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Any Tips On How To Find "research Assistants" In Bkk And Surrounding Areas?


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Hi all,

I will be travelling to Thailand in a few weeks to start my dissertation work on the Thai textile industry. It would be really helpful to have some Thai students (or possibly non-students) help me to call textile makers and sellers and accompany me when I meet with them. I have a budget to pay them, but haven't yet figured out where to meet reliable assistants. Does anyone have any ideas on where I can begin? If this is a busy time for students, are there any firms (or other people) who I should contact for help with this?

Thanks very much in advance....

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He should have just got his assistant to research the matter.

How can he, he is looking for them . . . :o Aside from the quotation marks, why is the word 'Assistant' capitalised?

poor guy . . .being ripped to shreds.

All spelling/typo mistakes I'm afraid - brought about by too much work.

Anyway, thanks for the link to that directory of universities. Unfortunately, I do not speak Thai and really can't figure out how to navigate to the boards/forums. Can anyone give me any pointers or post the links to some of the boards so that I may post there and look for help?

Again, all of your help is much appreciated - and if anyone has any more tips on where or how to find some research assistants then please feel free to post or send me a message.


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You might be best posting this in the Teaching in Thailand forum (or maybe the mods will move it).

Teachers will know who the good students are and some of them might already be experienced at researching for Farang's

Thanks again - that sounds like a good idea. Do you think the moderators would mind if I posted this question in that forum?

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It has been more than ten years since I did my field research here so some of my advise might be outdated. At that time you needed to get approval from the National Research Council to conduct dissertation research. If the topic is not controversial that is not a problem. That approval can be mentioned in any letters you send out. It is also important that you have some relationship with a local college or university. That fact too can be mentioned in any letters. If you just send out letters on your own without identifying any connections to local schools, NRC approval, etc. your response rate will probably be pretty poor. If you have a local affiliation you can then tap them for assistants. Your school should have made you aware of these and other issues. Perhaps they did not have any faculty with SEA or Thai experience? You might want to visit the NRC, which I believe is located in Bangkhen.

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Seeing as you are doing some good for students, why should the benevolent mods mind?! Post it, I say.
I was pretty benevolent, but lucidwave didn't get as good a reception there, as he has here. It seems vague. I closed the thread after he'd gotten about as much help as he's going to get.

Thanks for all your comments.

Edit: lucidwave prefers for this to be open in the teaching forum, which is:


Since one topic can only be in one forum, this one in General Topics is closed. Thank you.

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