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Shinawatra siblings ‘should be ashamed’, says Prayut


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Just now, spidermike007 said:

No little man, you should feel ashamed every minute, of every day, for holding your country back, pilfering like a despot ruler, and appointing the least talented people you can find. 


Just like the little man in the US, this guy deflects, and creates false narratives, that have nothing to do with reality. He is living in an alternate universe, and the country is paying the price for that.

Another complete Biased post-----so everything is super under Thai democracy, even if it is lousy.  elections or not-----never will be democratic  if in ten more elections.

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5 minutes ago, ginjag said:

Hope so,  but even the army cannot control this so called mafia --it is entrenched with deep roots.....Even the minister knows it is too much of a problem.  Look at the everyday life of the police--a money making franchise.

In which case the army too need to be prosecuted for dereliction of duty given they are running the country. 

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1 minute ago, Eric Loh said:

Are there any honest clean fought election by your definition anywhere in a democratic country that you can name? The converse is not a coup but more elections so people can gain knowledge to seek the truth and feel empowered to elect a better government. 

Agreed SURE  IF the people are given the honest truth they can never vote with clear knowledge---here is the Thai problem---given impartial news  by army or elected government.    

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2 hours ago, GinBoy2 said:

I think they are well passed ‘verging'


It’s almost obsessional to the point of madness.


I like to think it’s just a case of the Shin’s actually found a way to manipulate the electorate to feather their own nests in a rather too transparent way.


The excepted rule was that you told the masses what to think then you and your ilk proceeded to milk the State.


Taksin decided that he would appeal to the masses with the tried and trusted method of western politics, bribe the populous with some giveaways...health care, roads, nothing that really bothered the BKK elite, while filling his own pockets.


The difference between the Shins and the rest, it’s not that they are any more corrupt than the rest, they are, it’s just that they had the temerity to actually buy the peoples love by actually doing something to help them


Thats why the established elite hate them with a passion

Excellent post. This is what basically happened. It was never done before, it's not been done since.

And it's why they remain so popular up here in the North and NE and are not forgotten.

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Just now, baboon said:

In which case the army too need to be prosecuted for dereliction of duty given they are running the country. 

Oh my god --so they should do the same do a runner for dereliction of duty    ha ha ha    same the Shin family---But a good idea  I agree with you.       Maybe G. Prem and Mark are the type of people who have a chance of good clean governing

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2 minutes ago, ginjag said:

Oh my god --so they should do the same do a runner for dereliction of duty    ha ha ha    same the Shin family---But a good idea  I agree with you.       Maybe G. Prem and Mark are the type of people who have a chance of good clean governing

They can even facilitate their exit in the same way they did Yingluck...

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1 minute ago, thaiguzzi said:

Excellent post. This is what basically happened. It was never done before, it's not been done since.

And it's why they remain so popular up here in the North and NE and are not forgotten.

Myth about the Issan farmer who believed Thaksin was brainwashed by him, near all the farmers promissed money was given to the millers and large estate land people, he controlled with bribes------and the RED village army, who were given uninterrupted passage through Issan down to Bangkok with the Thaksin police wearing blinkers---  NO EXCUSE for poor rule by the powers that be---but I would never take on the clean up of Thailand--it is too dangerous to try.

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2 minutes ago, baboon said:

They can even facilitate their exit in the same way they did Yingluck...

But difficult  not the same as a coward family-------wish they would, but the old saying---" Is there anybody there "   waiting to govern well  ??


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Just now, ginjag said:

Agreed SURE  IF the people are given the honest truth they can never vote with clear knowledge---here is the Thai problem---given impartial news  by army or elected government.    

Just yesterday a news director was forced to resign by soldiers acting on junta order because of his criticism of the regime. Seem even impartial news are even harder to come by during this junta government with criticism not allowed, threat of computer law, attitude adjustments. Prayut may not be kidding when he joke about beheading a soap actor for speaking out. To compare with elected government is a very poor attempt. 

