. The East End of London was always regarded as the poor working class area of London, with many Irish and Jewish communities, but those communities behaved themselves and eventually moved on to become good, law abiding loyal British citizens. Visit there today and you will see it`s the pits, a crime ridden area of cultural enrichment.


It`s tragic that children were safer playing in the streets during the London blitz than they are today. The government and the police are trying to play this down, but their fooling nobody.


Sooner or later this will lead to civil unrest in Britain, not if, but when and hopefully it will be sooner than later.



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7 stabbings yesterday within the space of 90 minutes in London apparently. some videos too and guess what . . .  


The 90 minutes of carnage across London saw a man in his 20s stabbed in Walthamstow around lunchtime, before a 15-year-old was knifed on East India Dock Road at 5.30pm.

A 13-year-old boy was left fighting for his life after being stabbed in Newham at 6.57pm.

A man in his late teens was then attacked less than ten minutes later in Ealing Broadway - taking the grim total of victims to seven.

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21 minutes ago, Happy enough said:

7 stabbings yesterday within the space of 90 minutes in London apparently. some videos too and guess what . . .  


The 90 minutes of carnage across London saw a man in his 20s stabbed in Walthamstow around lunchtime, before a 15-year-old was knifed on East India Dock Road at 5.30pm.

A 13-year-old boy was left fighting for his life after being stabbed in Newham at 6.57pm.

A man in his late teens was then attacked less than ten minutes later in Ealing Broadway - taking the grim total of victims to seven.

Lucky the perpetrators didn't have guns

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6 minutes ago, StreetCowboy said:

Lucky the perpetrators didn't have guns

the amaann shakoor who got shot in the face in walthamstow also died yesterday, great over there ain't it

i was reading an interview with some ex copper, black guy who reckons it's mainly albanians bringing in the guns and drugs and it goes down the tree from there till it gets to these little scummy rats 

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It makes me feel sad reading your post, but like you, now in my 60s have to say this is now fact, I have seen better times and consider myself as had the best of it.
If my memory serves me well, superal, I can remember about 30 years ago the government offered West Indians, mainly Jamaicans, an all expenses fares paid including a few thousand pounds package to return to the West Indies, including those that were second generation in Britain. Most declined the offer knowing full well which side their bread was buttered and also Jamaica and other West Indian countries refused to take them, complaining that they don`t want Britain`s criminals and poor, considering that many first generation and second generation Jamaicans in Britain were heavily into drug gangs and drug dealing, that I very much doubt has changed today now with the third generations.   
I can remember when towns such as Brixton and Southall were white upper middle class areas before the flood gates opened and those towns were transformed into slum ghettos. It`s been similar in all the major cities in Britain. The East End of London was always regarded as the poor working class area of London, with many Irish and Jewish communities, but those communities behaved themselves and eventually moved on to become good, law abiding loyal British citizens. Visit there today and you will see it`s the pits, a crime ridden area of cultural enrichment.
It`s tragic that children were safer playing in the streets during the London blitz than they are today. The government and the police are trying to play this down, but their fooling nobody.
Sooner or later this will lead to civil unrest in Britain, not if, but when and hopefully it will be sooner than later.

When can you remember Brixton being a white upper middle class area??
Just curious as I worked there for many (happy) years.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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25 minutes ago, DILLIGAD said:

When can you remember Brixton being a white upper middle class area??
Just curious as I worked there for many (happy) years.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Try reading up the history of Brixton yourself if you`re curious. Google is your friend.

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19 minutes ago, i claudius said:

I saw the vid.not a white face to be seen.oh sorry thats not pc and very racist i know

Sent from my SM-A720F using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

look at some of the crap rapping threat videos. a lot down to that and something called 'scoring' they reckon where you get points for causing injuries to rival gangs. one video they have a cash machine counting out thousands of pounds. notice that it's a white hand in that clip they downloaded from somewhere else. these kids ain't gangstas making money they are just stupid little scummy rats making other people money and killing each other.

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