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At U.N. nerve agent attack meeting, Russia tells Britain - 'You'll be sorry'


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15 hours ago, webfact said:

"We believe that the UK's actions stand up to any scrutiny,"

"A Russian military research base has been identified as the source of the nerve agent used at Salisbury in a British intelligence briefing for its allies, The Times has learnt.

It was used to persuade world leaders that Moscow was behind the poisoning and said that the novichok chemical was manufactured at the Shikhany facility in southwest Russia." (500 miles from Moscow)



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5 hours ago, Khun Han said:


I wasn't the one who brought Alexander Litvinenko into this debate.


Anyone interested in this (Morch just wants it to go away, along with anything else which doesn't fit his narrative) simply has to google "litvinenko father".

I didn't watch the video, but came across this article that I assume covers the key elements:



Litvinenko's father says his son was a traitor who deserved to die, and that he regrets blaming Putin at first.  Note that doesn't mean he believes Putin is innocent, just that he regrets blaming him.  He's under duress or a pro-Putin fanatic, so either way not a credible source.  Nor does being the victim's father mean he's in the know.



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1 hour ago, stevenl said:

Hmm, no. Russia Today is not exactly an unbiased source, and stories like this on there should simply be ignored.


Walter Litvinenko's own words are just about as reliable a source one will get about what Walter Litvinenko thinks.

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2 minutes ago, ChidlomDweller said:

I didn't watch the video, but came across this article that I assume covers the key elements:



Litvinenko's father says his son was a traitor who deserved to die, and that he regrets blaming Putin at first.  Note that doesn't mean he believes Putin is innocent, just that he regrets blaming him.  He's under duress or a pro-Putin fanatic, so either way not a credible source.  Nor does being the victim's father mean he's in the know.




He named who he thinks is his son's killer. That person is a Russian exile not connected to to the Russian regime. The Litvinenko family have been trying for years, unsuccessfully, to get answers from the British authorities about events surrounding Alexander's death, and are wholly unsatisfied with the official enquiry into it. There are plenty of deconstructions of the enquiry summing-up available to read online, including one by a prominent UK lawyer.

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if interested, a portion of the ambassador's 30-minute speech with the scary threat is here on the express website.  it's a short one-minute dubbed video, the spooky part at 0:17.  i cannot vouch for the translation.



Russia’s CHILLING threat: UK is ‘playing with fire’ and will be ‘sorry’




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1 hour ago, Srikcir said:

"A Russian military research base has been identified as the source of the nerve agent used at Salisbury in a British intelligence briefing for its allies, The Times has learnt.

It was used to persuade world leaders that Moscow was behind the poisoning and said that the novichok chemical was manufactured at the Shikhany facility in southwest Russia." (500 miles from Moscow)



This research base as been common knowledge , and I would assume was included when the OPCW independently verified that Russia had destroyed and decommissioned their Chemical Warfare capabalities

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1 minute ago, ChouDoufu said:

if interested, a portion of the ambassador's 30-minute speech with the scary threat is here on the express website.  it's a short one-minute dubbed video, the spooky part at 0:17.  i cannot vouch for the translation.



Russia’s CHILLING threat: UK is ‘playing with fire’ and will be ‘sorry’




The translation is not accurate but a bit of journalistic licence. 

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1 hour ago, Srikcir said:

"A Russian military research base has been identified as the source of the nerve agent used at Salisbury in a British intelligence briefing for its allies, The Times has learnt.

It was used to persuade world leaders that Moscow was behind the poisoning and said that the novichok chemical was manufactured at the Shikhany facility in southwest Russia." (500 miles from Moscow)




Sorry, I can't read the full article. Does it state that Porton Down has confirmed this through tests? That would be a complete about-face from the Sky News interview a couple of days ago. Or is it another 'probably' based on 'evidence' which won't get released?

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33 minutes ago, Khun Han said:


Walter Litvinenko's own words are just about as reliable a source one will get about what Walter Litvinenko thinks.


