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I am looking for a drawing ointment for a Bartholin’s abscess/cyst. I want to try to draw it out myself before going to a doctor. I got one when I was 14 and used a drawing ointment called 8-Trek, but haven't been able to find anything similar and pharmacists don't seem to understand the term "Drawing Ointment". Any recommendations on the name of a cream or ointment would be greatly appreciated.


Most black salve drawing salves/ointments contain Ichthammol.


Perhaps rather than trying to explain the concept to a Thai pharmacist why don't you try to show them some pictures... try Google images.


Black drawing salve contains ichthammol, a derivative of shale that has been successfully used as a skin-drawing agent for over a hundred years. Although black salve smells bad, it does its work quickly and effectively. This salve contains a mixture of 10 to 20 percent ichthammol and herbs such as calendula, Echinacea and others in a base of beeswax and Vitamin E or olive oil. After using a hot salt water or herbal compress as described above, dry the skin thoroughly and apply black drawing salve to the boil. Cover with a bandage, since black drawing salve stains clothing. Repeat as necessary. The boil should come to a head within 24 hours and drain on its own or drain with minimal fuss.


Reference Source

Taoism: shit happens

Buddhism: if shit happens, it isn't really shit

Islam: if shit happens, it is the will of Allah

Catholicism: if shit happens, you deserve it

Judaism: why does this shit always happen to us?

Atheism: I don't believe this shit


Thank you for your reply. I have been showing  pharmacists photos of the black salve as well as photos of tubes of Ichthammol but no luck. I've been to 6 pharmacies now including Boots and Watsons. So I am now going the tea tree oil and hot compress route.

2 hours ago, natalieee said:

Thank you for your reply. I have been showing  pharmacists photos of the black salve as well as photos of tubes of Ichthammol but no luck. I've been to 6 pharmacies now including Boots and Watsons. So I am now going the tea tree oil and hot compress route.

I have been told by my gf who used to work in a pharmacy that they have something similar but the ingredient Ichthammol did not ring a bell for her. She said there was something you would have to head up friction or otherwise and then put on it. Sorry I cant be more helpful. 


Afraid I don't know either but a homemade poultice of corn starch may also work.


Hot soaks will help too


If the cyst is infected though, it needs antibiotics and possibly drainage, not self-treatrment. Uninfected no problem.

  • 9 months later...

There is a salve called smile’s prid salve that many use for bartholin cysts. I found it at Walgreens, but I know certain Walmart’s and cvs’s also carry it; you can order it online as well. It comes in an small round orange canister in an orange box. It contains ichthammol, echinacea, silicea, and other ingredients that helps draw out boils, blisters, acne, splinters, etc. Hope this helps! I know I’m a bit late, but I just discovered this stuff two days ago, so I made an account to let you know about it as well ???? 


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