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Chiang Mai Property Companies...


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My friend and his Thai wife are looking for some land around Chiang Mai area. 

They want to use a Property Company.

If i "Google" around, i can find a couple of Property Companies in  Chiang Mai....all of them are serious?




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A soon as they start looking - people, friends, & want to be new best friends will materialise out of thin air with every conceivable type of special (wink wink, nod, nod) deal structure & pricing.....

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1 hour ago, Thailand said:

A quick search for Chiangmai property revealed some 20 plus property companies. That said from past experience most of them are useless.

Your friends should narrow down their from "around ChiangMai area" to areas they key want to live  and simply drive around those areas, much more likely to find what they want.


Sounds like the friends do not already live in Chiangmai.   Definitely helps to know what the differences are in each area.  Also "some land" is rather vague :   small plot for a house or large number of rai.  AND, buying

without knowing what is around you .be it neighbors or  plans for adjacent land are common pitfalls.

just sayin.......

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Lots of flood zones to be aware of...Other areas suffer from water cut offs many times a week....

We found networking among local Thais is more forthright & lower prices than working with any farang agent/business....


Just by looking we found an active network of local people that do realty  related work - many in each moo baan.....


We roamed around areas calling on posted signs & pretty fast we had about 5 or 6 networking in our behalf....


People should probably live around CM for about a year before considering places, build qualities (important), ammenties, traffic, services, noise, schools, etc....


Dashing newbie head long is not a smart idea.....


Especially if being goaded by an eager wife/partner....

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1 hour ago, BobBKK said:

Perfect Homes is about the best of a bad bunch.

Some people here keep pushing Perfect Homes, but I found them to be useless. I posted my experience here too, if you want to search for it.

Instead I used Chiang Mai Properties - twice - and found them to be helpful and quite professional. They are also the largest in Chiang Mai.

There are probably other good agencies too, so you might find someone if you prefer a smaller outfit.

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1 hour ago, Wandr said:

Some people here keep pushing Perfect Homes, but I found them to be useless. I posted my experience here too, if you want to search for it.

Instead I used Chiang Mai Properties - twice - and found them to be helpful and quite professional. They are also the largest in Chiang Mai.

There are probably other good agencies too, so you might find someone if you prefer a smaller outfit.

I've got to say that my experience from having used both is absolutely the opposite of yours.


To the OP:   There is no substitute for renting a condo for 6 months or so and getting to know more about the areas of interest.  Your question is not really detailed enough for anyone here to give a more useful response.



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1 hour ago, Wandr said:

Some people here keep pushing Perfect Homes, but I found them to be useless. I posted my experience here too, if you want to search for it.

Instead I used Chiang Mai Properties - twice - and found them to be helpful and quite professional. They are also the largest in Chiang Mai.

There are probably other good agencies too, so you might find someone if you prefer a smaller outfit.

My friend wanted to sell some land in quite a prime position and I asked two agents to contact her, one of which was PH. Took a week for them to contact my friend and that was after prompting. 2 more weeks before they went to check out the land and my friend is still waiting for their price recommendation etc, so basically no progress. 

The other agent, equally well known in Chiangmai and mentioned above, also after promting, never even bothered to contact her.

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2 hours ago, Wandr said:

Some people here keep pushing Perfect Homes, but I found them to be useless. I posted my experience here too, if you want to search for it.

Instead I used Chiang Mai Properties - twice - and found them to be helpful and quite professional. They are also the largest in Chiang Mai.

There are probably other good agencies too, so you might find someone if you prefer a smaller outfit.

I used Chiang Mai Properties a few times and do not share the same opinion as you. It used to be better before it split into two parts. Conversely I found Perfect Homes to be by far the best in Chiang Mai but it's all about personal experience of course.

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Thank @all. 

Well, my friend his wife she is not original from Northern. They don´t know anybody over there. That´s a Problem.


"Perfect Homes", from what i see from the Homepage they don´t have much Land in Stock. And that Land in Stock it´s start from 1,8 MIO THB. That´s really heavy.


If i ask Google about Property Companies in CM, it Display such Companies like "Chiang Mai Properties", "Doi Saket Properties" (they have twice Branches...one have a Homepage...and one have Properties on Bahtsold.com?), "Mae Rim Properties", "Ping Properties". I know none of them. That´s why i asked in here about experience.




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Doi Saket Properties, while I have never used them, have an excellent reputation around here. Owned by a British guy and his wife.

Active in the local community, know to give a helping hand to local people in need, schools, etc.

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2 hours ago, canthai55 said:

Doi Saket Properties, while I have never used them, have an excellent reputation around here. Owned by a British guy and his wife.

Active in the local community, know to give a helping hand to local people in need, schools, etc.

Yes I have used them and second this. Great people but Doi Saket/San Sai only (which, by the way, is the best place to live in Chiang Mai by far).

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