He gazed up at the enormous face. Forty years it had taken him to learn what kind of smile was hidden beneath the dark moustache. cruel, needless misunderstanding! O stubborn, self-willed exile from the loving breast! Two gin-scented tears trickled down the sides of his nose. But it was all right, everything was all right, the struggle was finished. He had won the victory over himself.

Edited by Slip
improved readability
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i'm still having trouble with the effects of this novachok stuff, allegedly 5-8x more lethal than vx, which is like, really bad.  the policeman was quickly released, yulia is up and speaking, and now the old man is recovering rapidly, no longer in critical condition.


never made sense they would both touch the door handle, both mosey around town for four hours, both (young lady, old man) be affected at exactly the same moment. 


i keep thinking "she turned me into a newt!....but i got better!"

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1 hour ago, Srikcir said:

"A Russian military research base has been identified as the source of the nerve agent used at Salisbury in a British intelligence briefing for its allies, The Times has learnt.

It was used to persuade world leaders that Moscow was behind the poisoning and said that the novichok chemical was manufactured at the Shikhany facility in southwest Russia." (500 miles from Moscow)




Just wait a liitle longer and the UK will tell you what color shirt the chemist was wearing when he developed nerve agent.


Shouldn't actually be too difficult , because the stuff used was developed in the UK.

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8 hours ago, Morch said:


Denying it was Novichok is the new Russia/fringe left talking point now?



Think for yourself, novichok declared one of the deadliest nerve agents ever produced and 99% fatal, but a few weeks after the attack the victims that should be dead are actually partying in high street.

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13 minutes ago, ChouDoufu said:

i'm still having trouble with the effects of this novachok stuff, allegedly 5-8x more lethal than vx, which is like, really bad.  the policeman was quickly released, yulia is up and speaking, and now the old man is recovering rapidly, no longer in critical condition.


never made sense they would both touch the door handle, both mosey around town for four hours, both (young lady, old man) be affected at exactly the same moment. 


i keep thinking "she turned me into a newt!....but i got better!"

How about the police officers who were stationed unprotected literally next to the source of this deadly nerve agent on the door in the following days?

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7 hours ago, Thaidream said:

There is ample evidence out there that the Russians go after defectors anywhere in the World in an attempt to silence them permanently.

-There are plenty of reports that Putin within Russia trumps up legal cases and attempts to imprison his potential rivals

- It is a known fact that the Russians have interfered massively in the Us election process and may have even altered the result.


You could as well switch the word Russia with US and Russians with Americans, and have the same credibility.

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24 minutes ago, janclaes47 said:


Think for yourself, novichok declared one of the deadliest nerve agents ever produced and 99% fatal, but a few weeks after the attack the victims that should be dead are actually partying in high street.

You are the guy who likes to demand evidence but now you are just making stuff up.

Evidence required please to support your assertions that:


1. Novichok is 99% fatal.

2. The victims are partying - or even back to normal health.

Edited by chickenslegs
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28 minutes ago, Slip said:

How about the police officers who were stationed unprotected literally next to the source of this deadly nerve agent on the door in the following days?


There are plenty of photos of police and army standing unprotected around people wearing hazmat suits near the infamous bench, etc. Why weren't the hazmat wearers completely isolated?

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4 minutes ago, chickenslegs said:

You are the guy who likes to demand evidence but now you are just making stuff up.

Evidence required please to support your assertions that:


1. Novichok is 99% fatal.

2. The victims are partying - or even back to normal health.


Only a pedant would not understand that this a play of words, and was used to contradict the false rumours the UK government has been spreading. False rumours, something the UK government is renowned for since decades.


1. Novichok ranks among world’s deadliest chemical weapons



2.  However it was stated many times in the statements done by the UK government, that the victims had little chance of surviving, the policeman recovered pretty quickly and now the daughter has also recovered and actually stated the following


Asked about her father's health, Yulia was cited as saying: "Everything is fine, he is resting right now, sleeping ... nobody has any problems that can't be put right."



