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Video: Terrible driving as one car driver causes damage to five in Chonburi


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Another disregard for safety of some drivers who think “I drive fast because I can and I don’t care how is the traffic around me”. Also, the driver of Honda Civic didn’t make sure the illegal manouver was safe, just cutting like that through the traffic.


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18 hours ago, darksidedog said:

Hmmm! To my mind this accident was totally avoidable and is caused by the truck coming down the road way too fast. He can see from some way back that cars are moving across to the U Turn lane, but carries on without slowing down at all.

Yeah I've noticed the same thing time and time again they just don't seem to want to avoid the collision. Big truck vs little car I win...might has right away so your gonna pay. 

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21 hours ago, darksidedog said:

Hmmm! To my mind this accident was totally avoidable and is caused by the truck coming down the road way too fast. He can see from some way back that cars are moving across to the U Turn lane, but carries on without slowing down at all.

Not soley responsible but a major (99%) contributor.

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23 hours ago, cornishcarlos said:

Mr "cut across last minute" and Mr "I can drive faster than you while not paying attention" are both responsible for this accident...

Just another example of the lack of driver training, compounded by the lack of any enforcement or deterrents !!!

It will be a couple of decades, if ever, that Thailand manages to see any significant reduction in road deaths...

Tom Jones syndrome.

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On 4.4.2018 at 10:31 AM, Maverell said:

I can never understand why drivers faced with missing a turn just do not safely carry straight on and turn around at the next opportunity and go back  instead of carving up other road users. Not just in Thailand !


At least in BKK there are some u-turns, if you miss them you have to drive several kilometers before the next comes, and at the wrong time, and thus getting stuck in traffic, that means you need 30 minutes or more for this.

But of course that's no reason to risk an accident like in the video.

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On 04/04/2018 at 8:32 AM, darksidedog said:

Hmmm! To my mind this accident was totally avoidable and is caused by the truck coming down the road way too fast. He can see from some way back that cars are moving across to the U Turn lane, but carries on without slowing down at all.


Yeah, that always gets me. They are masters of playing chicken.


Their ability to not slow down even in the face of danger is remarkable.



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