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Just now, Eric Loh said:

Just yesterday a news director was forced to resign by soldiers acting on junta order because of his criticism of the regime. Seem even impartial news are even harder to come by during this junta government with criticism not allowed, threat of computer law, attitude adjustments. Prayut may not be kidding when he joke about beheading a soap actor for speaking out. To compare with elected government is a very poor attempt. 

Just the same story--remember Thai Rak Thai,  national newspaper of Thaksin  ??  remember the Thai TV with main channels controlled by him  ??    We have to recognise the bad in both not have an agenda one sided.     This army situ is not ideal at all,  but nothing out there more clean to step in.

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9 minutes ago, ginjag said:

Myth about the Issan farmer who believed Thaksin was brainwashed by him, near all the farmers promissed money was given to the millers and large estate land people, he controlled with bribes------and the RED village army, who were given uninterrupted passage through Issan down to Bangkok with the Thaksin police wearing blinkers---  NO EXCUSE for poor rule by the powers that be---but I would never take on the clean up of Thailand--it is too dangerous to try.


I know you have an intense vitriolic dislike for all things Mr T and Mrs Y.

Haters gotta hate...

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Just now, thaiguzzi said:


I know you have an intense vitriolic dislike for all things Mr T and Mrs Y.

Haters gotta hate...

Not Hate,      your agenda wants to show that, being impartial is important to look at both situations,     I see the bad on BOTH  sides unlike your agenda, it is not an impartial post.

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8 minutes ago, ginjag said:

But difficult  not the same as a coward family-------wish they would, but the old saying---" Is there anybody there "   waiting to govern well  ??


Again: "Governing well" is a subjective concept in any diverse society.

Yes there are women and men of substance out there, but under the 20 year plan any government would have about as much authority as a parish council. Why would they bother?

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17 minutes ago, ginjag said:

Another complete Biased post-----so everything is super under Thai democracy, even if it is lousy.  elections or not-----never will be democratic  if in ten more elections.

Ginjag the coup's number one pumper is back on his one man mission to justify military rule with dozens of posts in this thread already,


I also lived in Issan during those years, it is never mentioned in these debates that the "Dems" have financial backers that dwarf Thaksin's fortune and the cash reward they offered my household was more than DOUBLE what trt ever did..


Democracy is not perfect but there is absolutely no doubt that in a clean vote ex-trt would win by a landslide

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1 hour ago, wazzupnow said:

would have to be poor people only, rich thais are not capable of honesty

As this is Thailand, how long would the poor stay poor -- a very open and rhetorical question.

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12 minutes ago, ginjag said:

Just the same story--remember Thai Rak Thai,  national newspaper of Thaksin  ??  remember the Thai TV with main channels controlled by him  ??    We have to recognise the bad in both not have an agenda one sided.     This army situ is not ideal at all,  but nothing out there more clean to step in.

Thaksin intimidate the media was wrong. Still media freedom was very much better than current draconian restrictions and intimidation. I remember the Nation which was known for its attack on Thaksin displayed a front-page cartoon that portrayed Thaksin with a Hilter-like mustache. Can you imagine any newspaper doing that with Prayut? 

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4 minutes ago, Get Real said:

I guess you are well aware of that the link doesn´t work. In reality that is totally irrelevant. You do know that it is only Sethep that has been stating this as something that he sees as a fact?
Do you also know that the man is a media addicted person that would say anything to have a headline or be in the news?

Please do not dig yourself lower regarding credibility than you already managed to do. It will result in that you will need to hire a crane to lift you up again. :cheesy:

The link does work so you should check your browser settings.

Funny (and a little sad) how a person like yourself claim other people have a credibility problem. ""There are none so blind as those who will not see."

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8 minutes ago, Get Real said:

I guess you are well aware of that the link doesn´t work. In reality that is totally irrelevant. You do know that it is only Sethep that has been stating this as something that he sees as a fact?
Do you also know that the man is a media addicted person that would say anything to have a headline or be in the news?

Please do not dig yourself lower regarding credibility than you already managed to do. It will result in that you will need to hire a crane to lift you up again. :cheesy:

Who is Sethep? You defending someone the name you couldn't even get right. Pretty hilarious. 