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1 minute ago, janclaes47 said:


Only a pedant would not understand that this a play of words, and was used to contradict the false rumours the UK government has been spreading. False rumours, something the UK government is renowned for since decades.


1. Novichok ranks among world’s deadliest chemical weapons



2.  However it was stated many times in the statements done by the UK government, that the victims had little chance of surviving, the policeman recovered pretty quickly and now the daughter has also recovered and actually stated the following


Asked about her father's health, Yulia was cited as saying: "Everything is fine, he is resting right now, sleeping ... nobody has any problems that can't be put right."




Been confirmed by the hospital that Sergei is recovering too :thumbsup:.

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6 minutes ago, Khun Han said:


There are plenty of photos of police and army standing unprotected around people wearing hazmat suits near the infamous bench, etc. Why weren't the hazmat wearers completely isolated?

Quite so. Why did they send special hazmat equipment to pick up vehicles and  such, but leave poor old plod and squaddies at the source of the contamination without protection.   And why haven't they fallen  ill? 

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2 minutes ago, Slip said:

Quite so. Why did they send special hazmat equipment to pick up vehicles and  such, but leave poor old plod and squaddies at the source of the contamination without protection.   And why haven't they fallen  ill? 

 A page from the British conspiracy theory fact file.



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12 minutes ago, Slip said:

Quite so. Why did they send special hazmat equipment to pick up vehicles and  such, but leave poor old plod and squaddies at the source of the contamination without protection.   And why haven't they fallen  ill? 


There should be an awful lot of people who have fallen ill, including staff in the pub and restaurant that Sergei and Yulia spent time in, and the first responders including a doctor who apparently did all the things a doctor would would do when attending to people in such obvious physical distress.


But the hazmat suits looked great in the MSM reports.

Edited by Khun Han
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5 minutes ago, ChouDoufu said:

it was probably the heavy rain at 4am on march 04, 14mm measured at mod boscombe down, that diluted the nerve agent.


Why didn't it wash it off the outside door handle of Sergei's house then?

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that is a very good question.  also would ask why both needed to handle the outside doorknob when leaving, and why not wearing gloves?  not freezing, but temp range that day following heavy rain was 2-9 degrees C.

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So many knickers of the British Govenment.  Russia under Putin has been violating many countries Airspace. This is the third murder of a person by states know or unknown on British soil. Then there is the Ukrain. A passenger plane was shot down by Russia. Incidentally the British Govenment was the first Country to come out right and say Yes it was Russia who did this. Many said it was to hasty in making that statement. Later information came out to prove Britain right.lets just see what evolves. Putin has always envied Britain for ruling  a Third of the world by this so called little island. Little Island his words.Russia has had its day just like Britain. Spain Italy, Holland Belgium. America is on the wain. The next world powers will be India China. Russia should move on and except they are a spent power. 

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13 hours ago, Khun Han said:


As usual you sidestep. Presenting bald fact is not 'spin' The RT interview is available on youtube, where Walter discusses his son's murder amicably with Andrei Lugovoi, the man the UK accused of Alexander's murder. Russian-speakers watching this video can confirm the facts. Morch will continue to deflect because this truth doesn't fit his narrative.


Sidestepping how? What the dad believes is what he believes. Not a factual account, and not necessarily correct. RT is owned by the Russian government, and is not in the habit of criticizing or airing negative stories about the regime. In other words, state propaganda. Wouldn't know that it got anything to do with "truth". The deflection is more to do with denying pretty much any Russian wrongdoing. Try harder.

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12 hours ago, Khun Han said:


Walter Litvinenko's own words are just about as reliable a source one will get about what Walter Litvinenko thinks.


It's an RT interview. Reliable got little to do with it. And even if it was genuine, it wouldn't automatically make it correct.

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