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Huge cache of "war weapons" found as toy trader faces 10 years in jail for water guns!


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4 hours ago, Cadbury said:

Lethal water pistols, dartboards, connect 4.......what's next on the RTP hit list. Tiddlywinks and pick-up-sticks?

I am sure this "misunderstanding" can be sorted with an appropriate donation to the Policeman's Ball. 

The icecream with the name "Bam Bam" might be next bcoz that's a sexistic name and is sold to underaged as well ?

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9 minutes ago, electric said:

I wonder how many cops will go home tonight and seriously tell their kids to throw the water pistols in the bin ?


On open display at many Chinese "sell everything" junk emporiums are slingshots.



Never seen mozzy repelent rings used as ear rings before. Up until a couple of hours ago I thought I had seen it all over here.

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4 hours ago, cyberfarang said:

I wouldn`t want to be on the receiving end of one of those high powered water guns if on my motorbike. Those water guns are capable of causing serious damage or blinding someone if aimed directly at the eyes. Glad the police are getting them off the streets.

Wear goggles during Songkran !  ;)
And your helmet! Roads might be slippery...

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5 hours ago, darksidedog said:

Oh My God! I am utterly stunned that the BIB have so little to do, that they thought this worthwhile.

With probably a couple of million of them being sold around the country in the next week, what made these 192 so special?

When I thought I couldn't be totally amazed at anything here, once again, I have been proven wrong.

...they have to practice on the plastic ones first... then when confident go for the real ones.

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oww please when are we going to have normal people in charge here 

the country is turning into a laughing stock all over the world


i have no talent

i have nos skills

my brain is the size of a peanut

give me an uniform so i do not starve 

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5 hours ago, Wilsonandson said:

Every 7/11 sells these water pistols!

Anyone check out the one's @  (BigC) Tesco......... 10 years?? This is what a drunk driver gets, recklessness causing death is subject to a maximum jail term of 10 years but does not come with a minimum prison sentence, meaning an offender can walk away doing just community service.


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2 hours ago, nahkit said:

My grandson still has his water pistol from last year, will the police be organising an amnesty so he can go round and hand it in? Of course, he'll have to turn up with his mother as at 5 years old he's not quite old enough to ride a motorcycle.

Hide it for another 3 years.
Then he can ride to the police station alone  ;) (in the afternoon even without mom's helmet)

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In Australia, these water pistols would probably be banned because the plastic was carcenogenic, or there are too many little bits that kids can swallow, or the instructions are in Chinese only, or there is no left hand version available, or 1 in every million has a faulty trigger, or some bylaw that prohibits more than 1 litre of storage capacity etc etc ..... (yes, this sort of BS really happens in Oz)


but here in LOS, they work too well. Get'em off the streets.

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These people never cease to amaze me!!! When are they going to get round to sorting out serious crime! Beat someone up and make a few wai's ok you can go free, buy some water guns get 10 years in prison and a million baht fine ???? 


Edited by dave moir
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Gross stupidity is alive and well in the kingdom. :post-4641-1156693976:


Road trauma, numbers in the thousands but NO ONE speaks of 1,000,000baht fines or 10 years jail.


Incompetence at its best!  The 'big cheese' should be singing about failure.

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Words fail me at the illogical and idiotic seizure of TOYS because that is what they are, unless the Police are afraid of them .....................lol

International world take note. The RTP think these are War GUNS .................Amazing Thailand Indeed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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6 hours ago, canuckamuck said:

The international media will love this. War weapons???

Welcome to planet Thailand.

Welcome to the world of understanding the written form of the English language.


The article did not say that they were war weapons, the obviously tongue-in-cheek headline (and the entire article) put the words in inverted commas indicating that they were not actually being referred to as war weapons.  The international media will have no problem understanding what the article was saying.  

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I feel real sorry for this business lady that probably did what she had done a number of years, imported and distributed these, now dangerous, water guns, and suddenly face a fine, and possible time behind bars...:crying:

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