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10 minutes ago, crazykopite said:

I will keep my thoughts to myself Big Daddy is Watching !!!!!!! ?

Nobody is watching, or cares at any rate. Do you think if they gave a crap about what we have to say, the likes of JAG Eligius and myself wouldn't have been taken care of long ago?

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3 minutes ago, Eric Loh said:

Thaksin intimidate the media was wrong. Still media freedom was very much better than current draconian restrictions and intimidation. I remember the Nation which was known for its attack on Thaksin displayed a front-page cartoon that portrayed Thaksin with a Hilter-like mustache. Can you imagine any newspaper doing that with Prayut? 

It is done on Thai Visa in many ways every day,    Google Thai rak Tai  about their 1000 % bias,  works both ways if you can accept it   ??

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1 minute ago, Eric Loh said:

Who is Sethep? You defending someone the name you couldn't even get right. Pretty hilarious. 

Side stepping the post a trick used world wide   UK Tory--US CNN--UK BBC.

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3 minutes ago, baboon said:

Nobody is watching, or cares at any rate. Do you think if they gave a crap about what we have to say, the likes of JAG Eligius and myself wouldn't have been taken care of long ago?

OH so goodbye to the impartiality ??    

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1 minute ago, ginjag said:

It is done on Thai Visa in many ways every day,    Google Thai rak Tai  about their 1000 % bias,  works both ways if you can accept it   ??

Comparing a major Thai newspaper and a low key English forum !!! Running out of excuses refuting and taking the cheap option. 

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8 hours ago, sjaak327 said:

I am quite surprised he dares talking about lawbreakers. He himself is quite clearly and with indisputable evidence a lawbreaker, one that enjoys an amnesty for his crimes, because "I am the law, I can do whatever" or words to that effect. 


I can honestly say that he should be far more ashamed than the Shinawatra sibblings. 


At least his incompetent agents now know where Yingluck is :)

What a joke- just as much as the defamation law. Thailand will never inch its way out of 3rd world notoriety as long as the Junta continues to use its idiotic tactics and violations of human rights.

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13 minutes ago, firestar said:

The "media adicted" person was the dems deputy prime minister... you are aware of that?


And you didn't seem to mind his "credibility" when he was doing the ground work for what happened next did you..




Guess you got me there???? What?? Never seen him like a person with credibility. Doesn´t matter whos deputy he was. Just seen him as a person stirring up problem all the time, and appearently getting away with it.

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8 minutes ago, Eric Loh said:

Comparing a major Thai newspaper and a low key English forum !!! Running out of excuses refuting and taking the cheap option. 

FORGOT to answer to the Tai Rak Thai bit  ???   shows your bias........Talking impartiality to you is like peeing against head wind,      both factions are not good but I admit that you love to leave out the Thaksin part and always resort to elections and democracy and a corrupt Junta.   amazing

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Just now, ginjag said:

FORGOT to answer to the Tai Rak Thai bit  ???   shows your bias........Talking impartiality to you is like peeing against head wind,      both factions are not good but I admit that you love to leave out the Thaksin part and always resort to elections and democracy and a corrupt Junta.   amazing

Let's end this argument by referring to the Global Freedom Index. Like I said before, Thaksin did intimidate the media but the media was still able to exercise a degree of autonomy. The Global Freedom Index ranked Thailand at 82 in 2003. The rank in 2017 is 142. End of discussion. 

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4 minutes ago, Eric Loh said:

Let's end this argument by referring to the Global Freedom Index. Like I said before, Thaksin did intimidate the media but the media was still able to exercise a degree of autonomy. The Global Freedom Index ranked Thailand at 82 in 2003. The rank in 2017 is 142. End of discussion. 

And the BBC---CNN.......Global freedom   ha ha ha   example,   who compiles the index   G Soros  ??   ha ha   Global elite lefties ??  Quote " the media was still able to  ' ???   Well  speaks volumes,   same the army now, little opposition.

Edited by ginjag
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