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Health care related work

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Hy ,

I'm a dutch physiotherapist and was wondering if there are possibilities to work in Thailand, such as work in Hospital, private practices or rehabcentres.

Any advice is more than welcome even if it's not concerning physioth. but (for example)other related health care work

Thanks Marcel

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Health work has been discussed here before, and I think it's possibel if you have exceptional skills. Have a look at this thread to start with:

Health work in Thailand

Althogh not listed as prohibited work, I think it can be hard to get work permit as a health worker:


There are certain restricted professions and occupations for which the Labor Department is prohibited from issuing a work permit to foreign nationals. Under Royal Decree B.E. 2522 (1979), an alien is unable to obtain a permit to work in the following occupations:

1. laboring

2. work in agriculture, animal breeding, forestry, fishing and farm supervision (excluding specialized skills for the branch, farm supervision or in the maritime fishing field)

3. masonry, carpentry or other construction work

4. wood carving

5. driving of motor vehicles or non-motorised carriers (except piloting international airplanes)

6. shop attendant and window salespeople

7. auctioneering

8. accountancy supervision, auditing or services in the accounting field (except occasional internal auditing)

9. gem cutting or polishing

10. hair cutting, hair dressing or beautician work

11. hand weaving

12. mat weaving or fabrication of wares from reed, rattan, kenaf, straw or bamboo pulp

13. manual fibre paper making

14. lacquerware making

15. Thai musical instrument fabrication

16. nielloware fabrication v 17. goldsmith, silversmith, or other precious metalwork

18. bronzeware fabrication

19. Thai doll making

20. mattress or padded blanket fabrication

21. alms bowl fabrication

22. manual silk product fabrication

23. Buddha image fabrication

24. knife making

25. paper or cloth umbrella fabrication

26. shoemaking

27. hat making

28. brokerage or agency work (except international business)

29. engineering work, civil engineering branch, which involves designing, drawing, calculation, organization, research, planning, testing, construction supervision or advisory work (except work requiring specialized skills)

30. architectural work involving designing, drawing or estimating as well as construction supervision or advisory work

31. dressmaking

32. pottery or ceramics

33. manual cigarette rolling

34. tourist guide or tour organizing agency

35. hawking business

36. Thai character typesetting

37. clerical or secretarial work

38. legal or litigation service.

The list of restricted occupations has been amended several times by Royal Decree, and an alien desiring to work in Thailand should periodically check if his or her occupation has been added to or removed from the above list. Aliens who perform work in these restricted occupations can be imprisoned up to five years and/or fined from 2,000 to 100,000 baht.

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